Dorothea (?)1

F, b. between 1720 and 1730
Dorothea (?) was born between 1720 and 1730, at, Wirsitz, , Prussia. At Must be early as never found children only GPs.1
As of circa 1745,her married name was Zink.1

Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Nathanael Kluckmann on 13 August 1768 at # 1. 1768, first on the #245513., Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father David is a Tuchmachermeister and mother is nicht angegeben, not given.
GP: Nathenael Schetler, Tuchmachermeister Lobsens and Frau Dorothea Zinken.
First entry on film 1768.1
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Anna Christina Lübenau on 11 November 1773 at #2 1773, Bap. 16 Nov. 1773, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Gottlob tüchmacher meister ünd Bürger, mother Anna Maria Gabbert.
G.P.: Samüal Schadler and Frau Dorothea Zinken both of Lobsens.2
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Friedrich Neumann on 8 May 1774 at #34 1774, Bap, 22 May, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Andreas is listed as meister, no wife named.
GP: burgermeister Johann Samuel Lubenau, Fraü Lüschner (wife of Anton Gottleib Lüschner but no name see Johann Anton 1773), Dorothea Zink all Lobsens.3
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Johann Bertram on 9 May 1774 at #32, bap. 15 May., Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann listed as Meister, mother Christina no geb.
GP: George Daniel Manthey, Gottlob Schönfeldt, Dorothea Zink (could be her daughter) all Lobsens.1
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Henrietta Karolina Neumann on 3 June 1774 at #42, Bap. 10 June 1774, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann Jakob Neumann is a meister, nil mother.
GP: Nathaneal Schedler, George Daniel Manthey, fraüprediger Anna Elisabeth Dudde, fraü Dorothea Zink, fraü Anna Maria Gontz, all from Lobsens.
GP: See photo Mar. 25 04.4
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Daniel Erdmann Hohensee on 2 December 1774 at #117, Bap. 7 December., Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Erdmann is a Tuchmachermeister and mother is Elisabeth, no geb.
GP: Burgermeisteren Johann Peters and ?? Daniel Lubenau, Daniel Tciel, ??, Frauen Anna Dorothea Zink, Eva Manthey, Maria Elisabeth Korf and Anna Kratzmer, all from Lobsens.
Death would make birth 28 November.5,1
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Anna Dorothea Ryghan on 9 July 1775 at #76, bap. 12 July., Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann is a Hus. (assume Husar) und Schmied (blacksmith) and mother Christina has no geb.
GP: Nathanael Scheler, Michael Bartsch, Dorothea Zink, Dorothea Schulze, Dorothea Bertram all from Lobsens.1
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Dorothea Margareta Lübenau on 15 July 1775 at #81 1775, Bap. 20 July 1775, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann Samuel is a bürgermeister, mother is Margarata no geb.
GP: Nathaneul Schadler, Sanabor, Christian Jakob Pfal, Dorothea Zink (could be her mother) and Dorothea Engels, all from Lobsens.6
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Elisabeth Dux on 27 July 1775 at #88 1775, Bap. 1 Aug. 1775, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann is a Tüchmacher meister, master cloth maker, and mother Sophia has no geb.
GP: Peter Schulze, Gottlob Kope, Lorenz Wollermann, Dorothea Zink and Eva Manthey, all from Lobsens.
Third photo Apr. 20 04.7
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Johann Gottlob Mantheÿ on 2 October 1775 at #128 1775, Bap. 5 Oct. 1775, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Death record would have date 18 Oct. 1774, father Johann Gottlob is a Bierbraüer ünd Ältester, beer brewer and presbyter, Photo #2 Apr 22 04. and mother is Elisabeth Rahr.
GP: Daniel George Manthey; Gottlob Salin; and Fraü Dorothea Zink, all from Lobsens.

