David Johnson
David Johnson||p240.htm#i7251|Peter Johnson||p137.htm#i4158|Sarah (?)||p137.htm#i4180|Stephen Johnson|b. 27 Nov 1828|p98.htm#i2995|Sarah (?)|b. c 1826\nd. bt 1891 - 1901|p98.htm#i2996|||||||
Johnny Moon
Johnny Moon||p240.htm#i7252|Alexander Moon|b. 22 Jul 1851\nd. 1923|p137.htm#i4179|Elizabeth Jackson|b. 11 Mar 1859\nd. 1933|p60.htm#i1818|Peter Moon|b. 1822\nd. 23 Dec 1884|p137.htm#i4172|Sarah Poole|b. c 1826\nd. 8 Nov 1892|p137.htm#i4176|Heurz Jackson||p138.htm#i4211|Eliza Jano||p138.htm#i4212|
Dorcas Moon
Dorcas Moon||p240.htm#i7253|Alexander Moon|b. 22 Jul 1851\nd. 1923|p137.htm#i4179|Elizabeth Jackson|b. 11 Mar 1859\nd. 1933|p60.htm#i1818|Peter Moon|b. 1822\nd. 23 Dec 1884|p137.htm#i4172|Sarah Poole|b. c 1826\nd. 8 Nov 1892|p137.htm#i4176|Heurz Jackson||p138.htm#i4211|Eliza Jano||p138.htm#i4212|
Grace Moon
Grace Moon||p240.htm#i7254|Alexander Moon|b. 22 Jul 1851\nd. 1923|p137.htm#i4179|Elizabeth Jackson|b. 11 Mar 1859\nd. 1933|p60.htm#i1818|Peter Moon|b. 1822\nd. 23 Dec 1884|p137.htm#i4172|Sarah Poole|b. c 1826\nd. 8 Nov 1892|p137.htm#i4176|Heurz Jackson||p138.htm#i4211|Eliza Jano||p138.htm#i4212|
Joseph Moon
Joseph Moon||p240.htm#i7255|Alexander Moon|b. 22 Jul 1851\nd. 1923|p137.htm#i4179|Elizabeth Jackson|b. 11 Mar 1859\nd. 1933|p60.htm#i1818|Peter Moon|b. 1822\nd. 23 Dec 1884|p137.htm#i4172|Sarah Poole|b. c 1826\nd. 8 Nov 1892|p137.htm#i4176|Heurz Jackson||p138.htm#i4211|Eliza Jano||p138.htm#i4212|
Margaret Moon
Margaret Moon||p240.htm#i7256|Alexander Moon|b. 22 Jul 1851\nd. 1923|p137.htm#i4179|Elizabeth Jackson|b. 11 Mar 1859\nd. 1933|p60.htm#i1818|Peter Moon|b. 1822\nd. 23 Dec 1884|p137.htm#i4172|Sarah Poole|b. c 1826\nd. 8 Nov 1892|p137.htm#i4176|Heurz Jackson||p138.htm#i4211|Eliza Jano||p138.htm#i4212|
Edith Moon
Edith Moon||p240.htm#i7257|Alexander Moon|b. 22 Jul 1851\nd. 1923|p137.htm#i4179|Elizabeth Jackson|b. 11 Mar 1859\nd. 1933|p60.htm#i1818|Peter Moon|b. 1822\nd. 23 Dec 1884|p137.htm#i4172|Sarah Poole|b. c 1826\nd. 8 Nov 1892|p137.htm#i4176|Heurz Jackson||p138.htm#i4211|Eliza Jano||p138.htm#i4212|
Mabel Moon
Mabel Moon||p240.htm#i7258|Alexander Moon|b. 22 Jul 1851\nd. 1923|p137.htm#i4179|Elizabeth Jackson|b. 11 Mar 1859\nd. 1933|p60.htm#i1818|Peter Moon|b. 1822\nd. 23 Dec 1884|p137.htm#i4172|Sarah Poole|b. c 1826\nd. 8 Nov 1892|p137.htm#i4176|Heurz Jackson||p138.htm#i4211|Eliza Jano||p138.htm#i4212|
Abzina Moon
Abzina Moon||p240.htm#i7259|Alexander Moon|b. 22 Jul 1851\nd. 1923|p137.htm#i4179|Elizabeth Jackson|b. 11 Mar 1859\nd. 1933|p60.htm#i1818|Peter Moon|b. 1822\nd. 23 Dec 1884|p137.htm#i4172|Sarah Poole|b. c 1826\nd. 8 Nov 1892|p137.htm#i4176|Heurz Jackson||p138.htm#i4211|Eliza Jano||p138.htm#i4212|
Thomas Parker Lancefield
M, b. 26 March 1790, d. before January 1852
Thomas Parker Lancefield|b. 26 Mar 1790\nd. b Jan 1852|p240.htm#i7260|Robert Lancefield|b. 28 Jun 1757\nd. Jan 1825|p241.htm#i7309|Ann Parker|b. 19 Oct 1760\nd. May 1815|p241.htm#i7310|John Lancefield||p242.htm#i7313|Elizabeth Bridges||p242.htm#i7314|Thomas Parker||p241.htm#i7311|Elizabeth Sampson||p242.htm#i7312|
Thomas Parker Lancefield was born on 26 March 1790, at, Kent, , England. At Bap. 25 April; From parish records.2 He was the son of Robert Lancefield and Ann Parker.1
Thomas Parker Lancefield married Sarah Hawkes on 31 December 1810, at Parish of St Clement's, , Kent, , England. The first marriage of Thomas Parker Lancefield was found in the records of St. Clements, Sandwich, Kent England.
