Johann "Liszkowe" Lutke1
Child of Johann "Liszkowe" Lutke and Anna Tabbat
- Christian Lutke2 b. 24 Jan 1778
Christina (?)1
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., From daughter Elisabeth's birth.
(?) Radtke1
Child of (?) Radtke and Eva Rosina (?)
Children of (?) Radtke
- Andreas Radtke+1
- Michael Radtke+3
- Daniel Radtke4
- Christian Radtke+5
- Matthias Radtke6
- Stephan Radtke+6 b. 1740
- Anna Radtke7 b. c 1863
- [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff, Required to make brothers Andreas and Stephan.
- [S409] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245516.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Birth of Michaels son Martin. I made all part same family.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., GP at birth of Michael's son.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Birth of Maria Elisabeth, his daughter.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Birth of see photos mar 17 05.
Stephan Radtke1
M, b. 1740
Stephan Radtke|b. 1740|p566.htm#i17114|(?) Radtke||p566.htm#i17113||||||||||||||||
Stephan Radtke was born in 1740, at From age 40 on second marriage.2 He was the son of (?) Radtke.1
Stephan Radtke was (an unknown value) in 1774, at Einwohner, new comer probably., Lüchowo, Wirsitz.3
Stephan Radtke married Katherina (?) before 1775.3
Stephan Radtke witnessed the birth of Johann Radtke on 19 July 1775 at #68 1775, Bap. 25 July 1775, Lüchowo, , Posen, Prussia; Father Andreas is einwohner, and mother is Elisabeth, no geb.
GP: Jünggeselle Christian Schoenke, Stephan Radtke, einwohner, and Christina Wellrand/Wellsand, all from Lüchowo.4
Stephan Radtke married Anna Christina Wollermann on 18 June 1780, at #12, prob Lobsens not Krojanke, , Posen, Prussia. He is a 40 year old widower and Braüer from Lobsens and she is single, no age from Krojanke.2
Stephan Radtke was From birth of Michael Radtke. in 1782, at brewer in, , Wirsitz, , Prussia.1
Stephan Radtke witnessed the birth of Michael Radtke on 4 September 1782 at #76, Bap. 8 September, Lüchowo, , Posen, Prussia; Father Andreas is an Einwohner and mother is Elisabeth Schoenke.
GP: brewer Stephan Radke, Fraü Christina Schönke both Lüchowo.1
Child of Stephan Radtke
- Christian or Johann Radtke5 b. 9 Sep 1774, d. 31 May 1775
Child of Stephan Radtke and Katherina (?)
- Michael Radtke6 b. 14 Mar 1779
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.
- [S409] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245516.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Birth of son Christian.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Exactly as shown. Date does not quite agree with age on death record.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., This man was an Einwohner, or a newcomer to the region, so one supposes family was as well.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Exactly as shown.
Christian or Johann Radtke1
M, b. 9 September 1774, d. 31 May 1775
Christian or Johann Radtke|b. 9 Sep 1774\nd. 31 May 1775|p566.htm#i17115|Stephan Radtke|b. 1740|p566.htm#i17114||||(?) Radtke||p566.htm#i17113||||||||||
Christian or Johann Radtke was born on 9 September 1774, at Lüchowo, , Posen, Prussia. At #74 1774, Bap. 11 Sep; Father Stephan was an einwohner, just a resident, mother Katherina no geb.
GP: Johann Mielke, schmied or blacksmith, Andreas Radtke (reason I made family), Maria Schewe, all from Lüchowo.1 He was the son of Stephan Radtke.1
Christian or Johann Radtke died on 31 May 1775, at From birth record., , .1
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., This man was an Einwohner, or a newcomer to the region, so one supposes family was as well.
Katherina (?)1
F, b. circa 1745, d. 3 August 1779
Katherina (?) was born circa 1745, at froma age at death.2
As of before 1775,her married name was Radtke.1
Katherina (?) married Stephan Radtke, son of (?) Radtke, before 1775.1
Katherina Radtke witnessed the birth of Christoph Radtke on 18 December 1777 at #133 1777, Bap. 21 Dec., Lüchowo, , Posen, Prussia; Father Andreas is an einwohner, no geb for Elisabeth.
GP: Dorfschmied Johann Mielke, jünggeselle George Lange, Fraü Katherina Radke, jüngfraü Katherina Schoenke all from Lüchowo.3
Katherina (?) died on 3 August 1779, at at age 34 of hitziges fieber, typhoid fever, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia. Ehefraü des Stephen Radke, braüer, brewer.2
Child of Katherina (?) and Stephan Radtke
- Michael Radtke3 b. 14 Mar 1779
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Birth of son Christian.