I would take his occupation to be good evidence that they were a well established family at this time, not a new arrival.8
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Eleanora Himmelreich on 11 October 1775 at #146 bap. 16 October, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Mother Christina does not seem to have a husband as no father was listed and she is listed in occupation column as a Riemer meister, which is a craftsperson who makes things for riding gear and harnesses. So this was probably not a woman but the unnamed father.
GP: George Daniel Manthey Kirchenprovisor, Meister Daniel Manthey, Frauen Dorothea Zink & Sophia Dux, all from Lobsens.1
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Eva Rosina Schedler on 19 November 1775 at #153 bap 26 November., Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Nathaniel is a Mälzen Bräuer and mother is Anna Christina , no geb.
GP: Frau Julianna Lüschow, Frau Dorothea Zink.1
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Salamon Ludwich Dudde on 27 February 1776 at #28, bap. 3 March., Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Michael Gottfried is a Prediger, preacher in the Evagl Gamntze (assembly) and mother is Anna Elisabeth, no geb.
GP: Insector Knorr, Peter Schulze, Nath. Sedler, (Schedler), George Manthey (too many), Frau Dorothea Zinckin, Frau Anna Sophia Manthey all Lobsens.9
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Augusta Sophia "Pful" Pfuhl on 27 March 1776 at #37, bap. 3 April., Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Christian Jacob is a Stand. Chirurg, some type of Doctor, and mother is Eva Rosina, no geb.
GP: Pactor Dudde, Chirugin Meister Peters, Le Apothegue Lüschner, Frau Inspector Knorin, Frau Dorothea Zinck all from Lobsens.9
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of George Daniel Mantheÿ on 11 May 1776 at #50 1776, Bap. 15 May 1776, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father George Daniel is a kirchen provisor and mother Eva, no geb.
GP: Meister Nathaneal Schedler, Wilhelm Stange, Michael Bartock, Fraü Prediger Anna Elisabeth Dudde, Fraü Dorothea Zink and Jüngfraü Elisabeth Könor all from Lobsens.10
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Anna Regina Mantheÿ on 10 August 1776 at #71 1776, Bap. 18 Aug., Lobsens, , Pose, Prussia; Father is a schühmacher meister, master shoemaker, and mother Eva Rosina no geb.
GP: Christian and George Samüel Himmelreich and Fraü Dorothea Zink and Regina Himmelreich, but not clear bur probably Zink. All from Lobsens.7
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Johann Gottlieb Schoenfeldt on 17 January 1777 at #2 1777, Bap. 27 Jan., Güntergost, , Posen, Prussia; Father is Schühmacher, shoemaker, and no geb for Anna.
GP: Peter Schulz, Johann Gabbert, Johann Kep, fraü Dorothea Zink, jüngfraü Maria Elisabeth Schoenfeldt all from Lobsens.7
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Gottlob Salin on 16 February 1777 at from age of 3t at death, 15 February., Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; #49 245512, bap. 18 February.
Father Johann Gottlob is a Tüchmacher and mother is Anna Christina, no geb.
GP: Gottlob Manthey, Kirche Provisor, Meister Christian Lange, Tüchmacher, Fraü Dorothea Zinckin (married but no maiden name), Frau Christina Kepin all from Lobsens.5
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Anna Katherina Liebegott Schulz on 31 October 1777 at #106 1777, Bap. 6 Nov., Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Peter is a Mälzennbraüer and no geb for mother Anna Louisa.
GP: Wilhelm Stange, Lüdwig Wilhelm Bleck (Bleich), fraü Dorothea Zink & Anna Dorothea Sawell & Dorothea Engel all from Lobsens.7
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Dorothea Bock on 18 January 1778 at #15, bap. 25 January, Walkenmühle, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann is a Walker and mother is Anna Maria geb Müller.
GP: George Daniel Manthey, Michael Kep, Fraü Dorothea Zink all Lobsens, Fraü Eva Miske from Piesno.1
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Daniel Bertram on 25 April 1778 at #60, bap. 3 May., Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Christian is a Schllosser Meister, master mechanic or locksmith, and mother is Dorothea Elisabeth, no geb.
GP: Wilhelm Stange, George Daniel Mantheÿ, Michael Kep, Fraü Dorothea Zink, all from Lobsens.1
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Karl Ziebarth on 23 October 1778 at #117 1778, Bap. 25 Oct., Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Andreas is a Tuchmacher maister, master cloth maker, no geb for Süsanna.
GP: Johann Daniel Pietius, Fraü Dorothea Zink both from Lobsens.7
Dorothea Zink witnessed the birth of Anna Katherina "Teske" Geske on 25 November 1778 at #138 1778, Bap. 27 Nov., Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Jakob is a Fleischer meister, master butcher, and no geb for Katherina.
