(?) Savage
Shelley Miranda Longhurst
Shelley Miranda Longhurst||p129.htm#i3917|Lloyd Richard Longhurst||p131.htm#i3983|Adele Hannah Burling||p7.htm#i200|Cameron R. Longhurst|b. 29 Oct 1916\nd. 2 Nov 1979|p7.htm#i197|Janet F. Harmon|b. 29 Mar 1919\nd. 11 Sep 1993|p131.htm#i4004|George J. R. T. Burling|b. 6 Jul 1902\nd. 16 May 1982|p1024.htm#i30889|Vera E. Brown||p1024.htm#i30890|
Dezeray Reder Longhurst
Dezeray Reder Longhurst||p129.htm#i3918|Craig Stephan Longhurst||p8.htm#i220|Diana Elaine Reder||p135.htm#i4119|Lloyd R. Longhurst||p131.htm#i3983|Adele H. Burling||p7.htm#i200|||||||
Wesley Adam Cundle
Wesley Adam Cundle||p129.htm#i3920|John Cundle||p129.htm#i3919|Stephanie Dawn Richarda Longhurst||p8.htm#i221|||||||Lloyd R. Longhurst||p131.htm#i3983|Adele H. Burling||p7.htm#i200|
Jessica Amber Cundle
Jessica Amber Cundle||p129.htm#i3921|John Cundle||p129.htm#i3919|Stephanie Dawn Richarda Longhurst||p8.htm#i221|||||||Lloyd R. Longhurst||p131.htm#i3983|Adele H. Burling||p7.htm#i200|
Beth Ann Cundle
Beth Ann Cundle||p129.htm#i3922|John Cundle||p129.htm#i3919|Stephanie Dawn Richarda Longhurst||p8.htm#i221|||||||Lloyd R. Longhurst||p131.htm#i3983|Adele H. Burling||p7.htm#i200|
Tammy Lynn Harvey
Tammy Lynn Harvey||p129.htm#i3923|Fred Harvey|b. Aug 1943\nd. Aug 1989|p7.htm#i210|Jacqueline Marion Longhurst||p7.htm#i209|||||||John F. Longhurst|b. 13 Jan 1887\nd. 6 Sep 1963|p7.htm#i184|Alisha R. Carnahan|b. 6 Sep 1896\nd. 8 Jul 1991|p7.htm#i195|
Laura Lee Harvey
Laura Lee Harvey||p129.htm#i3924|Fred Harvey|b. Aug 1943\nd. Aug 1989|p7.htm#i210|Jacqueline Marion Longhurst||p7.htm#i209|||||||John F. Longhurst|b. 13 Jan 1887\nd. 6 Sep 1963|p7.htm#i184|Alisha R. Carnahan|b. 6 Sep 1896\nd. 8 Jul 1991|p7.htm#i195|
Children of Laura Lee Harvey and Jason Collins
Delima Dubois
Children of Delima Dubois and Colbert Grandchamp
- Joseph Napoleon Grandchamp
- Melina Grandchamp
- Joseph Grandchamp
- Amelia Grandchamp b. 18 Jul 1880, d. 8 Apr 1928
- Mary Louise Grandchamp+
Kevin Darrell Hambley1
Kevin Darrell Hambley||p129.htm#i3927|Darell Hambley||p103.htm#i3121|Nadyne Dorothea Krienke||p11.htm#i308|||||||Edward F. Krienke|b. 24 Jan 1921\nd. 3 Mar 1984|p11.htm#i304|Bettymae "Sjoquist" Shoquist||p11.htm#i306|
- [S687] Lysa Hambley, "Lysa Hambley," e-mail to unknown recipient, Feb. 2008.
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke
M, b. 4 December 1800, d. 26 July 1879
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke|b. 4 Dec 1800\nd. 26 Jul 1879|p129.htm#i3928|Christoph Krienke|b. 1763\nd. 7 Dec 1844|p11.htm#i328|Maria "Waxhholt" Wachholtz|b. 1769\nd. 28 May 1850|p11.htm#i329|Christian Krienke|b. 1734/35\nd. 19 Dec 1813|p173.htm#i5263|Maria E. Zinn||p173.htm#i5264|Johann Wachholtz||p614.htm#i18558||||
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke was born on 4 December 1800, at Radzicz, , Posen, Prussia. At #126 1800 at 1 am Morgans, bap. 14 Dec. 1800; Father: Christoph Krincke ackersmann, farmer; Mother: Maria Krinckin geb Wachholtzin.
GP: Michael Erdmann, ackersmann Radczicz, Carl Müller, husband of Rosina Wachholtz, a schmied, blacksmith, from Wostroke, and Fraü Eva Rosina Depke geb Erdmann Baüersfraü of Radczicz.1,2,3 He was the son of Christoph Krienke and Maria "Waxhholt" Wachholtz.
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke Napoleon and his armies passed through this area twice, once in 1806-07 during the war with Prussia and the second time on his way to the fatal war with Russia in 1812. So as a 7 or 8 year old Daniel would have been well up on Napoleon's exploits.
