Consantine Neumann1
Child of Consantine Neumann and Adam Hecke
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Christine Karnath1
Child of Christine Karnath and Jacob Kirsch
- Susanna Kirsch1 b. 1817
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Jacob Kirsch1
Child of Jacob Kirsch and Christine Karnath
- Susanna Kirsch1 b. 1817
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Susanna Kirsch1
F, b. 1817
Susanna Kirsch|b. 1817|p1107.htm#i33405|Jacob Kirsch||p1107.htm#i33404|Christine Karnath||p1107.htm#i33403|||||||||||||
Susanna Kirsch was born in 1817, at Althütte, , Prussia. At From marriage record.1 She was the daughter of Jacob Kirsch and Christine Karnath.1
As of 26 December 1838,her married name was Kapahnke.1
Susanna Kirsch married Gottlieb Kapahnke, son of Michael Kapahnke, on 26 December 1838, at #21, banns read the 2nd, 9th and 16th December., Althütte, , Prussia. Junggeselle Gottlieb Kapahnke, aus Althütte, eldest sohn of Bauer Michael Kapahnke aus Althütte mit jungfer Susanna Kirsch, youngest tochter des Einwohner Jacob Kirsch aus Althütte und der Christina geb Karnath, banns as shown and wedding date as shown.1
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Gottlieb Kapahnke1
M, b. 1815
Gottlieb Kapahnke|b. 1815|p1107.htm#i33406|Michael Kapahnke||p1107.htm#i33407||||||||||||||||
Gottlieb Kapahnke was born in 1815, at Althütte, , Prussia. At From age when married.1 He was the son of Michael Kapahnke.1
Gottlieb Kapahnke married Susanna Kirsch, daughter of Jacob Kirsch and Christine Karnath, on 26 December 1838, at #21, banns read the 2nd, 9th and 16th December., Althütte, , Prussia. Junggeselle Gottlieb Kapahnke, aus Althütte, eldest sohn of Bauer Michael Kapahnke aus Althütte mit jungfer Susanna Kirsch, youngest tochter des Einwohner Jacob Kirsch aus Althütte und der Christina geb Karnath, banns as shown and wedding date as shown.1
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Michael Kapahnke1
Child of Michael Kapahnke
- Gottlieb Kapahnke1 b. 1815
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Anna Maria Siech1
Children of Anna Maria Siech and Siemeosn Heinrich "Simon" Grohnert
- Wilhelmina Grohnert
- Carl Grohnert
- Friedrich August Grohnert2 b. 23 Oct 1818, d. 30 Apr 1819
- Florentine Grohnert1 b. 1819
- Caroline Grohnert+ b. c 1820
Florentine Grohnert1
F, b. 1819
Florentine Grohnert|b. 1819|p1107.htm#i33409|Siemeosn Heinrich "Simon" Grohnert|b. 9 Nov 1782|p1100.htm#i33183|Anna Maria Siech||p1107.htm#i33408|Michael G. Grohnert|b. 13 Jul 1723\nd. 13 Nov 1802|p1192.htm#i35978|Anna M. Hennig|b. c Mar 1748\nd. 8 Nov 1811|p1192.htm#i35979|||||||
Florentine Grohnert was born in 1819, at Prob. Barenhütte, , Prussia. At From marriage record.1 She was the daughter of Siemeosn Heinrich "Simon" Grohnert and Anna Maria Siech.1
As of 2 November 1845,her married name was Dey.1
Florentine Grohnert married Michael Dey, son of Michael Dey and Christina Kowitz, on 2 November 1845, at # 24., Barenhütte, , Prussia. Junggeselle Dienstknecht Michael Dey aus Barenhütte des hayaers Michael Dey aus Niederklgenau mit jungfer Florentine Grohnert des zu Ellerbruch, daughter of Heonrich Grohnert und des Anna Maria geb Siechbanns published twice (21, 22, 23 and 12, 19, 26 Oct.) and marriage performed 2 Nov. 1845.1
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Michael Dey1
M, b. 1819
Michael Dey|b. 1819|p1107.htm#i33410|Michael Dey||p1107.htm#i33411|Christina Kowitz||p1107.htm#i33412|||||||||||||
Michael Dey was born in 1819, at Prob. Niederklgenau, , Prussia. At From marriage record.1 He was the son of Michael Dey and Christina Kowitz.1