GP: Kirche Provisioner Johann Samüel Lubenau, George Daniel Manthey, Fraü Dorothea Zink & Anna Louisa Schulz all from Lobsens.7
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of George Nathanel Mantheÿ on 25 April 1779 at #42 1779, Bap. 29 April, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Living Lobsens and claims 25 years old and single on Marriage.
Father George Daniel is a kirchen provisor, but mother is listed as Eva Barkowski.
GP: George Wilhelm Stange, Kirchenprovisor Johann Gottlob Salin, Johann Wilhelm Schulz, Fraü Dorothea Zinck, jüngfraü Anna Bartsch all from Lobsens.11
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Charlotta Henrietta Dudde on 27 December 1779 at #140 1779, Bap. 2 January 1780, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Michael Gottfried is a prediger, preacher, mother is Anna Elisabeth Knuth.
GP: Kaüfmann (shopkeeper or businessman) Gottlob Sawalle, Fraü Salzpaktor, a salt packer, Dorothea Baurer, Fraü Katherina Knuth, des Groß Mütter, the mother's mother, Fraü Dorothea Zinck, all from Lobsens.3
Dorothea Zink witnessed the birth of Anna Dorothea Reimer on 2 April 1781 at #41, bap. 6 April, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Friedrich Gottlieb is Tüchscherer and mother is Marianna Utke.
GP: Ackersmannen Gottlob Sawalla & Peter Schulz & Karl Ludwig Wendt, Fraü Prediger Anna Elisabeth Dudde, Fraü Dorothea Zink all from Lobsens.9
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Johann George Dahlke on 25 April 1781 at #47, bap. 29 April, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Christoph is a Tüchmacher Meister and mother is Christina, no geb.
GP: George Daniel Manthey & Meister Johann Kepp of Lobsens, Freischulze Andreas Wiesse (Christina's brother) of Dreidorf, Fraüen Dorothea Zink & Christina Kepp of Lobsens.1
Dorothea Zink witnessed the birth of Elisabeth Charlotta Engel on 24 May 1781 at #83, bap. 31 May, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann Karl is the local Apotheker, and mother is Katharina Elisabeth Koertnrt.
GP: Kirchenprovisor George Daniel Manthey, Fraü Prediger Anna Elisabeth Dudde, Fraü Dorothea Zink all from Lobsens.9
Dorothea Zink witnessed the birth of Charlotta Hennig on 5 July 1781 at #72, bap. 8 July, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann Gottlieb is a Maurer, bricklayer, and mother is Christina, no geb.
GP: Johann Janowski, Daniel Pietius, Wilhelm Stange, Frau Dorothea Zink, jungfer Charlotta Schulz, all Lobsens.1
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Michael Martin Freÿmark on 29 September 1781 at #105, Bap. 6 October, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Michael is a Maltzen Braüer and mother is Anna Christina Manthey.
GP: Kaüfmann Gottlob Sawalla, George Daniel Manthey, Fraü Dorothea Zink.1
Dorothea Zink witnessed the birth of Johann Stephan Ressing on 25 December 1781 at #130, bap. 30 December, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann Gottlob is a Schornsteinfeger, and mother is Theresia Heinsch.
GP: Jünggesellen George Wilhelm Stange & Daniel Pietius & George Daniel Manthey, Fraü Dorothea Zink, jüngfer Charlotta Schulz, all from Lobsens.1
Dorothea Zink witnessed the birth of Anna Louisa Dorothea Friederika Philippina Schoenfeldt on 15 July 1782 at #62, bap. 28 July, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann Ernst Karl Aügust (probably from Mecklenburg-Schwerin because of the many names) is an Einwöhner and mother is Maria Elisabeth Reischhauer.
GP: Baüdrector Ludwig Friedrich Kahn, Gottlob Sawalle, Mattheas Loßs/Laßs, Fraüen Dorothea Bauer & Dorothea Zink & Anna Christina Freimark, all from Lobsens.1
Dorothea (?) witnessed the birth of Eleanora Wieck on 24 September 1782 at #82, Bap. 29 September, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Joachim is a Müller, mother is Dorothea Elisabeth Werner.
GP: Michael Freimark, George Daniel Manthey, Johann Daniel Pietius, Fraüen Dorothea Zink & Anna Louisa Schulz all Lobsens.1
Dorothea Zink witnessed the birth of Eleanora Dressler on 11 August 1783 at #95, bap. 28 August, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann is a Schümacher Meister and mother is Maria Elisabeth Schönfeld.
GP: George Daniel Manthey, Johann Daniel Pietius, Fraüen Dorothea Zink & Sophia Dux & Anna Schönfeldt, all from Lobsens.1
Dorothea Zink witnessed the birth of Karl Friedrich Fischer on 16 September 1783 at #109, bap. 23 September, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann Friedrich is a Kontroller and mother is Süsanna Müller.
GP: Einwöhner Schönfeldt, Kammis, some type of town official Frisch, Fraüen Dorothea Zink & Dorothea Schulz, jüngfer Charlotta Schulz, all from Lobsens.1
Dorothea Zink witnessed the birth of Louisa Ertruda Lübenau on 26 January 1785 at #14, bap. 30 January, Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia; Father Gottlob is a Tüchmacher Meister and mother is Eva Rosina Hintz (definately).
GP: Herr Peter Schultz & Jakob Pfühl, Meister Paul Elbiare, Fraüen Dorothea Zink & Anna Christina Freymark all Lobsens.1

