Suzanne Lacroix

F, b. circa 1620
Suzanne Lacroix married Jean Rodrigue.
Suzanne Lacroix died.
Suzanne Lacroix was born circa 1620.

Child of Suzanne Lacroix and Jean Rodrigue

Thomas Roy

M, b. circa 1734
Thomas Roy|b. c 1734|p710.htm#i21436|Jean-Pierre Roy|b. c 1706|p710.htm#i21438|Genevieve Mallet|b. c 1706|p710.htm#i21439|Claude Roy|b. c 1686|p710.htm#i21440|Jeanne Gigot|b. c 1686|p710.htm#i21441|||||||
Thomas Roy died.
Thomas Roy was born circa 1734. He was the son of Jean-Pierre Roy and Genevieve Mallet.
Thomas Roy married Marie Grondin on 30 January 1754, St. Joseph, Quebec.

Child of Thomas Roy and Marie Grondin

Marie Grondin

F, b. circa 1734
Marie Grondin died.
Marie Grondin was born circa 1734.
Marie Grondin married Thomas Roy, son of Jean-Pierre Roy and Genevieve Mallet, on 30 January 1754, St. Joseph, Quebec.

Child of Marie Grondin and Thomas Roy

Jean-Pierre Roy

M, b. circa 1706
Jean-Pierre Roy|b. c 1706|p710.htm#i21438|Claude Roy|b. c 1686|p710.htm#i21440|Jeanne Gigot|b. c 1686|p710.htm#i21441|||||||||||||
Jean-Pierre Roy died.
Jean-Pierre Roy was born circa 1706. He was the son of Claude Roy and Jeanne Gigot.
Jean-Pierre Roy married Genevieve Mallet on 30 November 1726, St. Foy, Quebec.

Child of Jean-Pierre Roy and Genevieve Mallet

Genevieve Mallet

F, b. circa 1706
Genevieve Mallet died.
Genevieve Mallet was born circa 1706.
Genevieve Mallet married Jean-Pierre Roy, son of Claude Roy and Jeanne Gigot, on 30 November 1726, St. Foy, Quebec.

Child of Genevieve Mallet and Jean-Pierre Roy

Claude Roy

M, b. circa 1686
Claude Roy died.
Claude Roy married Jeanne Gigot.
Claude Roy was born circa 1686.

Child of Claude Roy and Jeanne Gigot

Jeanne Gigot

F, b. circa 1686
Jeanne Gigot married Claude Roy.
Jeanne Gigot died.
Jeanne Gigot was born circa 1686.

Child of Jeanne Gigot and Claude Roy

Jane Roddie

F, b. between 1805 and 1815
Jane Roddie|b. bt 1805 - 1815|p710.htm#i21442|James Roddie|b. b 1790\nd. a 1819|p672.htm#i20315|Elnor Nesbitt|b. b 1790\nd. a 1819|p692.htm#i20908|Mr. Roddie|b. c 1760|p716.htm#i21623||||||||||
Jane Roddie married James Daine.
Jane Roddie died.
Jane Roddie was born between 1805 and 1815, at Ireland?. She was the daughter of James Roddie and Elnor Nesbitt.

Child of Jane Roddie and James Daine

Harry Taylor

Harry Taylor||p710.htm#i21443|Orrin C. Taylor|b. b 1897|p709.htm#i21420|Daisy Faye Rhoda|b. 23 Mar 1893\nd. 1967|p706.htm#i21325|||||||Richard M. Rhoda|b. 11 Jun 1847\nd. 26 Nov 1915|p694.htm#i20984|Eleanor (Nellie) McKee|b. 2 Feb 1854\nd. 4 Dec 1922|p691.htm#i20886|
Harry Taylor was born.
Harry Taylor died. He was the son of Orrin C. Taylor and Daisy Faye Rhoda.
Harry Taylor Living Individual - Details withheld.

Jean-Bte. Paquet

M, b. circa 1743
Jean-Bte. Paquet|b. c 1743|p710.htm#i21444|Pierre Paquet|b. c 1714|p710.htm#i21446|Charlotte Renaud|b. c 1714|p710.htm#i21447|Jean-Frs. Paquet|b. c 1673|p710.htm#i21448|Marie Marcoux|b. c 1673|p710.htm#i21449|||||||
Jean-Bte. Paquet died.
Jean-Bte. Paquet was born circa 1743. He was the son of Pierre Paquet and Charlotte Renaud.
Jean-Bte. Paquet married Catherin Jobin on 22 August 1763, Charlesbourg, Quebec.