- [S409] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245516.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Exactly as shown.
Christian Beÿer1
M, b. 11 September 1774
Christian Beÿer|b. 11 Sep 1774|p566.htm#i17117|Jakob Beÿer|b. 1747/48\nd. 22 Nov 1788|p467.htm#i14136|Katherine Weinkauff|b. 1753\nd. 29 Nov 1785|p467.htm#i14135|Jakob Beyer|b. 1702/3\nd. 1 Jan 1788|p526.htm#i15915||||Two Weinkauff||p467.htm#i14134|Anna K. (?)||p652.htm#i19705|
Christian Beÿer was born on 11 September 1774, at Piesno, , Posen, Prussia. At #76 1774, Bap. 18 Sep; GP: Christian Miske, Müller, Christian Krause, Daniel Beyer, Anna Maria Bock all of Piesno.
Birth could interfere with brother, but his only calculated from age at death so could be wrong.1 He was the son of Jakob Beÿer and Katherine Weinkauff.1
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown, Mother Katherina, no maiden name.
Eva (?)1
Children of Eva (?) and Martin Nitz
- Michael Nitz2 b. 16 Sep 1774
- Anna Nitz+3 b. 16 Jan 1778
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., from birth of son Michael.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Exactly as shown.
Michael Nitz1
M, b. 16 September 1774
Michael Nitz|b. 16 Sep 1774|p566.htm#i17119|Martin Nitz|b. c 1727/28\nd. 18 Nov 1781|p470.htm#i14213|Eva (?)||p566.htm#i17118|Peter Nitz|b. c 1709/10\nd. 28 Mar 1775|p463.htm#i14011|Elizabeth (?)|b. c 1711/12\nd. 28 Mar 1775|p463.htm#i14012|||||||
Michael Nitz was born on 16 September 1774, at Güntergost, , Posen, Prussia. At #83 1774, bap. 25 Sep; Father Michael, an Ackersleute. mother Eva, no geb.
GP: Michael Janke, Michael Manthey, and Eva Steuk and Maria Elisabeth Janke, all Güntergost.2 He was the son of Martin Nitz and Eva (?).1
Michael Nitz witnessed the birth of Elisabeth Fiedler on 19 November 1798 at #9, bap. 25 November, Güntergost, , Posen, Prussia; From age at death, born May 1798.
Father Johann is an Ackersmann and mother is Anna Elisabeth Mewsin.
GP: Jünggeselle Michael Nitz, jüngfer Elisabeth Boninin, there are two #37782 & 17525, Fraü Dorothea Hoestin geb Tiedlerin.3
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.
- [S406] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), Kirchenbuch, 1773-1944 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, original text 1773 onward.
Michael Wiese1
M, b. circa 1720
Michael Wiese was born circa 1720.
Children of Michael Wiese
- Karl Friedrich Wiese+2 b. c 1750
- George Wiese+ b. bt 1750 - 1760
- Andreas Wiese+3 b. c 1755
- Michael Wiese+4 b. c 1759, d. 30 Oct 1788
- Christina Wiese+
- Erdmann Wiese+ b. c 1760
- [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff, I had to make to get in brother George, but found his death.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Birth of son Karl friedrich 1774, Lobsens.
- [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff, I had to make to get in brother George.
- [S409] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245516, I had his family.; #93 page 103, 1788.
Ethyl Jancowski1
F, b. 21 October 1877
Ethyl Jancowski|b. 21 Oct 1877|p566.htm#i17122|Richard Francis Jancowski|b. 12 May 1846\nd. 13 Sep 1914|p453.htm#i13722|Meliora Grant Bush|b. 4 Jan 1850\nd. 10 Jun 1921|p453.htm#i13723|William Jancowski|b. 1819\nd. 1869|p566.htm#i17125|Elisabeth (?) Hardwicke|b. bt 1825 - 1826\nd. 1904|p1108.htm#i33437|George J. Bush|b. 1813|p1108.htm#i33439|Melissa E. Moyes|b. 1825|p1108.htm#i33440|
Ethyl Jancowski was born on 21 October 1877, at, Simcoe, .1,2 She was the daughter of Richard Francis Jancowski and Meliora Grant Bush.1 Ethyl Jancowski witnessed the marriage of Fredrick Longhurst and Grace Rosalie M. Jancowski on 26 June 1901 at #16359, , Muskoka, ; Fred was a Methodiat, 47 years old a widow living in Carlyson, and born in Mulmer twp., and a farmer, son of George Longhurst and Rebecca Waller (what is writtem) and Grace is a Congregationalist, 25 years old living in Orillia and born Fesserton, spinster, daughter of Richard Jancowski and Milla Ora Bush.