Child of Dorothea (?)


  1. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.
  2. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., #2 for 1773, gives mother's maiden name, and occ. of father.
  3. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown.
  4. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., As shown , no wife, but father's occupation is Meister (probably pertains to tuchmacher, clothier).
  5. [S409] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245516.
  6. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Birth her as well as from age at death.
  7. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Exactly as shown.
  8. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Exactly as shown, gives mother's geb, and father's occ. Photo April 22 04.
  9. [S406] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), Kirchenbuch, 1773-1944 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, original text 1773 onward.
  10. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Exactly as shown, photo for GPs and Occ.
  11. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Exactly as shown except mother is Eva Barkowski not Anna Sophia.

(?) Kep1


Children of (?) Kep


  1. [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff.
  2. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.

Johann Kep1

Johann Kep||p1223.htm#i36898|(?) Kep||p1223.htm#i36897||||||||||||||||
     Johann Kep is the son of (?) Kep.1


  1. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.

Nathaniel Schedler1

M, b. 1 May 1778
Nathaniel Schedler|b. 1 May 1778|p1223.htm#i36899|Nathanael Schedler||p1079.htm#i32558|Anna Christina Manthey|b. 1744|p1118.htm#i33752|(?) Schedler||p1328.htm#i40086||||George D. Mantheÿ|b. c 1743/44\nd. 11 Feb 1785|p469.htm#i14210||||
Nathaniel Schedler was born on 1 May 1778, at Lobsens, , Posen, Prussia. At #61, bap. 7 May; Father Nathaniel is a Malzbtaüer and mother is Anna Christina, no geb.
GP: Salzpaktor Bauer(possibly Johann Peter), Gottlob Zink, Gottlob Sawalle, Predigerfraü Anna Elisabeth Dudde & Dorothea Pichius pos. Pietius, all from Lobsens.1 He was the son of Nathanael Schedler and Anna Christina Manthey.1


  1. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.

David Burley1

M, b. 1805
David Burley was born in 1805, at, . At From 1851 census.1
David Burley married Maria (?) before 1834, at Birth of first child found, Eliza., , .1

Child of David Burley and Maria (?)


  1. [S507] Unknown author, 1851 census.

Maria (?)1

F, b. 1814
Maria (?) was born in 1814, at, . At From 1851 census.1
Maria (?) married David Burley before 1834, at Birth of first child found, Eliza., , .1
As of before 1834,her married name was Burley.1

Child of Maria (?) and David Burley


  1. [S507] Unknown author, 1851 census.

Benjamin Moon1

M, b. 1827, d. ?unknown
Benjamin Moon|b. 1827\nd. ?unknown|p1223.htm#i36902|John Moon|b. 26 Aug 1796\nd. 5 Oct 1872|p203.htm#i6155|Margaret Gerow|d. b 1830|p205.htm#i6223|John B. Moon|b. c 1775\nd. 1830|p203.htm#i6154|Margaret "Martha" Ann Murray|b. c 1778\nd. a 1861|p217.htm#i6568|||||||
Benjamin Moon died ?unknown.
Benjamin Moon was born in 1827, at, Prince Edward, . At From 1851 census.1 He was the son of John Moon and Margaret Gerow.
Benjamin Moon married Eliza Jane Burley, daughter of David Burley and Maria (?), on 3 September 1851, at p36, par.2A2, , .2
Benjamin Moon was in at, Prince Edward, , on the 1851 census in on 12 January 1852
Line Name Occupation Place of Birth Religion Residence if out of limits Age Sex
49 Burley, David U.C., Meth. Episc. Ch. 47 M Labourer
50 Burley, Maria U.C., Meth. Episc. Ch. 38 F Spinster
1 Burley, Wm S U.C., Meth. Episc. Ch. 13 M Labourer
2 Burley, Catharine U.C., Meth. Episc. Ch. 15 F
3 Burley, Sophia U.C., Meth. Episc. Ch. 10 F
4 Burley, Saml C.W., Meth. Episc. Ch. 8 M Links
5 Burley, Marshal C.W., Meth. Episc. Ch. 6 M
6 Burley, James H C.W., Meth. Episc. Ch. 4 M
7 Moon, Benjm U.C., Ch, of Eng. 25 M b: 1827
8 Moon, Eliza J. U.C., Meth. Episc. Ch. 18 F b: 1834

Prince Edward County, 304 Ameliasburgh Twp., p. 15a & 16a, (31)

In the 1851 census of Ameliasburgh, Benjamin and Eliza are living with David and Maria Burley and their 6 kids whose ages range from 13 to 4. The Moons are shown as members of the family. Its possible that Eliza was a Burley. Note: This name has been confirmed by Mary Louise Moon Long, using notes from Retta Moon.