Michael Dey married Florentine Grohnert, daughter of Siemeosn Heinrich "Simon" Grohnert and Anna Maria Siech, on 2 November 1845, at # 24., Barenhütte, , Prussia. Junggeselle Dienstknecht Michael Dey aus Barenhütte des hayaers Michael Dey aus Niederklgenau mit jungfer Florentine Grohnert des zu Ellerbruch, daughter of Heonrich Grohnert und des Anna Maria geb Siechbanns published twice (21, 22, 23 and 12, 19, 26 Oct.) and marriage performed 2 Nov. 1845.1
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Michael Dey1
Child of Michael Dey and Christina Kowitz
- Michael Dey1 b. 1819
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Christina Kowitz1
Child of Christina Kowitz and Michael Dey
- Michael Dey1 b. 1819
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Albertine Thiele1
Albertine Thiele||p1107.htm#i33413|(?) Thiele||p1165.htm#i35150||||||||||||||||
Albertine Thiele is the daughter of (?) Thiele.2
Children of Albertine Thiele and Carl Wilhelm Schwanke
- Wilhelmine Auguste Schwanke1 b. 18 Mar 1860
- Friedrich Wilhelm Schwanke1 b. 23 Nov 1862
Wilhelmine Auguste Schwanke1
F, b. 18 March 1860
Wilhelmine Auguste Schwanke|b. 18 Mar 1860|p1107.htm#i33414|Carl Wilhelm Schwanke|b. bt 1830 - 1840|p284.htm#i8591|Albertine Thiele||p1107.htm#i33413|||||||(?) Thiele||p1165.htm#i35150||||
Wilhelmine Auguste Schwanke was born on 18 March 1860, at Newton Twp., Marquette, Wis.. At #28 page 5, bap. 18 April; Father Carl and mother Albertine geb Thiele.
GPs: Johann Luech, Audolph Thiele, Charlotte Plock.1 She was the daughter of Carl Wilhelm Schwanke and Albertine Thiele.1
- [S293] Church Books & gravestones, St. Pauls Lutheran Church, Newton Twp.
Gottlieb Ferdiand Fenske1
M, b. 1811
Gottlieb Ferdiand Fenske|b. 1811|p1107.htm#i33415|Gottlieb Fenske||p1107.htm#i33416|Elisabeth Stender||p1107.htm#i33417|(?) Kreis Karthaus Fenske||p1107.htm#i33421||||||||||
Gottlieb Ferdiand Fenske was born in 1811, at, Karthaus, . At From marriage record.1 He was the son of Gottlieb Fenske and Elisabeth Stender.1
Gottlieb Ferdiand Fenske married Marianne Frisderina Wohlfeil, daughter of David Wohlfeil and Catherina Gogda, on 28 November 1844, at #27., Striggau, , Prussia. Junggeselle und Wirtsschafter Gottlieb Ferdinad aus Striggau und sohn des zu Ochsenkopf ?? Gottlieb Fenske und Elisabeth geb Stender aus Ochsenkopf (seems that Gottlieb is deceased and Elisabeth is now living with Johann Kowalke) marries jubgfrau Marianne Frisderina Wohlfeil jung tochter aus Strippau des David Wohlfeil und den Catherina Gogda.
Banns ( 22,23 24, and 3,10, 17 nov.) and married 28 November 1844.1
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Gottlieb Fenske1
Gottlieb Fenske||p1107.htm#i33416|(?) Kreis Karthaus Fenske||p1107.htm#i33421||||||||||||||||
Gottlieb Fenske is the son of (?) Kreis Karthaus Fenske.2
Child of Gottlieb Fenske and Elisabeth Stender
- Gottlieb Ferdiand Fenske1 b. 1811
Elisabeth Stender1
Child of Elisabeth Stender and Gottlieb Fenske
- Gottlieb Ferdiand Fenske1 b. 1811
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Marianne Frisderina Wohlfeil1
F, b. 1825
Marianne Frisderina Wohlfeil|b. 1825|p1107.htm#i33418|David Wohlfeil||p1107.htm#i33419|Catherina Gogda||p1107.htm#i33420|||||||||||||
Marianne Frisderina Wohlfeil was born in 1825, at Prob. Strippau, , Prussia. At From marriage record.1 She was the daughter of David Wohlfeil and Catherina Gogda.1
As of 28 November 1844,her married name was Fenske.1
Marianne Frisderina Wohlfeil married Gottlieb Ferdiand Fenske, son of Gottlieb Fenske and Elisabeth Stender, on 28 November 1844, at #27., Striggau, , Prussia. Junggeselle und Wirtsschafter Gottlieb Ferdinad aus Striggau und sohn des zu Ochsenkopf ?? Gottlieb Fenske und Elisabeth geb Stender aus Ochsenkopf (seems that Gottlieb is deceased and Elisabeth is now living with Johann Kowalke) marries jubgfrau Marianne Frisderina Wohlfeil jung tochter aus Strippau des David Wohlfeil und den Catherina Gogda.