Wt: Ethyl Jancowski of Fesserton and Mary Jane Ross of Orillia.
Weddding took place 26 June 1901 in Orillia by John S. Stevenson.3 Ethyl Jancowski witnessed the marriage of William Radnor and Mable Francis Jancowski on 7 July 1904 at, Simcoe, ; William Radnor, C.E., age 23 living in Fesserton, born Hertfordshire, Wales, bachelor and carpenter, son of Thomas Radnor and Clayton Many.
Mabel Jancowski, Presb., age 23, born Fesserton and living in Fesserton, spinster daughter of Richard Jancowski and Meloir Grant Bush.
Wit: J. Jacobson and E. Jancowski of Fesserton.
Married 7 July 1904 in Fesserton by Mercier W. Cooper.3
Miliora Jancowski1
F, b. 29 August 1879
Miliora Jancowski|b. 29 Aug 1879|p566.htm#i17123|Richard Francis Jancowski|b. 12 May 1846\nd. 13 Sep 1914|p453.htm#i13722|Meliora Grant Bush|b. 4 Jan 1850\nd. 10 Jun 1921|p453.htm#i13723|William Jancowski|b. 1819\nd. 1869|p566.htm#i17125|Elisabeth (?) Hardwicke|b. bt 1825 - 1826\nd. 1904|p1108.htm#i33437|George J. Bush|b. 1813|p1108.htm#i33439|Melissa E. Moyes|b. 1825|p1108.htm#i33440|
Miliora Jancowski was born on 29 August 1879, at, Simcoe, .1,2 She was the daughter of Richard Francis Jancowski and Meliora Grant Bush.1
Lottie Oakley Jancowski1
F, b. 28 April 1889
Lottie Oakley Jancowski|b. 28 Apr 1889|p566.htm#i17124|Richard Francis Jancowski|b. 12 May 1846\nd. 13 Sep 1914|p453.htm#i13722|Meliora Grant Bush|b. 4 Jan 1850\nd. 10 Jun 1921|p453.htm#i13723|William Jancowski|b. 1819\nd. 1869|p566.htm#i17125|Elisabeth (?) Hardwicke|b. bt 1825 - 1826\nd. 1904|p1108.htm#i33437|George J. Bush|b. 1813|p1108.htm#i33439|Melissa E. Moyes|b. 1825|p1108.htm#i33440|
Lottie Oakley Jancowski was born on 28 April 1889, at, Simcoe, . At # 33304; Debbie Haigh also says 1889, but from 1901 census 1889, 1911 has 1890.
Father and informant Richard is a music teacher and mother is Melliora Grant Bush.
Accoucheayr: Dr. Harvie
Reg. 14 May 1890.2 She was the daughter of Richard Francis Jancowski and Meliora Grant Bush.1
Lottie Oakley Jancowski waslisted on the 1901 census for at St. Paul's Hospital, , , on 18 June 1911.
30 1018 Jancowski, Lottie, Miss F Nurse/Training S b: Apr 1890 21
Vancouver / 33 Vancouver City / page 38.3
William Jancowski1
M, b. 1819, d. 1869
William Jancowski|b. 1819\nd. 1869|p566.htm#i17125|Casimir "Jakobski" Jancowski||p1292.htm#i39002||||||||||||||||

William Jancowski 1819-1869 @ Berlin Germany
William Jancowski was born in 1819, at Golun, , Posen, Prussia. At See files for map.3 He was the son of Casimir "Jakobski" Jancowski.2
William Jancowski married Elisabeth (?) Hardwicke in 1842, at, Derby, , England. Assume Polish or German from spelling of Elisabeth.1,3
William Jancowski was (an unknown value) between 1842 and 1850, at Bookshop owner and manager Savoy hotel, London., , , England.3
William Jancowski was in at 7 Stonegate, , Yorkshire, , England, on the 1851 census in in 1851
Jancowski, Elizabeth, wife, age 28, b: Mansfield Nottonghamshire
Jancowski, William, son, age 6, b: Chesterfield Derbyshire
Jancowski, Richard, son, age 4, b: Chesterfield Derbyshire
Wolff, Wilhelmine, age 22, b: Germmany, assistant
Wolff, Matilda, age 18, b: Germmany, assistant
Elizabeth is a Berlin wool dealer employing 2 unmarried assistants.
Parish of St. Helen’s, City of York
Obviously Chales and Harry were born after spring 1851.4
William Jancowski was in at Old Cliff House, , Yorkshire, , England, on the 1861 census
Jancowski, William, age, 43, b: Poland, Nat. Brit. Sub., Berlin wool merchant
Jancowski, Elizabeth, age, 38, b: Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Jancowski, Jenny, age, 8, b: York, Yorkshire
Jancowski, Rose, age, 7, b: York, Yorkshire
Jancowski, Charlie, age, 5, b: York, Yorkshire
Jancowski, Kate, age, 3, b: Scarborough
Wolf, Caroline, age, 24, b: Germany, Assistant
Pond?, Eliza, age, 24, b: Otterington, York, Assistant
Simpson, Mary, age, 33, b: Leeds, Governess
Lantun, Marie, age, 20, b: Germany, house maid
Meck, Elizabeth, age, 22, b: York, widow, cook
Coates, Anne,, age, 23, b: Thorpe Basset, York, kitchenmaid
Old Cliff House, Civil parish: Scarborough, Ecclesiastical parish: St Martin’s, Yorkshire.5
William Jancowski died in 1869, at Berlin, , Germany. Son William's marrige 1876 states he is deceased.3
William Jancowski Last name name Reg. Dist. County Reg. year
JANCOWSKI Richard Chesterfield Derbyshire 1846
JANCOWSKI Kate Scarborough Yorkshire 1857
JANCOWSKI Harry Scarborough Yorkshire 1863
JANCOWSKI Kate Leeds Yorkshire 1887
JANCOWSKI Cecil Nelson H Strand London 1889
JANCOWSKI Harry Wilson Carlisle Cumberland 1891
JANCOWSKI Eleanor Grimsby Lincolnshire 1908 in 2010, at All Jancowski births Portal, , .2
Children of William Jancowski and Elisabeth (?) Hardwicke
- William Hardwicke Jancowski+6 b. 2 Jun 1845
- Richard Francis Jancowski+ b. 12 May 1846, d. 13 Sep 1914
- Rose Jancowski6 b. 5 Feb 1854
- Charles Jancowski3 b. bt 1855 - 1856
- Katherine "Kate" Jancowski+6 b. 25 Jan 1858
- Harry Jancowski3 b. bt Jan 1863 - Mar 1863
Erdmann Rosenau1
Erdmann Rosenau||p566.htm#i17126|(?) Rosenau||p1083.htm#i32674||||||||||||||||
Erdmann Rosenau is the son of (?) Rosenau.2
Children of Erdmann Rosenau and Katherina (?)
- Gottlieb Rosenau+3 b. c 1774, d. 29 Nov 1829
- Johann Rosenau4 b. 19 Sep 1774
- [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff, I started here hoping it leads to Karl's wife in the 1870's.
- [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff.
- [S541] Hans Jürgen von Wilckens, "unknown short article title", I gave him these parents based on the shepard occupation.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Father is an Scha"fer, shepard or herdsman.
Katherina (?)1
Children of Katherina (?) and Erdmann Rosenau
- Gottlieb Rosenau+2 b. c 1774, d. 29 Nov 1829
- Johann Rosenau3 b. 19 Sep 1774
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Birth of son Johann in 1774.
- [S541] Hans Jürgen von Wilckens, "unknown short article title", I gave him these parents based on the shepard occupation.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Father is an Scha"fer, shepard or herdsman.
Johann Rosenau1
M, b. 19 September 1774
Johann Rosenau|b. 19 Sep 1774|p566.htm#i17128|Erdmann Rosenau||p566.htm#i17126|Katherina (?)||p566.htm#i17127|(?) Rosenau||p1083.htm#i32674||||||||||
Johann Rosenau was born on 19 September 1774, at Güntergost, . At #85 1774, Bap. 25 Sep; GP: Michael Dickau, Friedrich Neis, Katherina Becker, and Helena Wollermann, all from Güntergost.1 He was the son of Erdmann Rosenau and Katherina (?).1
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Father is an Scha"fer, shepard or herdsman.