On the agricultural census, Benjamin is shown with 200 acres on C1, lot 60 which is John and Polly Moon's lot so it is possible that Benjamin is a son of John and Polly. This would throw off the naming of the first son after the father, however. Note: According to Mary Louise Moon Long, Benjamin is the son of John and Margaret Gerow.1


  1. [S507] Unknown author, 1851 census.
  2. [S36] Unknown author, Anglican Church Archives, Kingston.

Gottfried Schoenke1

M, b. between 1760 and 1765
Gottfried Schoenke was born between 1760 and 1765, at, Wirsitz, , Prussia. At From year he was a GP.1
Gottfried Schoenke witnessed the birth of Michael Klawitter on 5 August 1778 at #84 1778, Bap. 9 Aug., Güntergost, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann is an Einwohner, resident, and no geb for mother Anna Maria.
GP: jünggesellen Gottfried Schoenke & Erdmann Krause, Fraü Elisabeth Möller, all from Radczicz.2


  1. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.
  2. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., Exactly as shown. Since GP is a Krause I assume the correct mother.

Matthias Lehmann1

M, b. between 1755 and 1760
Matthias Lehmann|b. bt 1755 - 1760|p1223.htm#i36904|(?) Kruschke Lehmann||p639.htm#i19323||||||||||||||||
Matthias Lehmann was born between 1755 and 1760, at, Wirsitz, , Prussia. At From date he acted as GP.1 He was the son of (?) Kruschke Lehmann.1
Matthias Lehmann witnessed the birth of Johann Jakob Beyer on 6 August 1778 at #85 1778, Bap. 9 August., Rüden, , Posen, Prussia; Father Daniel is an ackersmann, mother is Dorothea Ewwndt.
GP: Holzewärter, Forest attendent or caretaker Johann Gottlob Janke, & ackersmann Andreas Kommand from Ruden, Schäfer Matthias Lehmann (not clear) from Kruske, Fraüen Süsanna Janke & Eva Marquardtl from Rüden.1


  1. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.

Dorothea Resoner1

Dorothea Resoner||p1223.htm#i36905|(?) Resoner||p1052.htm#i31749||||||||||||||||
     Dorothea Resoner is the daughter of (?) Resoner.1


  1. [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy.

John King1

M, b. circa 1762
John King was born circa 1762, at, Ayr, , Scotland.1
John King married Marion "Pirrie" Perry on 29 April 1787, at, Ayr, , Scotland.1

Children of John King and Marion "Pirrie" Perry

Child of John King


  1. [S13] Unknown author, IGI / Ancestral File LDS.

Marion "Pirrie" Perry1

F, b. circa 1766
Marion "Pirrie" Perry was born circa 1766, at, Ayr, , Scotland.1
Marion "Pirrie" Perry married John King on 29 April 1787, at, Ayr, , Scotland.1
As of 29 April 1787,her married name was King.1

Children of Marion "Pirrie" Perry and John King


  1. [S13] Unknown author, IGI / Ancestral File LDS.

James King1

M, b. 28 March 1788
James King|b. 28 Mar 1788|p1223.htm#i36908|John King|b. c 1762|p1223.htm#i36906|Marion "Pirrie" Perry|b. c 1766|p1223.htm#i36907|||||||||||||
James King was born on 28 March 1788, at, Ayr, , Scotland. At Bap. 31 March.1 He was the son of John King and Marion "Pirrie" Perry.1


  1. [S13] Unknown author, IGI / Ancestral File LDS.

Elspathe King1

F, b. 25 April 1789
Elspathe King|b. 25 Apr 1789|p1223.htm#i36909|John King|b. c 1762|p1223.htm#i36906|Marion "Pirrie" Perry|b. c 1766|p1223.htm#i36907|||||||||||||
Elspathe King was born on 25 April 1789, at, Ayr, , Scotland. At Bap. 26 April.1 She was the daughter of John King and Marion "Pirrie" Perry.1


  1. [S13] Unknown author, IGI / Ancestral File LDS.

John King1

M, b. 3 April 1791
John King|b. 3 Apr 1791|p1223.htm#i36910|John King|b. c 1762|p1223.htm#i36906|Marion "Pirrie" Perry|b. c 1766|p1223.htm#i36907|||||||||||||
John King was born on 3 April 1791, at, Ayr, , Scotland. At Bap. 10 April.1 He was the son of John King and Marion "Pirrie" Perry.1


  1. [S13] Unknown author, IGI / Ancestral File LDS.

Margaret King1

F, b. 20 August 1792
Margaret King|b. 20 Aug 1792|p1223.htm#i36911|John King|b. c 1762|p1223.htm#i36906||||||||||||||||
Margaret King was born on 20 August 1792, at, Ayr, , Scotland. At Bap. 21 September.1 She was the daughter of John King.


  1. [S13] Unknown author, IGI / Ancestral File LDS.

