Elisabeth Krienke
F, b. between 1755 and 1768, d. 1822
Elisabeth Krienke|b. bt 1755 - 1768\nd. 1822|p174.htm#i5266|Stephan Krienke|b. 1713/14\nd. 6 Jan 1806|p297.htm#i8980|Christina Brandt||p425.htm#i12877|One Krienke||p297.htm#i8981||||Friedrich Brandt||p456.htm#i13818||||
Elisabeth Krienke was born between 1755 and 1768, at Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia. At 1768 from age 32 and widow at 2nd marriage.1 She was the daughter of Stephan Krienke and Christina Brandt.
As of before 1775,her married name was Werner.
Elisabeth Krienke married Christoph (1) Werner, son of Michael Werner, before 1775.
Elisabeth Krienke witnessed the birth of Michael Werner on 20 August 1787 at #122 1787, Bap. 26 August, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Michael Werner is an ackersleute, mother is Christina Krinckin.
GP: ackersmann Daniel & frau Elisabeth Werner, müller Andreas Wiek, jüngfer Anna Louisa Sadanin all Radczicz.2
Elisabeth Krienke witnessed the birth of Anna Dorothea Geske on 10 February 1793 at #23F, Bap. 17 February, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Christoph is an Ackkersmann, mother is Eva Knaackin.
GP: Christoph Werner, Ackermann, Frau Elisabeth Wernerin geb Krinckin, jüngfer Dorothea Zempelin.3
Elisabeth Krienke witnessed the birth of Johann Kollander on 3 January 1797 at #29, Bap. 8 January, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Paul Kolander is a mother Chatherina Zinnin.
GP: Elizabeth Werner geb Krienke
I assume mother and child died as there is a second Johann born to Paul
and now Elizabeth Krienke.3
As of 2 November 1800,her married name was Geske.
Elisabeth Krienke married Christian Geske on 2 November 1800, at #31-6, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia. Jünggeselle Christian Geske, age white out, but 39 on 245516, a Grenadier in des Gottlob Thiele'schen Reg. mit Fraü Elisabeth Wernerin geb Krinckin from Eadczicz.
FHC Film # 245516, Her age is 32, #38 page 125 1800.4
Elisabeth Krienke died in 1822, at Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia.5
Children of Elisabeth Krienke and Christoph (1) Werner
- Maria Werner+ b. 20 Jul 1775
- Christina Werner b. 23 Aug 1777
- Anna Elisabeth Werner b. 12 May 1779
- George Werner b. 17 Apr 1791
- [S409] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245516.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.
- [S406] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), Kirchenbuch, 1773-1944 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, original text 1773 onward.
- [S411] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245521.
Christoph (1) Werner
M, b. 1738/39, d. 2 June 1812
Christoph (1) Werner|b. 1738/39\nd. 2 Jun 1812|p174.htm#i5267|Michael Werner|b. bt 1710 - 1720\nd. b 1795|p428.htm#i12962||||Andreas "Lobsens" Werner||p455.htm#i13790||||||||||
Christoph (1) Werner was born in 1738/39, at prob. Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia. At From age at year death.1 He was the son of Michael Werner.
Christoph (1) Werner married Elisabeth Krienke, daughter of Stephan Krienke and Christina Brandt, before 1775.
Christoph (1) Werner witnessed the birth of Maria Geske on 23 October 1781 at #111, Bap. 28 October, 1784 from marriage record., Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Paul is an Ackersleute and mother is Maria Tabbat,
GP: Ackersmann Christoph Werner, jünggeselle Daniel Werner, Fraü Elisabeth Tabbat, jüngfer Dorothea Erdmann all Radczicz.2
Christoph (1) Werner witnessed the birth of Johann "Patin" Batin on 3 July 1783 at #66, bap. 6 July, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Gottfried is a Schäfer and mother is Anna Maria geb Beyer.
GP: Ackersmann Christoph Werner (two could fit, I chose one married to a Krienke), jünggeselle Johann Schoenke, jüngfer Christina Poertner could be one of two married to either Michael Juchatz or Daniel Fleming, Maria Krienke, Krüger Michael Brandt, all from Trzebon.2
Christoph (1) Werner witnessed the birth of Eva Rosina Zempel on 8 May 1785 at #60, Bap. 17 May, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Peter is an Ackersleute, mother is Katherina Stephan.
GP: ackersmann Christoph Werner, jünggeselle Michael Erdmann, Fraü Elisabeth Poertner, jüngfer Elisabeth Asker all Radczicz.2
Christoph (1) Werner witnessed the birth of Dorothea Brandt on 1 February 1786 at #12, bap. 12 February., Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Michael is a Krüger, innkeeper mother is Elisabeth geb Werner.
GP: Christoph Werner (marries Anna Werner below), Michael Erdmann, Fraü Anna Vergin, jüngfer Anna Werner all Radczicz.2
Christoph (1) Werner married Anna Werner on 24 February 1789, at #10 1789, page 71, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia. He is a widower age 50 and that fits with age at death. and she single, no age.3
Christoph (1) Werner witnessed the birth of Stephan Krienke on 16 November 1791 at #18M 1791, Bap. 21 November, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Michael is an Ackermann and mother is Maria Bergmannin.
