- (?), "Donaldson"Janet to (?), Christina
- (?), Christina to (?), Geertje
- (?), Geertje Janse to (?), Maria Elisabeth
- (?), Maria Elisabeth to (?), Unknown "pos. Margery"
- (?), Velma to Affleck, Ethel
- Affleck, Ethel Mary to Agar, Albert
- Agnew, James to Allen, Meribah
- Allen, Meribah to Arason, Greg Skapti
- Arbischer, Alfred "Al" Edgar to Bailey, Verna
- Baillargeon, Madeleine to Barrett, Thomas
- Barringer, W. (Dr.) to Behnke, Katharina
- Behr, Maria to Bethke, Marianna
- Bethke, Martin to Bjorklund, Wilma
- Bjornson, Don to Bohn, Daniel
- Bohn, Daniel "Bohm" to Boyd, William
- Boyer, Annie to Briggs, Richard
- Brimble, Margaret to Buchholtz, Dorothea Elizabeth
- Bucholtz, Darrel to Byers, Robert
- Byram, Michael Reese to Carson, Don
- Carson, Dorothy to Close, Richard
- Closs, John to Conway, Syd
- Cook, Agnes to Cox, Robert John
- Coyle, Elizabeth to Croswell, Margaret "Maggie"
- Croswell, Margaret Milvena to Damm, Karl Friedrich
- Damon, Andrea Jean Damon to Dey, Michael
- Dichmann, Johann "Dieckmann" to Donaldson, Mary "Rainy"
- Donaldson, Mary "Tullibody" to DuBois, Mary
- Duceset, Frank to Ebert, William
- Ebling, (?) to Emrie, Mary
- Endel, Anna Margaretha to Fechner, Johanna Constanza Bertha
- Fechting, (?) to Fisher, William
- Fiske, Anna to Frack, Leonora
- Francis, Delia Amanda to Friendship, Thomas Stacey
- Friesen, Coral to Garretson, Wilhelmus
- Garrett, Donna Lynn to Gibson, Warren Edwin
- Giesbrecht, Darren to Gollnick, Süsanna Rosina "Janke"
- Goltz, Caroline to Grey, Margaret
- Gribble, Cora Celia to Guse, Rosine
- Gustafson, Avonlea Donna to Hamilton, Frances
- Hamilton, Garrance Harold to Harz, Ernst Georg
- Hasabann, Anna to Henslin, Friedrich Wilhelm "Haenselin"
- Henslin, Gottlieb Ludwig "Gottlob Henselin" to Hisey, John Samuel
- Hitchcock, Andrew to Hollingsworth, John
- Hollingsworth, John to Housen, Sheriry
- Housser, Fred to Hück, Süsanna
- Hücke, Louise "Hüske" to Jahnke, Wilhelmine
- Jahns, Amalie to Johnston, Editha
- Johnston, Edward to Juhnke, Paul "Juhncke"
- Juliar, (?) to Keinitz, Dorothea
- Keinitz, Dorothea Elisabeth to King, William
- Kinmond, Charles to Klawitter, Dorothea Elisabeth
- Klawitter, Dorothea Elisabeth to Koelm, Stephen
- Koelm, Susanna to Krenz, Michael
- Kresovic, Alexander Joseph to Krienke, George "Kruschke"
- Krienke, George "Radczicz" to Krienke, Paulina "Krinke"
- Krienke, Pauline to Kuno, Karl M "Charles"
- Kuno, Karoline Friederike to Lange, Rosina "Pral"
- Lange, Sophia Louisa Maria to Langstaff, Herman John
- Langstaff, Humphrey George to Langstaff, Robert William
- Langstaff, Rockford "Rocky" to Lawrenz, Michael
- Lawson, Adeline M. to Lembcke, Dorothea Lousisa Johanna
- Lemelin, Jeanne to Loennenburg, Süsanna
- Loercke, Anna Elizabeth to Longhurst, John C.
- Longhurst, John Deverall to Lorenz, William Fred. Jogn Gustav
- Lorfing, Emilie to Lütke, Dorothea "Radczicz"
- Lütke, Dorothea Elisabeth to Manning, William
- Mansbridge, Eliza to Marquardt, Younger
- Marr, John Paul to McAfee, Colleen Ellen
- McAfee, Curtis James to McCrae, William H.
- McCrank, (?) to McIlreavy, Robert
- McIlree, Mathew to McKee, William
- McKen, Grant to Meissner, Wilhelm
- Melchart, Maria Elisabeth to Miller, Ellen "Eliza" J.
- Miller, Ellen Jane to Monfoort, Susanna
- Mongomery, Henry to Morrison, Thomas
- Morrissey, Gerald to Münchow, Johann Gottlob
- Münzberg, Dorothea Elizabeth to Neumann, Lüdwig "Lobsens"
- Neumann, Lüdwig "Topolla" to O'Brien, Norman
- O'Byrne, Rose to Pankau, Friedrich Wilhelm
- Pankau, George to Patzer, Michael
- Patzer, Michael to Pegelo, Maria Dorothee Christine Friederica"Paegler"
- Pegelo, Maria Elisabeth "Peglow(er)" to Phillips, Zerubabel
- Philp, Margaret to Pollock, Sandy Ann
- Pomerenke, Christian to Prall, Rhoda
- Prall, Robert Cooley to Quinby, Mary
- Quinlan, Catherine to Rathwell, William
- Ratz, Anna Katherina to Rennspiess, Rosa
- Rennwanz, Christina to Rigby, William
- Righahn, Anna Maria "Rigan" to Rodger, William Stewart
- Rodgers, Annie Lauretta to Runyon, Vincent
- Runyon, Virginia Claire to Sauermann, Wilhelm August
- Sauk, Anna Maria to Schipmann, Sophia "Hoepner"
- Schirges, Elisabeth to Schoenke, Gottlieb
- Schoenke, Gottlob to Schwanke, Ludwig August Ferdinand
- Schwanke, Maria to Sharpe, William
- Sharpen, Ruby E. to Sleighler, Ella Nora "Sliker"
- Sletten, Evelyn to Soukup, Minetta Viola
- Soule, Archibald to Steele, James
- Steele, James to Steuck, Rosine
- Steuhl, Anne Dorothea to Stout, Jonathan
- Stout, Joseph to Suddaby, Frederick William
- Suddaby, Fredric to Tabbat, Youngest After 1772
- Tabbert, Anna Amanda to Thompson, John
- Thompson, John T. to Tulloch, William Ross
- Tunison, Cornelius to Van Fleet, William
- Van Groeningen, Grietje Jans to Voorhees, Jacob
- Voorhees, Jacques to Wallner, One
- Wallschlaefer, Maria to Warren, Rebecca
- Warren, Richard to Weinkauff, Daniel Gotthils
- Weinkauff, Dorothea to Werner, Wilhelmine "Minnie"
- Werschler, Jakob to Wiley, James
- Wiley, James to Winterburn, Eva Marie
- Winterstein, Jemima to Wright, Thomas
- Wudke, Christian to Ziebarth, Süsanna
- Ziebell, Anna Louisa "Zibell" to Öelke, Christoph