William King1

M, b. 16 June 1796
William King|b. 16 Jun 1796|p1223.htm#i36912|John King|b. c 1762|p1223.htm#i36906|Marion "Pirrie" Perry|b. c 1766|p1223.htm#i36907|||||||||||||
William King was born on 16 June 1796, at, Ayr, , Scotland. At Bap. 26 June.1 He was the son of John King and Marion "Pirrie" Perry.1


  1. [S13] Unknown author, IGI / Ancestral File LDS.

Laura H. (?)1

F, b. 6 January 1858
Laura H. (?) was born on 6 January 1858, at, . At From 1901 census.1
As of before 1901,her married name was Torrance.1

Laura H. (?) married Samuel Torrance, son of Robert Torrance and Margaret Sykes, before 1901, at From the 1901 census., , .1


  1. [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.

Gordon "Lang" Laing1

M, b. 2 February 1883, d. 21 March 1970
Gordon "Lang" Laing|b. 2 Feb 1883\nd. 21 Mar 1970|p1223.htm#i36914|Arthur Wellington Laing|b. c 1843|p397.htm#i12043|Barbara Olive Whillans|b. 27 Dec 1847\nd. b 1901|p397.htm#i12044|||||||Thomas Whillans|b. 26 Apr 1814\nd. 29 Oct 1894|p1012.htm#i30509|Mary Anderson|b. 1820|p1012.htm#i30510|
Gordon "Lang" Laing was born on 2 February 1883, at, . At From 1901 census.1 He was the son of Arthur Wellington Laing and Barbara Olive Whillans.1 Gordon "Lang" Laing witnessed the New Tag of Adam Torrance on 31 March 1901 at, Nipissing, ; 6 26 54 Torrance Adam M Head M Jan 3 1863 38
6 27 54 Torrance Minnie F Wife M Jul 1 1871 29
6 28 54 Torrance Olive F Daughter S May 19 1894 6
6 29 54 Torrance Arthur M Son S Jun 11 1896 4
6 30 54 Torrance Lyall M Son S Aug 31 1898 2
6 31 54 Torrance Gordan M Son S Mar 7 1901 ?
6 32 54 Lang Maude F Sister/law S Dec 24 1878 22
6 33 54 Lang Gordan M Brother/law S Feb 2 1883 18

Dist: 92, Subdist: t(1)-3, T-6484.1
Gordon "Lang" Laing died on 21 March 1970.2


  1. [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.
  2. [S13] Unknown author, IGI / Ancestral File LDS.

Maude Laing1

F, b. 24 December 1878
Maude Laing|b. 24 Dec 1878|p1223.htm#i36915|Arthur Wellington Laing|b. c 1843|p397.htm#i12043|Barbara Olive Whillans|b. 27 Dec 1847\nd. b 1901|p397.htm#i12044|||||||Thomas Whillans|b. 26 Apr 1814\nd. 29 Oct 1894|p1012.htm#i30509|Mary Anderson|b. 1820|p1012.htm#i30510|
Maude Laing was born on 24 December 1878, at, Carleton, . At From 1901 census.1 She was the daughter of Arthur Wellington Laing and Barbara Olive Whillans.1


  1. [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.

George Laing1

M, b. 13 May 1872
George Laing|b. 13 May 1872|p1223.htm#i36916|Arthur Wellington Laing|b. c 1843|p397.htm#i12043|Barbara Olive Whillans|b. 27 Dec 1847\nd. b 1901|p397.htm#i12044|||||||Thomas Whillans|b. 26 Apr 1814\nd. 29 Oct 1894|p1012.htm#i30509|Mary Anderson|b. 1820|p1012.htm#i30510|
George Laing was born on 13 May 1872, at, Carleton, . At From 1901 census.1 He was the son of Arthur Wellington Laing and Barbara Olive Whillans.1
George Laing waslisted on the 1901 census for at, Carelton, , on 31 March 1901.
5 16 43 Lang George M Head M Jun 13 1872 28
5 17 43 Lang Eva M F Wife M Mar 22 1877 24
5 18 43 Lang Beatrice F Daughter S Jan 14 1899 2
5 19 43 Lang Arter W M Father W Jan 14 1840 61

Dalhousie Ward, OTTAWA, ON
Dist: 100, Subdist:     c-4, T.1


  1. [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.