The Banns of marriage for Thomas and Sarah were published on Sunday Dec. 16, 1811, Sunday Dec. 23, 1811, and
Sunday Dec. 30, 1811 by the minister R. S. Joynes. (It appears as if the date should have been 1810 not 1811) The
marriage is also in the register, Thomas Parker Lancefield of this parish and Sarah Hawkes, spinster of this parish,
were married in this church by Banns, thirty first day of December in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and
Ten by me R. S. Joynes, curate.This marriage was solemnized between us Thomas Parker Lancefield and Sarah
Hawkes (both signed) in the presence of Samuel Hawkes and Elizabeth (Colbray). (This is his sister Elizabeth.).2
Thomas Parker Lancefield was (an unknown value) between 1811 and 1814, at Shipwright, , Kent, , England.2
Thomas Parker Lancefield married Mary W. Parker, daughter of James Cook, circa 1813, at Parish of Minster-In_Sheppey, , Kent, , England. Mary ParkerR Abt. 1813.
She was born Abt. 1785, and died Mar 1831 in Parish of Minster-In_Sheppey, Sheerness
From Bishops transcripts Minster-in-Sheppey parish.2 Thomas Parker Lancefield began military service on 3 March 1814 at War of 1812 he was a shipwright, , Frontenac, .2 He ended military service on 28 September 1815; Ron found at the Public Record Office at Kew, were in the Admiralty papers of the Dockyards and Naval Establishments, 1660-1857. (ADM 42/2167) under Lake Ontario. As near as I can figure out, as a shipwright he would have been classed as an "Established Officers Artificer". The first record I found was in ADM 42/2167 Monthly Pay List of His Majesty's Foreign Yards, for the months of February and March 1814. Yard Entry 3rd March 1814, Tho's Lancefield, shipwright. Passage to Quebec 29 days, (I'm not sure if this means he was on
passage for 29 days, or if he actually worked for 29 days at the dockyard), Half Day Pay, Shipwrights, Smiths, Sailmakers, 7 pound 5 shillings, pay received at home 1 pound 12 shillings, abatement to be paid to wife in England 4 pound, Thomas Lancefield signed for receipt of 4 pound 17 shillings Sterling.
I did not find the pay list for April, but the one dated 3 June 1814 states the following, "Memo, As these men only appear by the Pay List NO 1121 to have arrived from England at Quebec on the 31st of May 1814 they must have been travelling the whole or part of this month from Quebec to Kingston. They would have been entitled to whole pay for the latter journey so that it may be considered, as it is no doubt intended, that this is in part a passage money
Thomas Lancefield appears on line #32. Thomas Lancefield, shipwright, no. of days 26, under Shipwrights, Smiths, Sailmakers, Thomas was paid 13 pound, the monthly home pay is recorded as 1 pound 12 shillings, abatement sent to wife in England 4 pound, and Thomas signed for currency 11.15.61/2, sterling 10.12.0.
At the end of this list the following appears " These are to certify the Principal Officers and Commissioners of His Majesty's Navy that the Established Artificers mentioned in the ongoing Paylist for the month of June 1814 were employed the number of days , and extra time ex-------- against their respective names, and were paid by Edward (Laws) Esquire Naval Storekeeper, amounting to the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six pounds Ten Shillings and Five pence Three farthings currency. signed by (?) Williams Master Ship'wt, (?) Spratt Master --------, and (? ?) Commissioner.
The Kingston Yard Pay List for the Established Officers Artificers UC for July 1814, show on line 32 Thomas Lancefield, shipwright, being paid for 26 days and 52 extra hours, 15 pound 12 shillings, monthley home pay was 1pound 12 shillings and the abatement to his wife in England was 4 pound, paid to each person currency 14.13.4, sterling 13.4.0. Thomas signed beside this.
Ron did find him in the pay lists for Kingston Dockyards during 1814 but I could not find him in 1815.
One supposes he could have been working in a different Dockyard, or at a different job than a shipwright, or maybe he was not in Canada as long as stated on his petition papers.
Ron hired a researcher in England to do a little research for me. Her name was Stella Stagg.