Banns ( 22,23 24, and 3,10, 17 nov.) and married 28 November 1844.1
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
David Wohlfeil1
Child of David Wohlfeil and Catherina Gogda
- Marianne Frisderina Wohlfeil1 b. 1825
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Catherina Gogda1
Child of Catherina Gogda and David Wohlfeil
- Marianne Frisderina Wohlfeil1 b. 1825
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
(?) Kreis Karthaus Fenske1
Children of (?) Kreis Karthaus Fenske
- Gottlieb Fenske+1
- Ferdinand Fenske2 b. 1811
Ferdinand Fenske1
M, b. 1811
Ferdinand Fenske|b. 1811|p1107.htm#i33422|(?) Kreis Karthaus Fenske||p1107.htm#i33421||||||||||||||||
Ferdinand Fenske was born in 1811, at, Karthaus, . At From marriage record.1 He was the son of (?) Kreis Karthaus Fenske.1
Ferdinand Fenske married Wilhelmine Dobrenz, daughter of Gottlieb Dobrenz and Eleanore Korchaitzke, on 19 November 1843, at #21., Michaelshütte, , Prussia. Wittwe Ferdinand Fenske duntsch Ochsenkopf mit jungfer Wilhelmine Dobrenz tocter des Bauer Gottlieb Dobrenz und Ehefrau Eleanore Korchaitzke zu Michaelshütte. Banns 20, 21,22, and 29, 5, 12 November and marraige on 19 November 1843.1
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Wilhelmine Dobrenz1
F, b. 1817
Wilhelmine Dobrenz|b. 1817|p1107.htm#i33423|Gottlieb Dobrenz||p1107.htm#i33424|Eleanore Korchaitzke||p1107.htm#i33425|||||||||||||
Wilhelmine Dobrenz was born in 1817, at Michaelshütte, , Prussia. At From marriage record.1 She was the daughter of Gottlieb Dobrenz and Eleanore Korchaitzke.1
As of 19 November 1843,her married name was Fenske.1
Wilhelmine Dobrenz married Ferdinand Fenske, son of (?) Kreis Karthaus Fenske, on 19 November 1843, at #21., Michaelshütte, , Prussia. Wittwe Ferdinand Fenske duntsch Ochsenkopf mit jungfer Wilhelmine Dobrenz tocter des Bauer Gottlieb Dobrenz und Ehefrau Eleanore Korchaitzke zu Michaelshütte. Banns 20, 21,22, and 29, 5, 12 November and marraige on 19 November 1843.1
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Gottlieb Dobrenz1
Child of Gottlieb Dobrenz and Eleanore Korchaitzke
- Wilhelmine Dobrenz1 b. 1817
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Eleanore Korchaitzke1
Child of Eleanore Korchaitzke and Gottlieb Dobrenz
- Wilhelmine Dobrenz1 b. 1817
- [S716] Unknown author, FHC Film # 245771 Taufen, Heiraten Mariensee.
Martha Lyons1
F, b. 3 November 1876
Martha Lyons|b. 3 Nov 1876|p1107.htm#i33426|John James Lyons|b. 10 Jun 1850\nd. 17 Apr 1909|p409.htm#i12406|Margaret McCrae|b. 5 Mar 1854\nd. 1919|p409.htm#i12407|William Lyons|b. 1822\nd. c Jul 1857|p647.htm#i19554|Jane Jones|b. 1826|p647.htm#i19555|Oliver McCrae|b. 9 Sep 1816|p660.htm#i19948|Elizabeth "Lizzie" Hyndman|b. 10 Feb 1821|p1216.htm#i36694|
Martha Lyons was born on 3 November 1876, at, MacDonald, .1 She was the daughter of John James Lyons and Margaret McCrae.1
- [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.