I don't remember where, but I seem to remember reading something about how Napoleon "pressed" locals into service, something like one adult male from each family? I believe that it was the same text that mentioned that the local population often attacked the retreating French. I'm thinking the location was either Samotschin, Kr. Chodziesen or Wongrowitz? I know there was a burial monument to a French officer in Wongrowitz, but I doubt he died in the retreat.
I definately remember reading about how Prussian boatmen sabotaged military provisions stuck in the frozen river/canal at Bromberg in the winter. Actually, I think they just lied about them be frozen and thus prevented them from reaching the French troops. between 1806 and 1812, at Napoleon Data, Bromberg, , Posen, Prussia.4
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke married Anna Christina Bohn, daughter of Martin Bohn and Anne Luise Schoen, before 1826, at Wirsitz or Radczicz, , Posen, Prussia. I have still to find the record of this event. By 1832 they were in Lipe, Kreis Kolmar (GP) and married.5
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke witnessed the birth of Juliane Bohn on 27 July 1836 at #83 1836, Bap. 8 Aug., Antonina, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann Friedrich is an eigenthümer, property owner, and mother is Rosine Bohn geb Zellmer.
GP: Daniel Krienke eigenthümer, Wilhelmine Schleusner geb Bohn, eigenthümerfraü, no village.
Copy page 11 Large Whie Binder.6,7
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke witnessed the birth of Louise Juliane Schleusner on 6 October 1837 at #152 1837, Bap. 15 Oct., Antonina, , Posen, Prussia; Father Carl is an Eigenthümer, mother Wilhelmine Schleusner.
GP: Daniel Krienke, eigenthümer, Johann Scheusmer, jünggeselle, Louise Botzel, jüngfer, no village.
Large White Binder page #12.6
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke witnessed the birth of Wilhelm August Sauermann on 8 October 1837 at #150 1837, Bap. 10 Oct., Antonina, , Posen, Prussia; Father Johann is an eigenthümer, property owner, and mother is Caroline Sauermann geb Schleusner.
GP: Wilhelm Botzel, jünggeselle, Daniel Krienke, eigenthümer, Marie Jahnke, jüngfer, no village.
Large White Binder page #12.8
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke witnessed the birth of Amalie Kroll on 1 August 1842 at #78 1842, Bap. 14 Aug., Antonina, , Posen, Prussia; Father Friedrich Wilhelm is a schmied, mother Caroline Schleusner.
GP: Christian Krole, Landtange, Daniel Krienke, ölmüller, Wilhelmine Schleusner, Fraü.9
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke From the book on the Krienkes.Trade was a farmer (Landwirt), and justice of the peace (Freidenswichter). Book by Walter, Milt and Doreen.
Book gives his birth as 12 Apr 1800, but I have found his birth record in Radzicz and it states what is in his record.
From Film # 214513 at the FHC, Daniel's birth date is confirmed exactly. He was Christened on 14 Dec. and his Godparents were: Michael Erdmann, of Radzicz; Carl Muller, of (Hloroke (?)); Rosina Depkin geb. Erdmannin of Radczicz.
Birth of son Eduard is first mention of him as an Öel Müller, oil miller,or Ölfabrikant, oil producer, Antonina, Kolmar, Posen, Prussia. Eva Fielitz (a great great grand daughter from Görlitz) has told me the same fact. circa 1843, at Ölfabrikant, oil producer, Antonina, , Posen, Prussia.10
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke witnessed the birth of Julius Gottlieb Ulrich on 7 November 1843 at #66 1843, Bap. 10 Oct., Jakatorowo Hammermühle, , Posen, Prussia; Father Gottlieb is a müller besitzer, mother Wilhelmine Schwanke.
GP: Daniel Krienke, eigentümer, Leopoldini Veltmann,jünggeselle, Charlotte Timin jüngfraü, no village.
Minister is same as for Carl's child, ie Schmidt.9
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke witnessed the birth of Carl Ludwig Kroll on 9 January 1844 at #3 1844, Bap. 28 Jan., Antonina, , Posen, Prussia; Father Wilhelm is a schmied, mother Caroline Schleusner.
GP: Daniel Krienke, eigentümer, Anne Albrecht, eigentümerfraü, Ludwig Schleusner, eigentümer, no village.9
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke witnessed the birth of Daniel Julius Kroll on 9 March 1850 at #20 1850, Bap. 24 March, Antonina, , Posen, Prussia; Father Wilhelm is a kolonist besitzer, kolonist property owner, mother is Caroline Schleusner.
GP: D. Krienke, oelmüller, A. Born, kaufmann, Henriette Jahnke, eigenthümerfraü, no village.11
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke died on 26 July 1879, at #25-259 1879, at age 78y7m23d of abzehrung., Antonina, , Posen, Prussia. At age 78y7m23d of abzehrung, senility or decrepity in old age.