She reported that she had looked at the Yard records of Sheerness (Admiralty 106/304) and found the pension award on Jan. 10th 1832, confirming the record I quoted above. His records show he was a shipwright and had entered the service on 5th December 1811, and was aged 20 years 1 month. He was awarded the sum of 20 pounds.
The ADM 106/304 records No. 125 Quarterly. 8th Report states: Sheerness Yard 16th Jan'y 1832, A List of such Arificers and other Workmen belonging to this yard, who from Age, Infirmities, or Hurts received in the Service, are not able to perform a Day's Work, and appear to be proper objects for Superannuation. Name Tho's Lancefield, Quality Shipw't, Entry 1811 5th Dec'r, Successive Service from the expiration of Apprenticeship 20 Yrs 1 Mo, Age 43, Nature of Disability disabled and rendered unfit for duty, in consequence of an injury of the back and loins, right knee recently hurt, and motion impeded, both accidents occurred in the performance of his Duty in the Dock.
Yard. signed ? (M)arden M.D. Below it states, Lower rate approved, signed ?, The Resident Commissioner for the Navy Boards.
From the same records is the following page:
The Com'r at Sheerness is requested to report when this man received the injuries that now render him incapable of further duty, & if the hurts are of a very severe nature. (initials signed). Sheerness Yard 19 January 1832 The Officers and the Surgeon are to report herein the information above required. Navy Office 18 Jan'y 1832. Sheerness Yard 20th Jan'y 1832, Thomas Lancefield, Shipwright received a severe injury of the back on the 20th of April 1827, from the effects of which he has never perfectly recovered and on the 12 of November last his knee was severly bruised by a boat falling on him while at work in the Boat Houseand he has continued on the Injury Book, in consequence thereof up to this time. The Hurts were both severe especially the first which occasion him to walk in a bent position. and the weakness of the loins renders him subject to falls upon any slight muscular exertion. He has lost much time from incepacity to labour since he was ? comitted by the Boards letter of the 5 May 1831to be empoyed on light work and he is considered from these causes to be incapable of further duty in any department as a Shipwright. signed ? (M)arden MD.
Grantor, signed John Weller or Miller.
Sheets from the ADM 23/1 records record the pension he received and where. 1832- Name Lancefield Thomas, Quality &c shipwright, From What Yard Superannuated Sheerness, Date of Authority for Pension 25 Jan'y 1832, Amount of Pension 20, Date of Commencement of Pension 16 Feb'y 1832, Quarter ending 31st March (amount) 2.10. When Paid July, Where Paid Canada, Quarter ending 30th June (amount) 5. When Paid July, Where Paid Canada, Quarter ending 30th September (amount) 5. When Paid March 1833 Where Paid Kingston U.C., Quarter Ending Dec. 31st (amount) 5. When Paid March 1833, Where Paid Kingston U.C. 1833- Quarter Ending 31st March (amount) 5. When Paid April, Where Paid Kingston U.C., Quarter Ending 30th June (amount) 5. When Paid Feb'y 20, 1834, Where Paid Kingston U.C., Quarter Ending 30th Sept (amount) 5. When Paid Feb'y 20, 1834,
Where Paid Kingston U.C., Quarter Ending 31st Dec (amount) 5. When Paid Feb'y 20, 1834, Where Paid Kingston U.C.
(ADM23/4). There is no date on this sheet but is the same form as the above. It states. Name Lancefield Thomas, age not stated, Quality & c shipwright, From What Yard Superannuated Sheerness, Date of Authority for Pension 25 Jan'y 1832, Amount of Pension 20, Date of Commencement of Pension 16 Feb'y 1832, (reference Nos, on proceeding book 2709) Remarks DD. 3 Jan'y 1849, added note (supplementary list to 30 Sept 1852). I have been unable to fine this supplementary list to see what it says. Apparently the D.D. means discharged dead. ( I tried to find this notation at the Record Office in June 2001, but was unable to locate it).2
Thomas Parker Lancefield filed for homestead(s) on 11 July 1832 in at Land petition for war record, , Frontenac, ,
Thomas Lancfield, records found in RG9, 1B4 at the NAC.
#1181 This document for a grant of waste lands from the Surveyor General of Lands is not filled in. The front just says Thomas Lancefield, Shipwright.
#1182 These are to certify that Thomas Lancfield served as a shipwright in the Dock Yard at Kingston during the late War. He is therefore recommended for a Grant of land in Upper Canada.
Given under my hand at Kingston Dock Yard Upper Canada the 11 of July 1832.
Robt. Morris, Commodore
RG9, 1B4, vol. 27 page 70; Register of the Upper Canada Militia Land Grants for Services During the War of 1812.
Only an index, and the following recorded: No.: 4391
Name: Thos. Lancefield, Corps: Dockyard, Rank: Shipwright
Occ. Or trade: Yeoman, Date of Certificate: 24 April 1839, Residence: Indian Territory
Acres: left blank
Ont. Archives: Lot Cons Page
Harvey: E1/25 11 NO FGM 01 C13 133083 MS 693 Reel 140
Verulam: E1/25 6 NO FGM 01 C13 133083 MS 693 Reel 140
Harvey: E1/25 11 18331001 FG- 01 C14 020089 MS 693 Reel 159 Have Copy
Verulam: E1/25 6 18400101 FG- 01 C14 020121 MS 693 Reel 159 Have Copy
Thomas Lancefield appeared in the index of the "Land Claim Certificates of Upper Canada Militiamen who served in the War of 1812-1814". In the index he appeared under File 48: pages 1074-1204, [pages 1181-1183, Name Thomas Lancefield, Unit Kingston Dockyard]. The following is a transcript of those pages.
" page 1181, 4391, Thomas Lancefield or Lannilfield, Shipwright, (unreadable signature), date 24 April 1833 or 1839. page 118?
These are to Certify that Thomas Lancefield served as a shipwright in the Dock Yard at Kingston during the late War. He is therefore recommended for a grant of Land in Upper Canada.
Given under my hand at Kingston Dock Yard Upper Canada, the 11 July 1832. Robt. ? , Commodore (next page),
Master Shipwrights Office, 11th July 1832.
This is to certify that Thomas Lancefield shipwright served in this Yard from the 3rd day of March 1814 to the 28th day of September 1815 when he was discharged on account of the reduction, and having conducted himself during that time with diligence and Propriety, is deserving of the indulgence held out for such service and Behaviour, on his Embarking for his Magestys Yard in this Country.
Robert Moore, Master Shipwright.
To Commodore Barrie C. B., (? 3 initials) page 1183
Papers notating to Grant of Lands, Thomas Lancefield, Petition and Certificate of Oath of Allegiance, forwarded to York." (Note, York would now be Toronto)
There is one other reference in the same index under Thomas Launchfield, File 49, pages 1205-1333. " page 1316,
Name Thomas Launchfield, Unit Provincial Marine"
The following records were found in the Archives of Ontario in regard to Land received by Thomas Lancefield.
Thomas Lancefield---land grants. RGI C-1-3 ms693 Reel 140. Archives of Ontario
cert L.G.O. ---4481. cert A.G.M. 4391 24 Apr.,1839
Name Thomas Lancefield or Launchfield, residence (blank) Militia Rank & Corps as a Shipwright in the Dock Yard at Kingston
When filed in ( ? ) 1839, 25 Apr., 1839 acres 200 Lot E 1/2 of ( 5 ) Concession 11 Township Harvey and Lot E 1/2 of 5 Concession 6 Township Verulam (NOTE Harvey Township is now in Peterborough County and Verulam is in Victoria County. These townships do ajoin each other, but the parcels of land are not close to each other by any means. In that period of time it would have been known as the Newcastle District.)
Description M 4333. Description M 4419
Returns of Locations made by Alexander McDonell Esquire Agent for the Sale & management of Public Lands (?) in the Newcastle District from the 1st October to the 28th October 1839 inclusive.
page 121 ( on bottom of same page dated November and in different hand writing) no. of location (not given). Name of Grantee Thomas Lancefield.
Nature of claim (not given)
No of warrent or certificate (not given)
Location: Lot E 1/2 of 5, Concession 6, Verulam 100 acres. When located ( ? ) Jan ,1840
Name of Occupant or applicant for location T. Lancefield.
Native Country or from where arrived England.
Acres chopped or cleared or otherwise (not given)
Remarks (blank) . Signed by Alexander McDonell, agent, Peterboro 10 May.
Township of Harvey, page 89. Date 1833, Oct.,1. Name, Thomas Lancefield. Occupation, Shipwright
Whence from England. Location, E half Lot 5 Concession 11, 100 acres.
The following records were found in the Public Archives Of Canada. They are documents regarding Thomas' pension and Canadian Land Grants.
Upper Canada Land Petions "L" bundle 22, 1839 -1840. (RG 1, L 3, Vol. 296 42) Public Archives of Canada.
Pensioner's Certificate: on the right hand side of page (77e)
By the Principal Officers and Commissioners of His Majesty's Navy
These are to certify that Thomas Lancefield, Shipwright was Superannuated on a pension of TWENTY Pounds no shillings no pence per Annum, from the 15th day of February in the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Two. Not payable, however, for any period he may hereafter be employed in His Majesty's Service, unless ordered by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty under special circumstances.
Dated at His Majasty's Dock Yard, at Sheerness,the 15th of February 1832. Commissioner
N.B. The personating or falsely assuming the Name or Character of a Pensioner, in order to obtain his Pension Money, or procuring any other Person to do the same, is made Felony by Act of Parliament.
Not Transferable and no security for Debts.
Stature 5 feet, 7 inches. Hair Black. Eyes Hazel. Complexion Fair. Age 43
Wounds ( can't read writing).
From what Ship or Dock Yard Superannuated: Sheerness Servitude 2(?) years, 2 months, no days.
Upper Canada Land Petions "L" Bundle 22, 1839-1840. ( RG 1, L 3, Vol. 296 42 ), Public Archives of Canada.
(on the right side of page) 77b
Toronto 19th Nov. 1840
Sirs: In reply to your letter requesting me to transmit to you the authority under which I located Thomas Lancefield.
I have to state that Lancefield appeared at my office in Peterboro in 1831 requesting to become a settler in the
Township of Harvey representing that he considered himself entitled to 200 acres as a shipwright in the Naval
Service. He was at the time assigned the east half of lot No. 5, 11th con. in that Township as a settler, with the
understanding that he could receive an other 100 acres on making good his claim thereto, this he must have done or
I could not have made a subsequent return for the second 100 acres in Verulam,namely lot No. 5 in the 6th con. 5 East Half.
I would remark that in compliance with my instructions, many settlers were placed on land in the Newcastle
District without having any other authority than that of satisfying the superintendent of their desire and capability of
settling in the woods, this being rendered neccessary to prevent the many Emigrants arriving in the Country from
[reverting] to Toronto during the summer seasons of 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34 particularly during the two Cholera
I have the honor to be Sir, Your most obedient humble servant, A. McDonell
K. Cameron Esquire
[act'g] Surveyor General.
Upper Canada Land Petions "L" Bundle 22, 1839-1840. ( RG 1, L 3, Vol. 296 42 ) ( right side of page) 77
Public Archives of Canada
To His Excellency Sir George Arthur KCH[ etc etc etc] Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada and Major
General commanding Her Majesty Force herein.
The Petition of Thomas Lancefield of the Township of Verulam, Yeoman Humbly Sheweth
That your Petitioner was located by Alexander McDonell Esquire on the East half of lot No 5 in 11th
concession of the Township of Harvey for his service as a shipwright in the Kingston Dock Yard during the late
war with the United States for which half lot a Patent has issued to your Petitioner. That the East half of lot No 5
in 6th concession of Verulam was afterwards assigned to your Petitioner by Mr McDonell to make up the quanity
of land to which he was entitled. But on your Petitioner applying for his patent for the last named half lot he is
informed that a description for the same can not [issue] unless the Surveyor General be specially authorised for that
purpose. Your Petitioner begs respectfully to state to Your Excellency that he served for upwards of twenty years
as a Shipwright as will appear by reference to the accompanying Certificate and that he has never received any land
or order for land for his service except that in Harvey and Verulam above named.
Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays Your Excellency to order that a Patent for the East half of lot No 5 in
6th concession of Verulam may issue to him and Your Petitioner will ever pray
Toronto 6th October 1840. signed: Thomas Lancefield.
Upper Canada Land Petitions "L" Bundle 22, 1839-1840
( RG 1, L 3, Vol. 296 42 )
Public Archives left side of page 77a
On the outside fold. Petition of Thomas Lancefield, 1122 Secy's Office, 6 Oct. 1840
Referred to the ----? General to report hereon for the inform'n of the Executive Council By Command (2 unreadable signatures) SGO -------?
(on the other side of fold) In Council 2Nd Dec 1840, Recommended ( signature)
Communicated to Petitioners agent Mr. James Henderson, 10th December 1840.
Order ? 16th Dec'r 1840
In the early part of last month application was made by Mr. James Henderson as Agent for Thomas Lancefield for a Patent for the East Half of Lot No 5 in the 6th Concession of the Township of Verulam. On reference to Mr. McDonells return under whom the land had been located. I found that the same had been assigned to the Petitioner in the year 1836 & another 100 Acres, the East Half of Lot No 5 or (15) in the 11th Concession of the Township of Harvey had been located to him in the year 1832. The Authority upon which it was -------- these locations had been made was a Certificate of the Adjutant General of Militia dated only 24th April 1839. The location contrary to any allowed practice in relation to Militia claims, appearing to have been made -- ---- ant----- to any recognition of the Petitioners claims for Services rendered by him, seemed to me to call for some inquiry, before I should proceed to give my Discription for Patent Accordingly on The 8th of October I wrote to Mr McDonell for information on the
subject & receiving no reply I addressed him again on the [29] October [a copy of his reply] dated 19th November I beg leave to submit herewith.
The production of the Pension Certificate attached to the Petition favors the supposition which in the first instance I entertained that the lands in question were assigned for Naval Service & not Provincial and as it now appears that the Petitioner became a settler [prior] to Grants to Naval & Military claimants being discontinued it
will be but carrying out a practice upon which the Government upto the present moment have acted by permitting him to receive a Patent in the capacity of a Naval Pensioner for the land locates especially as it appears that in 1832 & 1834 during the prevalance the Cholera Mr McDonell was authorised by his Excellency Sir John Colborne to
assign lands to Discharged Soldiers/Seamen on presenting their discharge or Pension Papers without waiting for their Grants passing the Council.
[SGO] 30th Nov 1840 Cameron Esq.
The following is a petion found in the Township of Harvey Papers at the Provincial Archives of Ontario.
To His Excellency Sir John Colborne K.C.B., Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Upper Canada, Major
General commanding His Majesty Forces herein.
The Petion of the undersigned residents in the Township of Harvey in the Newcastle District, Humbly sheweth, That Your Excellency having been pleased to appoint certain gentlemen to the office of Magistrates and also as Commissioners for holding a Court of Requests in this division of the Newcastle District. Your Petitioners are at a
loss for the---------? of a site of ground whereon to erect a suitable building for conducting the business of the Township.
That a certain small spot of land in quanity of about 1 1/4 acre situate on Sandy Lake to the north of lot 9 in the 12th concession, The south East corner of Lot 10 in the 12th concession, now vacant and belonging to the crown, would in their judgement be the most suitable place for such a building, from its central position.
That Your Excellency's Petioners are also desirous of appropriating such building as a public meeting for the performance of devine Service.
Your Excellency's Petitioners therefore humbly request that Your Excellency will be pleased to give their petition your favourable consideration. And Your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray.
Harvey, 4th January 1836. (signed by) Charles Green, A. W. Buchanan, Jno Hay, Willm Hay, James Anders (his
X mark), William Montgomery, (? McFadden), William ?, William Adams, William Manning, Thomas Lancefield,
Peter Robertson, ?
( NOTE, Thomas Lancefield's signature looks the same as the one on the petition of 6 October 1840).3
He was Census Ref (3) on 1 February 1842 at Roll #M-7745, , Victoria, ; 1841 census, Thos. Lancefield listed as E 1/2 lot 22 cons. 3, 100 acres 12 clear and 88 still forest, asseement 24£ (pounds), 12s (shillings). Just his name on this census, no wife or children's names appear.
No livestock listed.
Seems to have been missed on census roll; Roll #M-7745, assessment roll for 1841 Verulam Twp.4
Thomas Parker Lancefield married Mary Cook on 13 September 1847, at Catholic Church, , Victoria, . From R.C. records Lindsay: Thomas Lansfield received the profession of Catholic faith ---
Baptised conditonally Thomas Lansfield of Verulam in presence of Dan Flynn & James Cooke age 47 years on the 13th day of September 1847.
Also (??) Mary Lansfield received the profession of Catholic Faith -
Mary Lansfield Baptised her conditionally on the 13th day of September 1847, presence of Dan Flynn and James Cooke, age 24 years.
Presumeably this was done before their marriage.2
Thomas Parker Lancefield died before January 1852, at Not with Mary on the 1851 census, , Victoria, .5
Child of Thomas Parker Lancefield and Sarah Hawkes
- Ann Parker Lancefield2 b. 24 Apr 1811, d. 27 May 1825
Children of Thomas Parker Lancefield and Mary W. Parker
- Thomas Parker Lancefield2 b. 20 Oct 1814
- Robert James Lancefield6 b. 2 Mar 1817
- John Lancefield b. 24 Sep 1820, d. 16 Apr 1899
- Mary Eliza Lancefield+7 b. 1 Nov 1821
- Eliza Lancefield2 b. 23 Sep 1825
- Martha Ann Lancefield+ b. 31 Dec 1828, d. 23 Mar 1907
Children of Thomas Parker Lancefield and Eleanor Byrnes
- Margaret Lancefield
- Sarah Lancefield b. c 1839
- James Lancefield+ b. 14 Feb 1843, d. 21 Apr 1914
- Patrick Lancefield b. c Jan 1845
- William Lancefield b. c 1846
Children of Thomas Parker Lancefield and Mary Cook
- Edward Lancefield+ b. 15 Apr 1850, d. 10 Oct 1901
- Thomas Lancefield
- [S13] Unknown author, IGI / Ancestral File LDS, Patron sheets, 1969-1991 Patron submitted forms
Source: Batch #: 8501834, Sheet #: 2, Source Call #: 1396006; 1396006. - [S867] Ron Junkin, "Lancefield Family."
- [S209] Unknown author, N.A.C.
- [S505] Unknown author, 1841 census U.C.
- [S507] Unknown author, 1851 census.
- [S18] Unknown author, Lyle Longhurst, This seems to be different from James on the census. Possibly he died in England.; Sep. 2001 (He had no source for me.).
- [S18] Unknown author, Lyle Longhurst, Sep. 2001 (He had no source for me.).
John Longhurst
John Longhurst||p240.htm#i7262|Walter Longhurst||p128.htm#i3906|Bethia (?)||p240.htm#i7261|John(1745) Longhurst|b. 4 May 1745\nd. 4 Jul 1815|p2.htm#i44|Mary Wheeler|b. 1754\nd. 13 Mar 1815|p2.htm#i45|||||||
Ann May
John Longhurst
John Longhurst||p240.htm#i7265|James Longhurst|b. 1795|p139.htm#i4218|Jane Rose||p240.htm#i7264|John(1745) Longhurst|b. 4 May 1745\nd. 4 Jul 1815|p2.htm#i44|Mary Wheeler|b. 1754\nd. 13 Mar 1815|p2.htm#i45|||||||
John "Wheller" Wheeler
Child of John "Wheller" Wheeler and Mary (?)
- Mary Wheeler+ b. 1754, d. 13 Mar 1815
James Albert "Bert" Longhurst
James Albert "Bert" Longhurst||p240.htm#i7268|Robert James Longhurst|b. 18 Mar 1876\nd. 8 Jul 1950|p6.htm#i176|Martha Elizabeth Crawford|b. 9 Nov 1888\nd. 13 Dec 1980|p7.htm#i189|James Longhurst|b. 10 Sep 1850\nd. 19 Jun 1932|p6.htm#i170|Mary A. Crawford|b. 12 Oct 1857\nd. 1933|p6.htm#i171|George A. Crawford||p263.htm#i7968|Margot Elizabeth|d. 1948|p263.htm#i7969|
Child of James Albert "Bert" Longhurst and Bertha Beatrice Shire
Eva Milkie
F, b. 1916, d. 3 October 1995
Eva Milkie was born in 1916.
Eva Milkie married Robert Elvin "Slim" Longhurst, son of Robert James Longhurst and Martha Elizabeth Crawford, on 2 May 1971, at Regina, Sask..
Eva Milkie died on 3 October 1995.
Child of Eva Milkie
- [S8] Unknown author, Donna Longhurst, From death notice of stepfather Slim Longhurst.
Leo Olsen
Mary Lillian Longhurst
Mary Lillian Longhurst||p240.htm#i7271|Robert James Longhurst|b. 18 Mar 1876\nd. 8 Jul 1950|p6.htm#i176|Martha Elizabeth Crawford|b. 9 Nov 1888\nd. 13 Dec 1980|p7.htm#i189|James Longhurst|b. 10 Sep 1850\nd. 19 Jun 1932|p6.htm#i170|Mary A. Crawford|b. 12 Oct 1857\nd. 1933|p6.htm#i171|George A. Crawford||p263.htm#i7968|Margot Elizabeth|d. 1948|p263.htm#i7969|
Children of Mary Lillian Longhurst and John Gerard McLafferty
- [S11] Unknown author, Ron Longhurst, Page sent May 2001.
Bertha Beatrice Shire
Bertha Beatrice Shire||p240.htm#i7272|Robert James Shire||p263.htm#i7961|Edith McVicar||p263.htm#i7962|||||||Andrew McVicar||p263.htm#i7966|Jane Summerton||p263.htm#i7967|
Child of Bertha Beatrice Shire and James Albert "Bert" Longhurst
Ronald Albert Longhurst
Ronald Albert Longhurst||p240.htm#i7273|James Albert "Bert" Longhurst||p240.htm#i7268|Bertha Beatrice Shire||p240.htm#i7272|Robert J. Longhurst|b. 18 Mar 1876\nd. 8 Jul 1950|p6.htm#i176|Martha E. Crawford|b. 9 Nov 1888\nd. 13 Dec 1980|p7.htm#i189|Robert J. Shire||p263.htm#i7961|Edith McVicar||p263.htm#i7962|
Children of Ronald Albert Longhurst and Diane Guttormson
Jeffery Kris Longhurst
Jeffery Kris Longhurst||p240.htm#i7275|Ronald Albert Longhurst||p240.htm#i7273|Diane Guttormson||p240.htm#i7274|James Albert "Bert" Longhurst||p240.htm#i7268|Bertha B. Shire||p240.htm#i7272|||||||
Child of Jeffery Kris Longhurst and Bonnie Baschuk
Cory Scott Longhurst
Cory Scott Longhurst||p240.htm#i7276|Ronald Albert Longhurst||p240.htm#i7273|Diane Guttormson||p240.htm#i7274|James Albert "Bert" Longhurst||p240.htm#i7268|Bertha B. Shire||p240.htm#i7272|||||||
Kieran Victor Longhurst
Kieran Victor Longhurst||p240.htm#i7277|Jeffery Kris Longhurst||p240.htm#i7275|Bonnie Baschuk||p244.htm#i7377|Ronald A. Longhurst||p240.htm#i7273|Diane Guttormson||p240.htm#i7274|||||||
John Lancefield
M, b. 24 September 1820, d. 16 April 1899
John Lancefield|b. 24 Sep 1820\nd. 16 Apr 1899|p240.htm#i7278|Thomas Parker Lancefield|b. 26 Mar 1790\nd. b Jan 1852|p240.htm#i7260|Mary W. Parker|b. c 1785\nd. 23 Mar 1831|p277.htm#i8370|Robert Lancefield|b. 28 Jun 1757\nd. Jan 1825|p241.htm#i7309|Ann Parker|b. 19 Oct 1760\nd. May 1815|p241.htm#i7310|James Cook||p241.htm#i7285||||
John Lancefield was born on 24 September 1820, at, Kent, , England. At Bap. on this date, never married; Minster-in-Sheppy parish records.