GP: Hans Hefner, Christoph Werner Ackermann, Frau Rosina Werner geb Tonnin.2
Christoph (1) Werner witnessed the birth of Anna Dorothea Geske on 10 February 1793 at #23F, Bap. 17 February, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Christoph is an Ackkersmann, mother is Eva Knaackin.
GP: Christoph Werner, Ackermann, Frau Elisabeth Wernerin geb Krinckin, jüngfer Dorothea Zempelin.2
Christoph (1) Werner witnessed the birth of Daniel Brandt on 21 February 1793 at #54M, Bap. 24 February, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Michael is an Einwohner, mother is Elisabeth Friedrich.
GP: Christoph Werner, Ackermann, Jüngfer Christina Brandt.2
Christoph (1) Werner witnessed the birth of Christian Hinz on 26 December 1794 at #26M, bap. 1 January., Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Christian is a Schmied and mother is Dorothea geb Blockin.
GP: Ackermann Christoph Werner (there are 2 others), jünggeselle Andreas Timm, jüngfer Rosina Erdmann.2
Christoph (1) Werner witnessed the birth of Rosina Werner on 27 May 1795 at #44F 1795, Bap. 31 May 1795, Radzicz, , Posen, Prussia; FHC Film # 245513, #44F Radzicz, #44 Radzicz 27 31 May Rosina to Paul Werner & Gertrude Zempel
GP: Christoph Werner & Helena Krienke geb Werner she died 22 May 1862.4
Christoph (1) Werner witnessed the birth of Anna Dorothea Erdmann on 1 June 1795 at #47 1795, Bap. 7 June, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Panl Erdmann is an Ackersmann and mother is Elizabeth geb Poertnerin.
GP: Christoph Werner (Helena Werner's father), Helena Krienke geb Werner & Maria Krienke (Too many).
Really there are other Christoph Werners so I could be way wrong.2
Christoph (1) Werner died on 2 June 1812, at #40, at age 73, wife was Elisabeth Krienkin, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia.1
Children of Christoph (1) Werner and Elisabeth Krienke
- Maria Werner+ b. 20 Jul 1775
- Christina Werner b. 23 Aug 1777
- Anna Elisabeth Werner b. 12 May 1779
- George Werner b. 17 Apr 1791
Child of Christoph (1) Werner and Anna Werner
- Johann Werner5 b. 16 Apr 1792, d. 26 Jul 1792
- [S411] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245521.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.
- [S409] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245516.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., FHC Film # 245513, #44 Radzicz, #44 Rad 27 31 May Rosina to Paul Werner & Gertrude Zempel
GP Christopoph Werner & Helena Krienke geb Werner she died 22 may 1862. - [S409] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245516, As shown, father Christoph is Ackermann; #112 page 148 Radzicz.
Maria Werner
F, b. 20 July 1775
Maria Werner|b. 20 Jul 1775|p174.htm#i5268|Christoph (1) Werner|b. 1738/39\nd. 2 Jun 1812|p174.htm#i5267|Elisabeth Krienke|b. bt 1755 - 1768\nd. 1822|p174.htm#i5266|Michael Werner|b. bt 1710 - 1720\nd. b 1795|p428.htm#i12962||||Stephan Krienke|b. 1713/14\nd. 6 Jan 1806|p297.htm#i8980|Christina Brandt||p425.htm#i12877|
Maria Werner was born on 20 July 1775, at Radzicz, , Posen, Prussia. At #84 1775, Bap. 23 July 1775; Father Christoph is an ackersmann, and mother is Elisabeth Krienke.
GP: Jünggeselle Michael Brandt, Christoph Geske, baüer, George Krienke baüer, jüngfraü Anna Elisabeth Werner, Maria Geske, baüersfraü all from Radzicz.1 She was the daughter of Christoph (1) Werner and Elisabeth Krienke.
Maria Werner witnessed the birth of Anna Dorothea Krienke on 10 April 1789 at #60, Bap. 19 April, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father George is an Ackersleute, mother is Dorothea Tabbatin.
GP: Christian Krincke, Johann Krincke, Michael Geske, Maria Wernerin, jüngfer Anna Dorothea Wernerin.2
As of before 1803,her married name was Krienke.
Maria Werner married Christian Krienke, son of Daniel "Daniele Kryanek" Krienke and Katharina Poertner, before 1803, at Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia.
Maria Werner witnessed the birth of Anna Dorothea Werner on 22 May 1803 at #87 at am, Morgans, bap. 30 May, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father George is an Einwöhner and mother is Eva geb Gastin.
GP: Daniel Werner Baüer (brother), Fraü Maria Krinckin geb Wernerin Baüersfraü, jüngfer Maria Wernerin Baüerstochter (niece), all from Radczicz.2
Child of Maria Werner and Christian Krienke
George Poertner
George Poertner||p174.htm#i5269|Martin Poertner|b. 1696/97\nd. 27 Nov 1787|p426.htm#i12908||||||||||||||||
George Poertner was the son of Martin Poertner.