Arthur Laing1

M, b. 29 April 1875
Arthur Laing|b. 29 Apr 1875|p1223.htm#i36917|Arthur Wellington Laing|b. c 1843|p397.htm#i12043|Barbara Olive Whillans|b. 27 Dec 1847\nd. b 1901|p397.htm#i12044|||||||Thomas Whillans|b. 26 Apr 1814\nd. 29 Oct 1894|p1012.htm#i30509|Mary Anderson|b. 1820|p1012.htm#i30510|
Arthur Laing was born on 29 April 1875, at, Carleton, . At From 1901 census.1 He was the son of Arthur Wellington Laing and Barbara Olive Whillans.1
Arthur Laing waslisted on the 1901 census for at, Carleton, , on 31 March 1901.
2 38 14 Lang Arthur M Head M Apr 29 1875 25
2 39 14 Lang Matilda F Wife M Feb 12 1867 24

St. George Ward, OTTAWA, ON
Dist: 100, Subdist:5-5, T-6488.1


  1. [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.

Milton Laing1

M, b. 1875
Milton Laing|b. 1875|p1223.htm#i36918|Arthur Wellington Laing|b. c 1843|p397.htm#i12043|Barbara Olive Whillans|b. 27 Dec 1847\nd. b 1901|p397.htm#i12044|||||||Thomas Whillans|b. 26 Apr 1814\nd. 29 Oct 1894|p1012.htm#i30509|Mary Anderson|b. 1820|p1012.htm#i30510|
Milton Laing was born in 1875.1 He was the son of Arthur Wellington Laing and Barbara Olive Whillans.1


  1. [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.

Gary Cotie1

M, b. 1943, d. 17 December 2009
Gary Cotie was born in 1943.1
Gary Cotie died on 17 December 2009, at Pembroke Regional Hospital, , Renfrew, . Gary E. Cotie
COTIE, Gary E. - Of RR 3 Cobden, passed away peacefully in the Pembroke Regional Hospital on Thursday December 17, 2009 in his 66th Year. Gary Cotie, son of the late Elmer and Gladys (Valiquette) Cotie. Beloved husband of Lola Cotie nee Gervais. Cherished father of Marie-Paule (Wil Melis) and poppa to Lola Rose and Stella Susan Melis. Dear brother of Wayne (Darlene) and Robert (Sharon) of Sudbury. Gary will be missed by several nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the FRASER-MORRIS & HEUBNER FUNERAL HOME Cobden Sunday from 7-9 pm. Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated in St. Pius V Roman Catholic Church Osceola Monday December 21, 2009 at 11 am. Cremation to follow. As expressions of sympathy donations to the charity of your choice would be appreciated.1


  1. [S4] Unknown author, Internet.

Charles "Bailie" Baillie1

M, b. 1818
Charles "Bailie" Baillie|b. 1818|p1223.htm#i36920|Charles Baillie||p1223.htm#i36922||||||||||||||||
Charles "Bailie" Baillie was born in 1818, at, , Sotland. At From 1852 census; From the book"Directory of Scottish Settlers in N.A. 1625-1825, by David Dobson" this is the only three Baillie's that remotely fit:

#2 Charles Baillie
Emigrated from Scotland with wife five sons and a daughter on the "Prompt". Rec. a land grant in Dalhousie, Upper Can. 21 Nov. 1821 (POA)

One assumes the young Charles is his son. Thus Jane may be a daughter.1 He was the son of Charles Baillie.2
Charles "Bailie" Baillie married Janet Hart on 28 December 1821, at page 88, , Bathurst, . Dec. 28 Charles BAILLIE, Dalhousie, to Janet HART, Lanark. Wit: Edward Cummings, James Baillie.

Bathurst Dist. marriages transcribed from Ontario Archives microfilm MS 248, reel 1, vol 1.3
Charles "Bailie" Baillie was in at, Renfrew, , on the 1851 census in on 12 January 1851
23 Bailie, Chas      Scotland Presbyterian 34 M Farmer
24 Bailie, Janet      Scotland      Presbyterian 33 F
25 Bailie, Chas Jr      Canada      Presbyterian 10 M
26 Bailie, Mary      Canada      Presbyterian 9 F
27 Bailie, John      Canada      Presbyterian 7 M
28 Bailie, James      Canada      Presbyterian 5 M
29 Bailie, Agnes      Canada      Presbyterian 2 F

Renfrew Ccounty, 313 Blythfield Twp., p. 1a, (1).1


  1. [S507] Unknown author, 1851 census.
  2. [S91] Unknown author, Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to Canada before Confederation (1867).
  3. [S612] Unknown author, Wesleyan Bap. Mar. Records.

Janet Hart1

F, b. 1819
Janet Hart was born in 1819, at, , Ecotland. At From 1852 census.1
Janet Hart married Charles "Bailie" Baillie, son of Charles Baillie, on 28 December 1821, at page 88, , Bathurst, . Dec. 28 Charles BAILLIE, Dalhousie, to Janet HART, Lanark. Wit: Edward Cummings, James Baillie.