Baptized June 20, 1824, Lancefield John, son of Thomas Parker Lancefield and Mary of Sheerness, Shipwright, born Sept 24, 1820, and on the same day baptized.
He was age 23 on 1851 census.1 He was the son of Thomas Parker Lancefield and Mary W. Parker.
John Lancefield was in at, Victoria, , on the 1851 census in on 12 January 1852
31 Dunsford, Jas. W. Farmer Eng. Church of England 38 M Gentleman
32 Harvie, John Labourer Ire. Church of England 22 M
33 Kelley, John Labourer Ire. Church of England 25 M
34 Lancefield, John Labourer Eng. Church of England 23 M
35 Cochlan, Margaret Servant Ire. Roman Catholic 42 F
36 Kelley, Margaret Servant Ire. Church of England 23 F
37 Cochlan, James C.W. Roman Catholic 7 M
Victoria, 357 Verulam Twp., p. 1d, 2a, (3).2
John Lancefield died on 16 April 1899, at #21541, Lot 22 Conc 16, , Peterborough, . Lancefield, John, died 16 April 1899 at age 83, after suffering 6 months with phthisis pulmanitus.
He was a single labourer born England and a Methodist living on lot 22 conc 16 of Harvey Twp., seen by Dr. C. E. Bonnett who aslo was the informant.3
Patrick Lancefield
M, b. circa January 1845
Patrick Lancefield|b. c Jan 1845|p240.htm#i7279|Thomas Parker Lancefield|b. 26 Mar 1790\nd. b Jan 1852|p240.htm#i7260|Eleanor Byrnes||p1283.htm#i38730|Robert Lancefield|b. 28 Jun 1757\nd. Jan 1825|p241.htm#i7309|Ann Parker|b. 19 Oct 1760\nd. May 1815|p241.htm#i7310|||||||
Patrick Lancefield was born circa January 1845, at, Victoria, , U. Can. (1861 census). At Bap. 6 July 1845 Lindsay; From R.C. records, Lindsay: Patrick, bap. on the Sixth of July 1845 Patrick born of the union of Thos Lans(urle), Protest. & Mary Cook Catholic, both Verulam, Age six weeks, Sponsers John P(?) & Thomas Duggan.1 He was the son of Thomas Parker Lancefield and Eleanor Byrnes.
- [S867] Ron Junkin, "Lancefield Family."
Jean Donaldson
F, b. 23 May 1770
Jean Donaldson|b. 23 May 1770|p240.htm#i7280|John Donaldson|b. 1 Aug 1742|p1028.htm#i31034|Mary "Rainy" Rennie|b. c 1744|p1028.htm#i31035|James "Tullibody" Donaldson||p1029.htm#i31036|Jean Rue||p1029.htm#i31037|||||||

Jean Donaldson was born on 23 May 1770, at, Clackmannan, , Scotland. At Bap. 3 June; Jean to John Donaldson and Mary Rennie in in Tillibody, born 23 rd and baptized 3 rd June.
No other details.2 She was the daughter of John Donaldson and Mary "Rainy" Rennie.1
As of 1 January 1804,her married name was Welch.3
Jean Donaldson Computer printout of Alloa, Clack., Scot Births and christenings,
A thru Z 1609-1855 (7 microfiches) FHL BRITISH Fiche 6901326
Marriages, A thru Z, 1609-1855
(3 microfiches) FHL BRITISH Fiche 6902180
Old parochial registers for Alloa, 1609-1860
Scotland, Clackmannan
Baptisms, 1609-1740.
(Preferred film for viewing.
Use this First - - FHL BRITISH Film [ 1040205 Items 3 - 4 ]
Marriages, 1609-1804;
Baptisms, 1740-1804.
(Preferred film for viewing.
Use this First - - FHL BRITISH Film [ 1040206 ]
Baptisms, 1804-1854;
Marriages, 1804-1854;
Burials, 1825, 1849, 1854-1860.
(Preferred film for viewing.
Use this First - - FHL BRITISH Film [ 1040207 Items 1 - 2 ]
Baptisms, 1609-1740 (2nd filming). - FHL BRITISH Film [ 102087 ]
Baptisms, 1740-1775;
Marriages, 1609-1773 (2nd filming). - FHL BRITISH Film [ 102088 ]
Baptisms, 1775-1854;
Marriages, 1773-1854;
Burials, 1825, 1849, 1854-1860
(2nd filming). - FHL BRITISH Film [ 102089 ] in 2007, at FHL Films all listed, , .4