Dorothea Elisabeth Mantheÿ1
F, b. 27 September 1774
Dorothea Elisabeth Mantheÿ|b. 27 Sep 1774|p566.htm#i17129|Michael Mantheÿ|b. 1741\nd. 21 Jan 1795|p442.htm#i13388|Maria Elizabeth Teske||p442.htm#i13390|Gottlob 'Johann' Mantheÿ|b. c 1732/33\nd. 12 Dec 1775|p469.htm#i14202|Anna E. Rahr|b. c 1738/39\nd. 2 Jun 1777|p469.htm#i14205|Oldest Teske||p456.htm#i13804||||
Dorothea Elisabeth Mantheÿ was born on 27 September 1774, at Güntergost, , Posen, Prussia. At #86 1774, Bap. 2 Oct 1774; Father Michael is an ackersmann, mother is Maria Elisabeth.
GP: Michael Hancke, Johann Bethke a schülmeister, Christian Manthey, Dorothea Elisabeth Katherina Mielke, all from Güntergost.
Only the four GP's.
Age agrees with age when married 1791 at 17.1 She was the daughter of Michael Mantheÿ and Maria Elizabeth Teske.1
As of 16 May 1791,her married name was Timm.2
Dorothea Elisabeth Mantheÿ married Johann Timm, son of Johann Timm, on 16 May 1791, at he is widow age 48, she single age, Mrotschen, , Posen, Prussia. Johann is widow age 48, a Bürger ünd Schmied from Mrotschen, Dorothea is single, age 17 from Güntergost. she single age.2
Johann Nitz1
Johann Nitz||p566.htm#i17130|Two Nitz||p546.htm#i16531||||Oldest Nitz||p546.htm#i16532||||||||||
Johann Nitz is the son of Two Nitz.1
Children of Johann Nitz and Katherina (?)
- Martin Nitz2
- Marianna Nitz3 b. 23 Sep 1774
- [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff, I made these brothers.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown, Father Johann and Mother Katherina.
Katherina (?)1
Children of Katherina (?) and Johann Nitz
- Martin Nitz2
- Marianna Nitz3 b. 23 Sep 1774
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Birth of daughter Marianna.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown, Father Johann and Mother Katherina.
Marianna Nitz1
F, b. 23 September 1774
Marianna Nitz|b. 23 Sep 1774|p566.htm#i17132|Johann Nitz||p566.htm#i17130|Katherina (?)||p566.htm#i17131|Two Nitz||p546.htm#i16531||||||||||
Marianna Nitz was born on 23 September 1774, at Güntergost, , Posen, Prussia. At #87 1774, Bap. 2 Oct. 1774; As shown, Father Johann and Mother Katherina.
GP: Christian Marquardt, Michael Rahl, Martin Bigalke, Marianna Steuck, Katherina Renke, all from Güntergost.
Father is an ackersmann.2 She was the daughter of Johann Nitz and Katherina (?).1
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown, Father Johann and Mother Katherina.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.
Maria Schlichting1
F, b. 4 October 1774, d. 19 October 1774
Maria Schlichting|b. 4 Oct 1774\nd. 19 Oct 1774|p566.htm#i17133|Johann Schlichting||p516.htm#i15608|Anna (?)||p516.htm#i15609|(?) Schlichting||p569.htm#i17214||||||||||
Maria Schlichting was born on 4 October 1774, at Kruschke, Wirsitz. At #91 1774, twin, Bap. 12 Oct. 1774.1 She was the daughter of Johann Schlichting and Anna (?).1
Maria Schlichting died on 19 October 1774, at on birth record., Kruschke, Wirsitz.1
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown.
(?) Ziecomer1
Children of (?) Ziecomer
Michael Ziecomer1
Michael Ziecomer||p566.htm#i17135|(?) Ziecomer||p566.htm#i17134||||||||||||||||
Michael Ziecomer is the son of (?) Ziecomer.1
Child of Michael Ziecomer and Maria (?)
- Anna Dorothea Ziecomer2 b. 3 Oct 1774
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Birth of daughetr Anna Dorothea.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Father is a einwohner, so may be a new settler., no geb. for mother.
Maria (?)1
Child of Maria (?) and Michael Ziecomer
- Anna Dorothea Ziecomer2 b. 3 Oct 1774
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., See daughter Anna Dorothea.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Father is a einwohner, so may be a new settler., no geb. for mother.
Anna Dorothea Ziecomer1
F, b. 3 October 1774
Anna Dorothea Ziecomer|b. 3 Oct 1774|p566.htm#i17137|Michael Ziecomer||p566.htm#i17135|Maria (?)||p566.htm#i17136|(?) Ziecomer||p566.htm#i17134||||||||||
Anna Dorothea Ziecomer was born on 3 October 1774, at Güntergost, . At #90 1774, Bap. 4 Oct. 1774; GP: Erdmann Mews, Katherina Mielke, and Dorothea Pankau, all from Güntergost.1 She was the daughter of Michael Ziecomer and Maria (?).1
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Father is a einwohner, so may be a new settler., no geb. for mother.
Katherina (?)1
F, d. before 1777
As of before 1773,her married name was Zinter.1
Katherina (?) married Paül T Zinter, son of Paul Jr Zinter and Katharine (?), before 1773, at have daughter Katherina, Tesiurke, , Posen, Prussia.1
Katherina (?) died before 1777, at Paül remarries., Tesiurke, Wirsitz.
Children of Katherina (?) and Paül T Zinter
- Katherina Zinter b. 24 Nov 1773, d. b 1774
- Katherina Zinter2 b. 2 Oct 1774
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., On birth if a daughter Katherina, 1774 she is listed, and then in 1773 she is not, but both times daughters called Katherina.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown, father listed here as ackersmann and no geb. for mother.
Katherina (?)
Barbara Juliana Drews1
F, b. 15 October 1774, d. 6 December 1774
Barbara Juliana Drews|b. 15 Oct 1774\nd. 6 Dec 1774|p566.htm#i17140|Ernst Drews|b. 1755\nd. 6 Dec 1774|p544.htm#i16453|Katherina Munzberg|b. 1737/38\nd. 3 Dec 1791|p544.htm#i16454|Peter Drews|b. 1728/29\nd. 14 Apr 1779|p521.htm#i15763||||||||||
Barbara Juliana Drews was born on 15 October 1774, at Dreidorf, , Posen, Prussia. At #95 1774, Bap. 19 Oct. 1774; Father Ernst is an ackersmann and no geb. for mother
GP: Johann Friedrich Kauffmann, Michael Mielke, Paül Hastke, Barbara Juliana Bobotg all from Dreidorf.2 She was the daughter of Ernst Drews and Katherina Munzberg.1
Barbara Juliana Drews died on 6 December 1774, at on birth record., Dreidorf, , Posen, Prussia. As shown, father is an ackersmann and no geb. for mother.2
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown, father is an ackersmann and no geb. for mother.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.
Johann Hencke1
M, b. circa 1750, d. 1808
Johann Hencke|b. c 1750\nd. 1808|p566.htm#i17141|(?) Hencke||p582.htm#i17620||||||||||||||||
Johann Hencke was born circa 1750. He was the son of (?) Hencke.
Johann Hencke married Maria Boerger before 1774.2
Johann Hencke was (an unknown value) in 1774, at Ackersmann, Debenke, Wirsitz.3
Johann Hencke witnessed the birth of Christina Pischke on 19 November 1779 at #7, bap. 20 November., Debenke, , Posen, Prussia; Father Christoph is listed as an Einwöhner and mother as Anna, no geb.
GP: Ackersmann Christoph Draheim, Junggeselle Johann Hencke, Ackersfrau Christina Grelin all from Debenke.4
Johann Hencke witnessed the birth of Anna Maria Marquardt in 1787 at #63 1788, Bap. 2 February, Debenke, , Posen, Prussia; Father Christian is an Einwohener, resident, mother is Catherina Keinitz.
GP: Johann Hencke, Ackersmann, Fraü Maria Fahrin, jüngfer Anna Keintiz.5
Johann Hencke died in 1808, at from birth record of Elisabeth, #154, .
Children of Johann Hencke and Maria Boerger
- Elisabeth Hencke6 b. 19 Oct 1774
- Dorothea Hencke7 b. 19 Oct 1774
- Christian Hencke8 b. 26 Mar 1777
- Anna Hencke+9 b. 1786
Children of Johann Hencke and Elisabeth (?)
- Johann Hencke5 b. 9 Jun 1775
- Michael Hencke8 b. 2 Jan 1776
Children of Johann Hencke and Marianna Boerger
- Johann Hencke+8 b. 1 Apr 1779
- Daniel Hencke5 b. 8 Dec 1781
- [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff, I made the two girls have the same parents. I had none for Anna.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Birth of Elisabeth.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Birth of Twins, Elisabeth and Dorothea and son Michael.
- [S406] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), Kirchenbuch, 1773-1944 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, original text 1773 onward.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown, father is an ackersmann.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Twin of Elisabeth.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Exactly as shown.
- [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff, I made the two girls have the same parents. I had none for Anna, and she also came from Debenke.