Bathurst Dist. marriages transcribed from Ontario Archives microfilm MS 248, reel 1, vol 1.2
As of before 1842,her married name was Baillie.1


  1. [S507] Unknown author, 1851 census.
  2. [S612] Unknown author, Wesleyan Bap. Mar. Records.

Charles Baillie1


Children of Charles Baillie


  1. [S91] Unknown author, Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to Canada before Confederation (1867).
  2. [S612] Unknown author, Wesleyan Bap. Mar. Records.

John "Bailie" Baillie1

M, b. 30 November 1816
John "Bailie" Baillie|b. 30 Nov 1816|p1223.htm#i36923|Andrew Baillie|b. 31 Oct 1789|p1335.htm#i40312|C. Bosschaert|b. bt 1785 - 1795|p1335.htm#i40313|John Baillie||p1335.htm#i40310|Rabina "Binca" Thomson||p1335.htm#i40311|||||||
John "Bailie" Baillie was born on 30 November 1816, at, Lanarkshire, , Scotland. At page 60-147, bap. 29 December; Birth agrees with John found Renfrew County on 1851 census.2 He was the son of Andrew Baillie and C. Bosschaert.2
John "Bailie" Baillie married Jane Barrett on 2 December 1834, at, Lanark, . Bathurst Dist. marriages transcribed from Ontario Archives microfilm MS 248, reel 1, vol 1
Dec. 2 1834 John BAILLIE to Jane BARRETT both of Dalhousie. Wit: David Baillie, William Storie.
On 2 Dec 1834 at Lanark a John Baillie married a Jane Barrett both of Dalhousie with David Baillie as witness.
Church was Rev. William McAllister of Lanark, Scotch Church.3
John "Bailie" Baillie was in at, Lanarkshire, , Scotland, on the 1851 census in in 1851
John Baillie 32, b: 1819
Jane Baillie 36, b: 1815 Bothwell, Lanarkshire Parish #625,
Janet Baillie 3, b 1848
Emily Baillie 20, b: 1831
Civil parish: Bothwell County: Lanarkshire
Address: Orbiston Lodge
Household schedule number: 58 Line: 9 Roll: CSSCT1851_149.4
John "Bailie" Baillie was in at Lot 15 Cons 4, 100 acres, , Renfrew, , on the 1851 census in on 12 January 1852
37 Bailie, John Scot. Ch. Scot. 36 M Farmer b: 1816
38 Bailie, Jane Scot. Ch. Scot. 35 F
39 Bailie, Margaret U.C. Ch. Scot. 17 F
40 Bailie, Ernst U.C. Ch. Scot. 15 M
41 Bailie, Mary U.C. Ch. Scot. 13 F
42 Bailie, Agnes U.C. Ch. Scot. 11 F
43 Bailie, Ellen Marie C.W. Ch. Scot. 9 F
44 Bailie, Wm C.W. Ch. Scot. 7 M
45 Bailie, John C.W. Ch. Scot. 5 M
46 Bailie, James C.W. Ch. Scot. 3 M
47 Bailie, Jane C.W. Ch. Scot. 2 F

Renfrew County, 313 Blythfield Twp., p. 2d, 3a, (5)

5 acres in crops
45 acres in pasture
50 acres wooed.4
From the 1881 Census, at, Renfrew, ,:
John BAILEY M Male Scottish 66 Scotl. Presb. Farmer
Jane BAILEY M Female Scottish 64 Scot. Presb.
Ellen BAILEY Female Scottish 36 C.W. Presb.
James BAILEY Male Scottish 30 C.W. Presb. Farmer
Richard BAILEY Male Scottish 22 C.W. Presb. Farmer
Elizabeth BAILEY Female Scottish 22 C.W. Presb.
Walter BAILEY Male Scottish 4 Ont. Presb.

Bagot & Blythfield, Renfrew South, ON
C-13234, Dist: 113, Sub-dist: K, p 8.5

Child of John "Bailie" Baillie and Jane Barrett


  1. [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.
  2. [S900] Unknown author, FHC Film # 1066588 Dalziel Parish.
  3. [S612] Unknown author, Wesleyan Bap. Mar. Records.
  4. [S507] Unknown author, 1851 census.
  5. [S515] Unknown author, 1881 census Canada.

Loretta Rimpler1

Loretta Rimpler||p1223.htm#i36924|Adelbert Robert "Bob" Rimpler|b. Aug 1899|p1158.htm#i34961|Anna Linder||p1165.htm#i35170|Richard Rimpler|b. 10 Mar 1870|p298.htm#i9003|Emma Stiller|b. Apr 1872|p1158.htm#i34958|||||||
     Loretta Rimpler is the daughter of Adelbert Robert "Bob" Rimpler and Anna Linder.1


  1. [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff.

Art Danielson1



  1. [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff.