RR Circa 1910 1913
A view of 1st street, south, and the playing fields on the east side from a window in the
Alexandra School c 1913 showing as far as the old White School. The river is in the
The north half of 1st street, from the White school to beyond the Catholic Church. Notice
there is no street on the south side of the school, just a boardwalk.
The White school, close up, as a home I guess. I was never in the upper floors and have no
idea of who were the original owners or if it was just a home.
Close up of the Catholic Church showing St. James Anglican Church and the upper part of
town, circa 1911.
The main street of RR 1910 as the new Town Hall was being built. The tower was used
to hang fire hose so they could dry. Note the condition of the main road and also the
board sidewalks.
A view of the mouth of Miller's Creek looking west into what we called the mill yard. The
concrete abutments of the burner were used in my day as forts and today I believe only
one is left.
Close up of the mill west of Miller's Creek, and the homes and walkway across the creek.
Many of the pilings seen in this photo were still present when I fished the creek in the
1950's and we picked logs from the bottom in this vicinity.
If anyone has other photos they would like to contribute to this site I would be happy
to add them.