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Daniel Krienke on 8 October 1777 at #98 1777, Bap. 19 Oct., Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Possibly lived in klein Rüden.
Father is an ackersleüte, and no geb for mother Katherina.
GP: Ackersmann George Poertner, jünggeselle Michael Krienke & Paül Erdmann, Fraü Maria Erdmann all from Radczicz and jüngfraü Anna Steding from Kratzke.1
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Katherina Erdmann on 9 April 1780 at #32 1780, Bap. 16 April, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann Erdmann is an ackersmann, mother is Dorothea geb nil.
GP: Ackersmann George Poertner, jünggeselle Paül Erdmann, Fraü Dorothea Mews, jüngfer Dorothea Elisabeth Poertner all from Radczicz.
She claims to be age 20 years when married, b: 1783.2
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Louisa Krienke on 28 December 1781 at #132 1781, Bap. 6 January 1782, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Paül Krienke is an ackersmann and mother Katherina Poertner is a baüertochter, farmer's daughter.
GP: Ackersmann George Poertner, jünggeselle Paül Brandt, Fraü Dorothea Krienke (her mother was Christina Brandt, if I have early family correct) all from Radczicz.
But Vater angegeben is above father, so again a funny situation as Louisa is not onsidered unheliche, illegitimate.3,4
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Michael Bahrke on 5 September 1783 at #101, bap. 14 September, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Seems fatherGottfried had a second name Friedrich and he was an Einwöhner and mother was Elisabeth Bergmann.
GP: Ackermann George Poertner, jünggsellen Michael Henning & Johann Bergmann, Fraü Anna Maria Bartin, jüngfer Christina Zempel all from Radczicz.3
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Christian Krienke on 12 November 1783 at #131 1783, Bap. 16 November, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father George Krienke is a baüer, mother is Dorothea Tabbat.
GP: baüer George Poertner, baüersohn Christian Tabbat, baüerstochter jüngfer Katherina Krienke all from Radczicz.2
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Dorothea Werner on 8 March 1784 at #24 1784, Bap. 14 March, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Christoph is a baüer and mother is Anna Dorothea tonn.
GP: baüer George Poertner, baüer sohn Paul Erdmann jüngfer Christina Zempel, all from Radczicz.3
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Christina Raddatz on 23 May 1794 at #67F, bap. 1 June., Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Peter is a Schäfer and mother is Christina Fechner or Techner.
GP: George Poertner, Ackermann, Frau Rosina Erdmannin geb Poertnerin, jungfer Anna Elisabeth Wernerin.3
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Rosina Krienke on 5 April 1796 at #44F, bap. 10 April, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Stephan is an Ackersmann and mother is Maria Erdmannin.
GP: Ackersmann George Poertner, Fraü Rosina Wernerin geb Tonin, jüngfer Maria Krinckin (too many to choose).3
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Daniel Krienke on 8 October 1777 at #98 1777, Bap. 19 Oct., Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Possibly lived in klein Rüden.
Father is an ackersleüte, and no geb for mother Katherina.
GP: Ackersmann George Poertner, jünggeselle Michael Krienke & Paül Erdmann, Fraü Maria Erdmann all from Radczicz and jüngfraü Anna Steding from Kratzke.1
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Katherina Erdmann on 9 April 1780 at #32 1780, Bap. 16 April, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann Erdmann is an ackersmann, mother is Dorothea geb nil.
GP: Ackersmann George Poertner, jünggeselle Paül Erdmann, Fraü Dorothea Mews, jüngfer Dorothea Elisabeth Poertner all from Radczicz.
She claims to be age 20 years when married, b: 1783.2
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Louisa Krienke on 28 December 1781 at #132 1781, Bap. 6 January 1782, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Paül Krienke is an ackersmann and mother Katherina Poertner is a baüertochter, farmer's daughter.
GP: Ackersmann George Poertner, jünggeselle Paül Brandt, Fraü Dorothea Krienke (her mother was Christina Brandt, if I have early family correct) all from Radczicz.
But Vater angegeben is above father, so again a funny situation as Louisa is not onsidered unheliche, illegitimate.3,4
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Michael Bahrke on 5 September 1783 at #101, bap. 14 September, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Seems fatherGottfried had a second name Friedrich and he was an Einwöhner and mother was Elisabeth Bergmann.
GP: Ackermann George Poertner, jünggsellen Michael Henning & Johann Bergmann, Fraü Anna Maria Bartin, jüngfer Christina Zempel all from Radczicz.3
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Christian Krienke on 12 November 1783 at #131 1783, Bap. 16 November, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father George Krienke is a baüer, mother is Dorothea Tabbat.
GP: baüer George Poertner, baüersohn Christian Tabbat, baüerstochter jüngfer Katherina Krienke all from Radczicz.2
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Dorothea Werner on 8 March 1784 at #24 1784, Bap. 14 March, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Christoph is a baüer and mother is Anna Dorothea tonn.
GP: baüer George Poertner, baüer sohn Paul Erdmann jüngfer Christina Zempel, all from Radczicz.3
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Christina Raddatz on 23 May 1794 at #67F, bap. 1 June., Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Peter is a Schäfer and mother is Christina Fechner or Techner.
GP: George Poertner, Ackermann, Frau Rosina Erdmannin geb Poertnerin, jungfer Anna Elisabeth Wernerin.3
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Rosina Krienke on 5 April 1796 at #44F, bap. 10 April, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Stephan is an Ackersmann and mother is Maria Erdmannin.
GP: Ackersmann George Poertner, Fraü Rosina Wernerin geb Tonin, jüngfer Maria Krinckin (too many to choose).3
Child of George Poertner and Maria Erdmann
- George Poertner b. 3 Oct 1776
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Exactly as shown.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown.
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.
- [S406] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), Kirchenbuch, 1773-1944 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, original text 1773 onward.
George Poertner
M, b. 3 October 1776
George Poertner|b. 3 Oct 1776|p174.htm#i5271|George Poertner||p174.htm#i5269|Maria Erdmann||p174.htm#i5270|Martin Poertner|b. 1696/97\nd. 27 Nov 1787|p426.htm#i12908||||||||||
George Poertner was born on 3 October 1776, at Radzicz, , Posen, Prussia. At #94 1776, Bap. 13 Oct; Father George is an ackersleüte and Mother Maria had no geb here, I had.
GP: Dorfschmeid Johann Tregin, ackersmann George Krienke, ackersfraü ? Werner, jüngfraü Dorothea Erdmann all from Radzicz. Old name Poertner in last column. Photo May 18 04.1 He was the son of George Poertner and Maria Erdmann.
George Poertner witnessed the birth of Christoph Juchatz on 9 July 1791 at #46M 1791, Bap. 17 July, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Martin is an Einwohner, resident, mother is Christina geb Poertner.
GP: George Poertner, Dorothea Hinzin geb Blockin, jüngfer Elisabeth Krienkin.2
George Poertner witnessed the birth of George Krienke on 18 December 1795 at #21M, bap. 27 December, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father George is an Ackersmann and mother is Dorothea Tabbatin.
GP: Johann Lütke jünggeselle, Ackersmann George Poertner, jüngfer Eva Rosina Tabbatin.2
Christina Werner
F, b. 23 August 1777
Christina Werner|b. 23 Aug 1777|p174.htm#i5272|Christoph (1) Werner|b. 1738/39\nd. 2 Jun 1812|p174.htm#i5267|Elisabeth Krienke|b. bt 1755 - 1768\nd. 1822|p174.htm#i5266|Michael Werner|b. bt 1710 - 1720\nd. b 1795|p428.htm#i12962||||Stephan Krienke|b. 1713/14\nd. 6 Jan 1806|p297.htm#i8980|Christina Brandt||p425.htm#i12877|
Christina Werner was born on 23 August 1777, at Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia. At #75 1777, Bap. 31 August; Father Christoph is a ackersleüte and no geb for Elisabeth,
GP: Jünggeselle George Werner, ackersmann Erdmann Zempel, fraü Maria Elisabeth Krienke and jüngfraü Christina Krienke all from Radczicz.1 She was the daughter of Christoph (1) Werner and Elisabeth Krienke.
Christina Werner witnessed the birth of Christina Tabbat on 26 March 1796 at #42F, bap. 3 April, Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia; Father Christian is n Ackersmann and mother is Eva Rosine Krickin.
GP: Ackersmann Erdmann Krincke, Fraü Gertrud Zempelin* geb Wernerin, jüngfer Christina Wernerin.
I think they have the name backwards as there is no Gertrude Werner married to a Zempel, onlt the reverse.2
James Johnston
M, b. before 28 October 1760
James Johnston|b. b 28 Oct 1760|p174.htm#i5273|John Johnston|b. 19 Jun 1737|p631.htm#i19063|Helen Guild|b. 31 Aug 1740|p631.htm#i19064|Robert Johnston|b. bt 1695 - 1705|p631.htm#i19067|Mary Alexander||p646.htm#i19534|James Guild|b. 1 Oct 1691|p646.htm#i19531|Jannet Viccar|b. 18 Jan 1702|p646.htm#i19532|

James Johnston was born before 28 October 1760, at, Logie Parish, , Scotland. At Baptized this day, not born; He proably was not a twin with Elizabeth, just baptized the same day.
Baptized at Alva James and Elizabeth law'll children of John Johnston and Helen Guild.
Wit: John Alexander and Charles Whyte at sdgel of Causlrsing by Mr. Duncan min.
374/2 page 456.1 He was Baptised on 28 October 1760 at page 68, OPR 374/2 0456 Top., , Perthshire, , Scotland; 1760, October 28, Bap. At Alva, James and Elizabeth Lawfull children of John Johnston and Hellen Guild. Wit: John Alexander and Charles Whyte at
An: Dunedn min.
Photo Mar 15 05.2 He was the son of John Johnston and Helen Guild.
James Johnston married Jean Donaldson, daughter of John " 1 Alloa" Donaldson and Jean Sibbald, on 6 February 1789, at Banns in Logie and Alloa., , Clackmannanshire, , Scotland. James Johnston (in this parish) Logie and Jean Donaldson( in this parish Alloa gave up their names for proclamation, paid dues, and married Feby. 6th.
From Banns in Alloa, 18 January.3
James Johnston OPR 374/2, page 68
1760, October 28, Bap. At Alva, James and Elizabeth Lawfull children of John Johnston and Hellen Guild. Wit: John Alexander and Charles Whyte at
An: Dunedn min.
1771 June 2nd
Bap: Mary daughter Robert Johnston and Helen Henderson, page 89
IGI has this source,
Descendants of Andrew JOHNSTON from IGI
1 Andrew JOHNSTON, m: Dec. 06, 1782 in Perth, Perth, Scot.
..+Margaret RINTOULL, m: Dec. 02, 1782 in Associate Congregation, Perth, Perth, Scot.
Source: Batch #: M119479, Sheet #: 00, Source Call #: 1040160
Source: Batch #: M191032, Sheet #: 00, Source Call #: 0889486
....2 John JOHNSTON
Source: Batch #: C119473, Sheet #: 00, Source Call #: 1040158
IGI has best Father: James JOHNSTON (since he named oldest son James)
Mother: Jean DONALDSEN
Christening: 25 Oct 1789 Logie, Perth, Scotland
Batch number: Dates Source Call No. Type Printout Call No. Type
C113745 1783-1820 1040124 Film 6903097 Film
1040124: description. Old parochial registers, 1688-1855 Church of Scotland. Parish Church of Logie (Stirling)
Logie is parish 374.
6903097 Number of Fiche: 2: Computer printout of Logie, Perth, Scot
Old parochial registers, 1688-1855 Church of Scotland. Parish Church of Logie (Stirling)
Baptisms, marriages 1688-1819;
List of inhabitants 1811 FHL BRITISH Film # 1040124
Burials 1761-1796, (occasional entries 1822-1852);
Baptisms 1811-1818 (occasional entries), 1819- 1854;
Marriages 1819-1855 FHL BRITISH Film # 1040125 Items 1-2
Aberdeen & North-East Scotland Family History Society
Logie: Population
Year Population
1755 413
1801 339
1851 467
1901 285
1951 299
Tay Valley Family History Society
General Inquiries - tvfhs@tayvalleyfhs.org.uk
Membership Inquiries - membership@tayvalleyfhs.org.uk in 2010.4
Children of James Johnston and Jean Donaldson
- John Alexander Johnston+ b. 25 Oct 1789, d. 22 Jul 1855
- Helen Johnston4 b. 15 May 1791
- Elizabeth Johnston Baptised5 b. c 1793
- Janet Johnston2 b. 30 Jan 1795
- Alexander Johnston2 b. 18 Apr 1798
- Jean Johnston6 b. 13 Jul 1803
- May Johnston7 b. 27 Apr 1806
- [S283] Unknown author, FHL #1040124, As shown.
- [S283] Unknown author, FHL #1040124.
- [S778] Old Parochial Reecords., FHC Film # 1040206 Alloa Mar, 1609-; Bap 1740-1804.
- [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff.
- [S283] Unknown author, FHL #1040124, See brother James birth.
- [S283] Unknown author, FHL #1040124, FHC Film #1040124, page 124, part 374/2.
- [S283] Unknown author, FHL #1040124, Page 148 part 374/2 FHC Film #1040124.
William Johnston
M, b. 1797, d. 1882
William Johnston|b. 1797\nd. 1882|p174.htm#i5275|James Johnston||p631.htm#i19074|Mary Torrance||p174.htm#i5274|||||||||||||
William Johnston married Ann Boyd, daughter of William Boyd.
William Johnston was born in 1797, at Muirkirk, Ayrshire, Scotland. He was the son of James Johnston and Mary Torrance.1
William Johnston died in 1882, at Bells Corners, Nepean, Ontario.
- [S13] Unknown author, IGI / Ancestral File LDS.
Ann Boyd
Ann Boyd||p174.htm#i5276|William Boyd||p174.htm#i5277||||||||||||||||
Ann Boyd married William Johnston, son of James Johnston and Mary Torrance.
Ann Boyd died, at Bells Corners, Nepean, Ontario.
Ann Boyd was born, at Hawick, Roxburghshire, Scotland. She was the daughter of William Boyd.
Mary Emma "Emily" Overland
F, b. 1879, d. 1941
Mary Emma "Emily" Overland|b. 1879\nd. 1941|p174.htm#i5278|John Overland||p339.htm#i10293|Alma Eagle||p339.htm#i10294|||||||||||||
Mary Emma "Emily" Overland was born in 1879, at Grey Co., from mar. reg.. She was the daughter of John Overland and Alma Eagle.
Mary Emma "Emily" Overland married Robert John McAfee, son of Thomas McAfee and Nancy Ann Stewart, on 17 November 1914, at, Grey, . #011600-1914 (Grey Co):
Robert John McAFEE, 63, farmer, widow, King Tp -York Co, Meaford,
s/o Thomas McAFEE & Nancy STEWART,
Mary Emily OVERLAND, 35, Co Grey, Owen Sound,
d/o John OVERLAND & Alma EAGLE;
wit Mrs W J JOHNSON,
Owen Sound. 17 Nov 1914 at Owen Sound.
As of 17 November 1914,her married name was McAfee.1
Mary Emma "Emily" Overland died in 1941, at Nova Scotia (United Church).
Children of Mary Emma "Emily" Overland and Robert John McAfee
- William Stanley McAfee+
- James Stuart McAfee b. 27 Mar 1914, d. 1981
- John Arthur McAfee b. 18 Aug 1916, d. 1974
- Donald Milton "Micky" McAfee+ b. 3 Oct 1920, d. 28 Apr 1995
- [S4] Unknown author, Internet, #011600-1914 (Grey Co): Robert John McAFEE, 63, farmer, widow, King Tp -York Co, Meaford, s/o Thomas McAFEE & Nancy STEWART, married Mary Emily OVERLAND, 35, Co Grey, Owen Sound, d/o John OVERLAND & Alma EAGLE; wit Mrs W J JOHNSON, Mrs F W HOLLINRAKE, Owen Sound. 17 Nov 1914 at Owen Sound; http://homepages.rootsweb.com/
William Stanley McAfee
William Stanley McAfee||p174.htm#i5279|Robert John McAfee|b. 1 Apr 1851\nd. 1937|p105.htm#i3203|Mary Emma "Emily" Overland|b. 1879\nd. 1941|p174.htm#i5278|Thomas McAfee|b. 1819\nd. 7 Feb 1907|p99.htm#i3012|Nancy A. Stewart|b. c 1816\nd. 1 Nov 1893|p105.htm#i3201|John Overland||p339.htm#i10293|Alma Eagle||p339.htm#i10294|
Children of William Stanley McAfee and Muriel Romaine Shoemaker
James Stuart McAfee
M, b. 27 March 1914, d. 1981
James Stuart McAfee|b. 27 Mar 1914\nd. 1981|p174.htm#i5280|Robert John McAfee|b. 1 Apr 1851\nd. 1937|p105.htm#i3203|Mary Emma "Emily" Overland|b. 1879\nd. 1941|p174.htm#i5278|Thomas McAfee|b. 1819\nd. 7 Feb 1907|p99.htm#i3012|Nancy A. Stewart|b. c 1816\nd. 1 Nov 1893|p105.htm#i3201|John Overland||p339.htm#i10293|Alma Eagle||p339.htm#i10294|
James Stuart McAfee was born on 27 March 1914. He was the son of Robert John McAfee and Mary Emma "Emily" Overland.
James Stuart McAfee died in 1981.
John Arthur McAfee
M, b. 18 August 1916, d. 1974
John Arthur McAfee|b. 18 Aug 1916\nd. 1974|p174.htm#i5281|Robert John McAfee|b. 1 Apr 1851\nd. 1937|p105.htm#i3203|Mary Emma "Emily" Overland|b. 1879\nd. 1941|p174.htm#i5278|Thomas McAfee|b. 1819\nd. 7 Feb 1907|p99.htm#i3012|Nancy A. Stewart|b. c 1816\nd. 1 Nov 1893|p105.htm#i3201|John Overland||p339.htm#i10293|Alma Eagle||p339.htm#i10294|
John Arthur McAfee was buried, at Lakeview Cemetery, Meaford, Ont..
John Arthur McAfee was born on 18 August 1916. He was the son of Robert John McAfee and Mary Emma "Emily" Overland.
John Arthur McAfee died in 1974.
Donald Milton "Micky" McAfee
M, b. 3 October 1920, d. 28 April 1995
Donald Milton "Micky" McAfee|b. 3 Oct 1920\nd. 28 Apr 1995|p174.htm#i5282|Robert John McAfee|b. 1 Apr 1851\nd. 1937|p105.htm#i3203|Mary Emma "Emily" Overland|b. 1879\nd. 1941|p174.htm#i5278|Thomas McAfee|b. 1819\nd. 7 Feb 1907|p99.htm#i3012|Nancy A. Stewart|b. c 1816\nd. 1 Nov 1893|p105.htm#i3201|John Overland||p339.htm#i10293|Alma Eagle||p339.htm#i10294|
Donald Milton "Micky" McAfee Military service: 2ND WORLD WAR
Nickname: Micky
e_mail from Collenn McAfee Peters. 11 April 2001.
Thank you so much Jack for sending me that story, no, I had never seen or heard of it. Jack I only started searching for my Grandparent's a month ago, I know nothing! Much better now that have all the info. from you. You are a angel from God!
I will take anything you think I may need, as this part of the McAfee clan have never been told a single thing about the McAfee's other than, "they were all mean!" And that we could believe because my father was a extremely vicious man. He abused his wife and his children, mentally, physically and sexually!! He lived as a hermit on the top of a mountain in his last 20 years, he hated crowds and disliked people in general. He came down from the shack, (that is what it was, a 2 room shack on the top of a mountain) once a month to get food from a corner store in village which was a 1 hour drive down the mountain. He lived in filth and was an alcoholic most of his years. He stopped drinking in 1978 when my brother was killed, it helped him somewhat to clam him down, however he still was not a nice person! I was the only member of this family to escape his horror, my mother left him when I was 3 and I never met him until I was 15, and at that time wished I never had at all.
Anyway Jack, just a blur to let you in on someone my family history.
God bless you and yours and hope your wife better soon.
With all my gratitude and Thanks.
Colleen[Langstaff Jul 26 01.FTW]
Military service: 2ND WORLD WAR
Nickname: Micky
e_mail from Collenn McAfee Peters. 11 April 2001.
Thank you so much Jack for sending me that story, no, I had never seen or heard of it. Jack I only started searching for my Grandparent's a month ago, I know nothing! Much better now that have all the info. from you. You are a angel from God!
I will take anything you think I may need, as this part of the McAfee clan have never been told a single thing about the McAfee's other than, "they were all mean!" And that we could believe because my father was a extremely vicious man. He abused his wife and his children, mentally, physically and sexually!! He lived as a hermit on the top of a mountain in his last 20 years, he hated crowds and disliked people in general. He came down from the shack, (that is what it was, a 2 room shack on the top of a mountain) once a month to get food from a corner store in village which was a 1 hour drive down the mountain. He lived in filth and was an alcoholic most of his years. He stopped drinking in 1978 when my brother was killed, it helped him somewhat to clam him down, however he still was not a nice person! I was the only member of this family to escape his horror, my mother left him when I was 3 and I never met him until I was 15, and at that time wished I never had at all.
Anyway Jack, just a blur to let you in on someone my family history.
God bless you and yours and hope your wife better soon.
With all my gratitude and Thanks.
Donald Milton "Micky" McAfee was born on 3 October 1920, at Meaford, ON. He was the son of Robert John McAfee and Mary Emma "Emily" Overland.
Donald Milton "Micky" McAfee married Sarah Phylis Schell in 1958, at Ontario.
Donald Milton "Micky" McAfee died on 28 April 1995, at Williams Lake, B.C..
Donald Milton "Micky" McAfee was buried on 30 April 1995, at From Gregory's Funeral Home, Williams Lk..
Children of Donald Milton "Micky" McAfee and Sarah Phylis Schell
- Patricia Phylis McAfee
- James Robert "Torrie" McAfee+
- Donald "Donnie" Eric McAfee+ b. 25 Jun 1952, d. 16 Nov 1978
- Pamela Merry McAfee+
- Colleen Ellen McAfee+
William Stuart McAfee
M, b. 14 April 1889, d. 20 December 1893
William Stuart McAfee|b. 14 Apr 1889\nd. 20 Dec 1893|p174.htm#i5283|Robert John McAfee|b. 1 Apr 1851\nd. 1937|p105.htm#i3203|Mary Jane Manary|b. 25 Apr 1858\nd. 1912|p108.htm#i3293|Thomas McAfee|b. 1819\nd. 7 Feb 1907|p99.htm#i3012|Nancy A. Stewart|b. c 1816\nd. 1 Nov 1893|p105.htm#i3201|William Manary|b. 1826\nd. 16 Apr 1858|p144.htm#i4380|Sarah Breadner||p144.htm#i4381|
William Stuart McAfee was buried, at New England Cemetery(lot 9 cons 6 Euphrasia Twp).
William Stuart McAfee was born on 14 April 1889, at Euphrasia Twp., Grey Co., ON. He was the son of Robert John McAfee and Mary Jane Manary.
William Stuart McAfee died on 20 December 1893, at Euphrasia Twp., Grey Co., ON.
Gladys Verna McAfee
Gladys Verna McAfee||p174.htm#i5284|Thomas McAfee|b. 9 May 1877\nd. 26 Jul 1962|p146.htm#i4427|Margaret Jane "Maggie" Knott||p146.htm#i4428|Thomas McAfee|b. 11 Sep 1849\nd. 15 Oct 1916|p266.htm#i8055|Rebecca Wiley|b. 7 May 1857\nd. 23 May 1915|p98.htm#i2990|John W. Knott|b. 10 Oct 1850|p146.htm#i4429|Mary Boyd||p146.htm#i4430|
Ivan Glayton McAfee
Ivan Glayton McAfee||p174.htm#i5285|Thomas McAfee|b. 9 May 1877\nd. 26 Jul 1962|p146.htm#i4427|Margaret Jane "Maggie" Knott||p146.htm#i4428|Thomas McAfee|b. 11 Sep 1849\nd. 15 Oct 1916|p266.htm#i8055|Rebecca Wiley|b. 7 May 1857\nd. 23 May 1915|p98.htm#i2990|John W. Knott|b. 10 Oct 1850|p146.htm#i4429|Mary Boyd||p146.htm#i4430|
Glen Ross McAfee
Glen Ross McAfee||p174.htm#i5286|Thomas McAfee|b. 9 May 1877\nd. 26 Jul 1962|p146.htm#i4427|Margaret Jane "Maggie" Knott||p146.htm#i4428|Thomas McAfee|b. 11 Sep 1849\nd. 15 Oct 1916|p266.htm#i8055|Rebecca Wiley|b. 7 May 1857\nd. 23 May 1915|p98.htm#i2990|John W. Knott|b. 10 Oct 1850|p146.htm#i4429|Mary Boyd||p146.htm#i4430|
Norman Stewart McAfee
Norman Stewart McAfee||p174.htm#i5287|Thomas McAfee|b. 9 May 1877\nd. 26 Jul 1962|p146.htm#i4427|Margaret Jane "Maggie" Knott||p146.htm#i4428|Thomas McAfee|b. 11 Sep 1849\nd. 15 Oct 1916|p266.htm#i8055|Rebecca Wiley|b. 7 May 1857\nd. 23 May 1915|p98.htm#i2990|John W. Knott|b. 10 Oct 1850|p146.htm#i4429|Mary Boyd||p146.htm#i4430|
Mary Rebecca McAfee
Mary Rebecca McAfee||p174.htm#i5288|Thomas McAfee|b. 9 May 1877\nd. 26 Jul 1962|p146.htm#i4427|Margaret Jane "Maggie" Knott||p146.htm#i4428|Thomas McAfee|b. 11 Sep 1849\nd. 15 Oct 1916|p266.htm#i8055|Rebecca Wiley|b. 7 May 1857\nd. 23 May 1915|p98.htm#i2990|John W. Knott|b. 10 Oct 1850|p146.htm#i4429|Mary Boyd||p146.htm#i4430|
Olive Jean McAfee
Olive Jean McAfee||p174.htm#i5289|Thomas McAfee|b. 9 May 1877\nd. 26 Jul 1962|p146.htm#i4427|Margaret Jane "Maggie" Knott||p146.htm#i4428|Thomas McAfee|b. 11 Sep 1849\nd. 15 Oct 1916|p266.htm#i8055|Rebecca Wiley|b. 7 May 1857\nd. 23 May 1915|p98.htm#i2990|John W. Knott|b. 10 Oct 1850|p146.htm#i4429|Mary Boyd||p146.htm#i4430|
Russell McAfee
M, b. 16 March 1904, d. 18 March 1906
Russell McAfee|b. 16 Mar 1904\nd. 18 Mar 1906|p174.htm#i5290|Thomas McAfee|b. 9 May 1877\nd. 26 Jul 1962|p146.htm#i4427|Margaret Jane "Maggie" Knott||p146.htm#i4428|Thomas McAfee|b. 11 Sep 1849\nd. 15 Oct 1916|p266.htm#i8055|Rebecca Wiley|b. 7 May 1857\nd. 23 May 1915|p98.htm#i2990|John W. Knott|b. 10 Oct 1850|p146.htm#i4429|Mary Boyd||p146.htm#i4430|
Russell McAfee was buried, at New England Cemetery(lot 9 cons 6 Euphrasia Twp).
Russell McAfee was born on 16 March 1904. He was the son of Thomas McAfee and Margaret Jane "Maggie" Knott.
Russell McAfee died on 18 March 1906, at Age 2 years 2 days.
William Curry
Elgin Knott
Elgin Knott||p174.htm#i5292|Hugh Edwin "Edward" Knott||p146.htm#i4438|Mary McAfee||p118.htm#i3600|John W. Knott|b. 10 Oct 1850|p146.htm#i4429|Mary Boyd||p146.htm#i4430|Thomas McAfee|b. 11 Sep 1849\nd. 15 Oct 1916|p266.htm#i8055|Rebecca Wiley|b. 7 May 1857\nd. 23 May 1915|p98.htm#i2990|
Hilda Knott
Hilda Knott||p174.htm#i5293|Hugh Edwin "Edward" Knott||p146.htm#i4438|Mary McAfee||p118.htm#i3600|John W. Knott|b. 10 Oct 1850|p146.htm#i4429|Mary Boyd||p146.htm#i4430|Thomas McAfee|b. 11 Sep 1849\nd. 15 Oct 1916|p266.htm#i8055|Rebecca Wiley|b. 7 May 1857\nd. 23 May 1915|p98.htm#i2990|
Velma Knott
Velma Knott||p174.htm#i5294|Hugh Edwin "Edward" Knott||p146.htm#i4438|Mary McAfee||p118.htm#i3600|John W. Knott|b. 10 Oct 1850|p146.htm#i4429|Mary Boyd||p146.htm#i4430|Thomas McAfee|b. 11 Sep 1849\nd. 15 Oct 1916|p266.htm#i8055|Rebecca Wiley|b. 7 May 1857\nd. 23 May 1915|p98.htm#i2990|
Kathy Knott
Kathy Knott||p174.htm#i5295|Hugh Edwin "Edward" Knott||p146.htm#i4438|Mary McAfee||p118.htm#i3600|John W. Knott|b. 10 Oct 1850|p146.htm#i4429|Mary Boyd||p146.htm#i4430|Thomas McAfee|b. 11 Sep 1849\nd. 15 Oct 1916|p266.htm#i8055|Rebecca Wiley|b. 7 May 1857\nd. 23 May 1915|p98.htm#i2990|