Child of Jean-Bte. Paquet and Catherin Jobin

Catherin Jobin

F, b. circa 1743
Catherin Jobin died.
Catherin Jobin was born circa 1743.
Catherin Jobin married Jean-Bte. Paquet, son of Pierre Paquet and Charlotte Renaud, on 22 August 1763, Charlesbourg, Quebec.

Child of Catherin Jobin and Jean-Bte. Paquet

Pierre Paquet

M, b. circa 1714
Pierre Paquet|b. c 1714|p710.htm#i21446|Jean-Frs. Paquet|b. c 1673|p710.htm#i21448|Marie Marcoux|b. c 1673|p710.htm#i21449|Maurice Pasquier|b. c 1639|p710.htm#i21450|Francoise Forget|b. c 1639|p710.htm#i21451|||||||
Pierre Paquet died.
Pierre Paquet was born circa 1714. He was the son of Jean-Frs. Paquet and Marie Marcoux.
Pierre Paquet married Charlotte Renaud on 27 September 1734, Charlesbourg, Quebec.

Child of Pierre Paquet and Charlotte Renaud

Charlotte Renaud

F, b. circa 1714
Charlotte Renaud died.
Charlotte Renaud was born circa 1714.
Charlotte Renaud married Pierre Paquet, son of Jean-Frs. Paquet and Marie Marcoux, on 27 September 1734, Charlesbourg, Quebec.

Child of Charlotte Renaud and Pierre Paquet

Jean-Frs. Paquet

M, b. circa 1673
Jean-Frs. Paquet|b. c 1673|p710.htm#i21448|Maurice Pasquier|b. c 1639|p710.htm#i21450|Francoise Forget|b. c 1639|p710.htm#i21451|Mery Pasquier|b. c 1618|p710.htm#i21452|Vincente Beaumont|b. c 1618|p710.htm#i21453|||||||
Jean-Frs. Paquet died.
Jean-Frs. Paquet was born circa 1673. He was the son of Maurice Pasquier and Francoise Forget.
Jean-Frs. Paquet married Marie Marcoux on 9 November 1693, Beauport, Quebec.

Child of Jean-Frs. Paquet and Marie Marcoux

Marie Marcoux

F, b. circa 1673
Marie Marcoux died.
Marie Marcoux was born circa 1673.
Marie Marcoux married Jean-Frs. Paquet, son of Maurice Pasquier and Francoise Forget, on 9 November 1693, Beauport, Quebec.

Child of Marie Marcoux and Jean-Frs. Paquet

Maurice Pasquier

M, b. circa 1639
Maurice Pasquier|b. c 1639|p710.htm#i21450|Mery Pasquier|b. c 1618|p710.htm#i21452|Vincente Beaumont|b. c 1618|p710.htm#i21453|||||||||||||
Maurice Pasquier died.
Maurice Pasquier was born circa 1639. He was the son of Mery Pasquier and Vincente Beaumont.
Maurice Pasquier married Francoise Forget on 29 July 1659, St. Jean-De-Poitiers, France.

Child of Maurice Pasquier and Francoise Forget

Francoise Forget

F, b. circa 1639
Francoise Forget died.
Francoise Forget was born circa 1639.
Francoise Forget married Maurice Pasquier, son of Mery Pasquier and Vincente Beaumont, on 29 July 1659, St. Jean-De-Poitiers, France.

Child of Francoise Forget and Maurice Pasquier

Mery Pasquier

M, b. circa 1618
Mery Pasquier died.
Mery Pasquier was born circa 1618.
Mery Pasquier married Vincente Beaumont in 1638, Poitiers, France.

Child of Mery Pasquier and Vincente Beaumont

Vincente Beaumont

F, b. circa 1618
Vincente Beaumont died.
Vincente Beaumont was born circa 1618.
Vincente Beaumont married Mery Pasquier in 1638, Poitiers, France.

Child of Vincente Beaumont and Mery Pasquier

Myrtle G. Nickerson

F, b. 14 February 1893, d. December 1973
Myrtle G. Nickerson was born on 14 February 1893, at Linneus, Maine.
Myrtle G. Nickerson married Warren Newbert Rhoda, son of Richard Miles Rhoda and Eleanor (Nellie) McKee, on 20 January 1918, Maine.
Myrtle G. Nickerson died in December 1973, at Houlton, Maine.

Pierre Grenier

M, b. circa 1741
Pierre Grenier|b. c 1741|p710.htm#i21455|Charles Grenier|b. c 1708|p710.htm#i21457|Madeleine Tardif|b. c 1708|p710.htm#i21458|Joseph Grenier|b. c 1673|p710.htm#i21459|Jeanne Maheu|b. c 1673|p710.htm#i21460|||||||
Pierre Grenier died.
Pierre Grenier was born circa 1741. He was the son of Charles Grenier and Madeleine Tardif.
Pierre Grenier married Jeanne Marcoux on 2 February 1761, Beauport, Quebec.

Child of Pierre Grenier and Jeanne Marcoux

Jeanne Marcoux

F, b. circa 1741
Jeanne Marcoux died.
Jeanne Marcoux was born circa 1741.
Jeanne Marcoux married Pierre Grenier, son of Charles Grenier and Madeleine Tardif, on 2 February 1761, Beauport, Quebec.

Child of Jeanne Marcoux and Pierre Grenier

Charles Grenier

M, b. circa 1708
Charles Grenier|b. c 1708|p710.htm#i21457|Joseph Grenier|b. c 1673|p710.htm#i21459|Jeanne Maheu|b. c 1673|p710.htm#i21460|Charles Garnier|b. c 1644|p710.htm#i21461|Louise Vezina|b. c 1644|p710.htm#i21462|||||||
Charles Grenier died.
Charles Grenier was born circa 1708. He was the son of Joseph Grenier and Jeanne Maheu.
Charles Grenier married Madeleine Tardif on 13 June 1728, Beauport, Quebec.

Child of Charles Grenier and Madeleine Tardif

Madeleine Tardif

F, b. circa 1708
Madeleine Tardif died.
Madeleine Tardif was born circa 1708.
Madeleine Tardif married Charles Grenier, son of Joseph Grenier and Jeanne Maheu, on 13 June 1728, Beauport, Quebec.

Child of Madeleine Tardif and Charles Grenier

Joseph Grenier

M, b. circa 1673
Joseph Grenier|b. c 1673|p710.htm#i21459|Charles Garnier|b. c 1644|p710.htm#i21461|Louise Vezina|b. c 1644|p710.htm#i21462|Guillaume Garnier|b. c 1624|p710.htm#i21463|Francoise Deschallas|b. c 1624|p710.htm#i21464|||||||
Joseph Grenier died.
Joseph Grenier was born circa 1673. He was the son of Charles Garnier and Louise Vezina.
Joseph Grenier married Jeanne Maheu on 21 November 1693, Ange-Gardien, Quebec.

Child of Joseph Grenier and Jeanne Maheu

Jeanne Maheu

F, b. circa 1673
Jeanne Maheu died.
Jeanne Maheu was born circa 1673.
Jeanne Maheu married Joseph Grenier, son of Charles Garnier and Louise Vezina, on 21 November 1693, Ange-Gardien, Quebec.

Child of Jeanne Maheu and Joseph Grenier

Charles Garnier

M, b. circa 1644
Charles Garnier|b. c 1644|p710.htm#i21461|Guillaume Garnier|b. c 1624|p710.htm#i21463|Francoise Deschallas|b. c 1624|p710.htm#i21464|||||||||||||
Charles Garnier died.
Charles Garnier was born circa 1644. He was the son of Guillaume Garnier and Francoise Deschallas.
Charles Garnier married Louise Vezina on 21 December 1664, Chateau-Richer, Quebec.

Child of Charles Garnier and Louise Vezina

Louise Vezina

F, b. circa 1644
Louise Vezina died.
Louise Vezina was born circa 1644.
Louise Vezina married Charles Garnier, son of Guillaume Garnier and Francoise Deschallas, on 21 December 1664, Chateau-Richer, Quebec.

Child of Louise Vezina and Charles Garnier

Guillaume Garnier

M, b. circa 1624
Guillaume Garnier died.
Guillaume Garnier married Francoise Deschallas.
Guillaume Garnier was born circa 1624.

Child of Guillaume Garnier and Francoise Deschallas

Francoise Deschallas

F, b. circa 1624
Francoise Deschallas married Guillaume Garnier.
Francoise Deschallas died.
Francoise Deschallas was born circa 1624.

Child of Francoise Deschallas and Guillaume Garnier