Oliver L. Lyons1
M, b. 27 April 1881
Oliver L. Lyons|b. 27 Apr 1881|p1107.htm#i33427|John James Lyons|b. 10 Jun 1850\nd. 17 Apr 1909|p409.htm#i12406|Margaret McCrae|b. 5 Mar 1854\nd. 1919|p409.htm#i12407|William Lyons|b. 1822\nd. c Jul 1857|p647.htm#i19554|Jane Jones|b. 1826|p647.htm#i19555|Oliver McCrae|b. 9 Sep 1816|p660.htm#i19948|Elizabeth "Lizzie" Hyndman|b. 10 Feb 1821|p1216.htm#i36694|
Oliver L. Lyons was born on 27 April 1881, at, MacDonald, . At From 1901 census.1 He was the son of John James Lyons and Margaret McCrae.1
- [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.
Margaret "Maggie" Lyons1
F, b. 20 December 1893
Margaret "Maggie" Lyons|b. 20 Dec 1893|p1107.htm#i33428|John James Lyons|b. 10 Jun 1850\nd. 17 Apr 1909|p409.htm#i12406|Margaret McCrae|b. 5 Mar 1854\nd. 1919|p409.htm#i12407|William Lyons|b. 1822\nd. c Jul 1857|p647.htm#i19554|Jane Jones|b. 1826|p647.htm#i19555|Oliver McCrae|b. 9 Sep 1816|p660.htm#i19948|Elizabeth "Lizzie" Hyndman|b. 10 Feb 1821|p1216.htm#i36694|
Margaret "Maggie" Lyons was born on 20 December 1893, at, MacDonald, . At From 1901 census.1 She was the daughter of John James Lyons and Margaret McCrae.1
- [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.
John Lyons1
M, b. 30 January 1886
John Lyons|b. 30 Jan 1886|p1107.htm#i33429|John James Lyons|b. 10 Jun 1850\nd. 17 Apr 1909|p409.htm#i12406|Margaret McCrae|b. 5 Mar 1854\nd. 1919|p409.htm#i12407|William Lyons|b. 1822\nd. c Jul 1857|p647.htm#i19554|Jane Jones|b. 1826|p647.htm#i19555|Oliver McCrae|b. 9 Sep 1816|p660.htm#i19948|Elizabeth "Lizzie" Hyndman|b. 10 Feb 1821|p1216.htm#i36694|

John Lyons was born on 30 January 1886, at, MacDonald, . At From 1901 census.1 He was the son of John James Lyons and Margaret McCrae.1
- [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.
David Lyons1
M, b. 6 February 1891
David Lyons|b. 6 Feb 1891|p1107.htm#i33430|John James Lyons|b. 10 Jun 1850\nd. 17 Apr 1909|p409.htm#i12406|Margaret McCrae|b. 5 Mar 1854\nd. 1919|p409.htm#i12407|William Lyons|b. 1822\nd. c Jul 1857|p647.htm#i19554|Jane Jones|b. 1826|p647.htm#i19555|Oliver McCrae|b. 9 Sep 1816|p660.htm#i19948|Elizabeth "Lizzie" Hyndman|b. 10 Feb 1821|p1216.htm#i36694|
David Lyons was born on 6 February 1891, at, MacDonald, . At From attestation papers WWI; From 1901 census 02 Feb 1889.1 He was the son of John James Lyons and Margaret McCrae.1 David Lyons began military service on 5 January 1916 at, , Born 6 Feb. 1891 in Gladstone MB, a farmer, not married.
Next of kin brother William of Valparaiso, SK.
Height 5' 4.5", fair hair, blue eyes, fair complexion, religion Church of Christ.2
Victor E. Lyons1
M, b. 24 May 1898
Victor E. Lyons|b. 24 May 1898|p1107.htm#i33431|John James Lyons|b. 10 Jun 1850\nd. 17 Apr 1909|p409.htm#i12406|Margaret McCrae|b. 5 Mar 1854\nd. 1919|p409.htm#i12407|William Lyons|b. 1822\nd. c Jul 1857|p647.htm#i19554|Jane Jones|b. 1826|p647.htm#i19555|Oliver McCrae|b. 9 Sep 1816|p660.htm#i19948|Elizabeth "Lizzie" Hyndman|b. 10 Feb 1821|p1216.htm#i36694|
Victor E. Lyons was born on 24 May 1898, at, Pos. Landsdowne, , MN. At From 1901 census.1 He was the son of John James Lyons and Margaret McCrae.1
- [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.