Occupation listed as leilye(r)diger, reported by son.
The Krienkes moved south of the Netze River some time between 1820 and 1835 and were termed kolonists. Probable because land was scarce in Kreis Wirsitz and the newly aquired territory had land available. The Germans were draining the land on the south side of the Netze River and thus making new farmland available.12
Daniel "Krincke" Krienke Protestant Church parish registers and transcripts of baptisms, marriages and deaths for Lindenwerder, Posen, Germany; now Lipia góra (Chodziez), Poznan, Poland. Volumes are individually indexed.
Taufen 1839-1872 - FHL 1194960 Item 2-3 ( Aug Sep Oct 04 )
Taufen 1877-1935 - FHL 1194736 Item 1 (Aug 04 returned )
Heiraten 1839-1901 - FHL 1194736 Item 2 (Aug 04 returned )
Heiraten 1901-1941 - FHL 1194737 Item 1 (ordered Sep. 30 04 )
Tote 1839-1888 - FHL 1194737 Item 2 (ordered Sep. 30 04 )
Taufen, Tote 1835-1875,
Heiraten 1841 1875, FHL 0807961 (ordered Oct. 07 04 ) in 2004.
Children of Daniel "Krincke" Krienke and Anna Christina Bohn
- Ernest Krienke13,14 b. 2 Sep 1826, d. 4 Feb 1833
- Justina Krienke15 b. 22 Jun 1833, d. 24 Sep 1833
- Karl Ludwig Krienke+ b. 18 Sep 1834, d. 10 Jan 1903
- Wilhelm "William" Max Krienke+ b. 5 Oct 1836, d. 21 Mar 1888
- Juliane Henriette Krienke b. 28 Dec 1838, d. 26 Aug 1839
- Luise Henriette Krienke b. 12 Jul 1840, d. 16 Sep 1841
- Daniel Krienke b. 28 Dec 1841, d. 30 Dec 1841
- Eduard Krienke+ b. 19 Aug 1844, d. 19 Apr 1910
- Johann Gustav Krienke b. 11 Jun 1846, d. 23 Jun 1846
- Friedrich "Fritz" Krienke b. bt 1848 - 1849, d. c 1924
- [S407] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), FHC Film # 245513 Evangelische Kirche Lobsens, Kirchenbuch 1773-1944, part a copy., The record gives Daniels birthdate as 4 Dec. 1800 not the 12 April as Walter's book states.
- [S420] Unknown author, FHC Film #1194737 Lindenwerder, Birth date 3 Dec. 1800 from age at death, very close to the 4th which I wll use.
- [S410] Evangelische Kirche Lobsens (Kr. Wirsitz), Heiraten 1821 - 1844 Lobsens Evangelische Kirche FHC # 245520, Mother Listed.
- [S4] Unknown author, Internet, Posen list, James Birkowitz.
- [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff.
- [S419] Unknown author, FHC Film # 1194738 Margonin, As shown, have photocopy.
- [S420] Unknown author, FHC Film #1194737 Lindenwerder, Margonin Index, just 1836, #148-83.
- [S419] Unknown author, FHC Film # 1194738 Margonin, As shown, and have photocopy.
- [S417] Unknown author, Kirchen Buch Lindenwerder 1839 1872, As shown.
- [S252] Letter, unknown author to unknown recipient.
- [S417] Unknown author, Kirchen Buch Lindenwerder 1839 1872, As shown.
- [S420] Unknown author, FHC Film #1194737 Lindenwerder, From Richard Bohn; 1879, line 25.
- [S418] Unknown author, FHC Film # 1194739, page 54.
- [S418] Unknown author, FHC Film # 1194739, Died 4 Feb. 1833 age 6 years 5 months and 2 days, born on 2 sep. 1826.; Tote, Margonin 1790-1884 #14, page 54.
- [S418] Unknown author, FHC Film # 1194739, Died on the 24 Sep. 1833 at age 3 months, 10 days.; Tote, Margonin 1790-1884, #95, page 68.
Thomas Aitken Fife
Thomas Aitken Fife||p129.htm#i3929|David Alexander Fife|b. 1 Jan 1829|p98.htm#i2980|Ellen "Helen" Aitken|b. c 1832|p142.htm#i4309|David A. Fife||p263.htm#i7954|Jane Beckett||p263.htm#i7955|William Aitken|b. 1794\nd. 31 Mar 1834|p1201.htm#i36235|Helen Jamieson|b. 1792\nd. a 1841|p1268.htm#i38269|
Matthew Jonathan Dupasquier
Matthew Jonathan Dupasquier||p129.htm#i3930|Paul Kenneth Dupasquier||p28.htm#i835|Jennifer True||p28.htm#i836|Romeo Dupasquier||p10.htm#i278|Colleen L. Langstaff||p8.htm#i230|Robert True||p69.htm#i2089||||
Petra Bryce Bryce
Crystal Ann Armbrust
Crystal Ann Armbrust||p129.htm#i3932|Harley Cecil Armbrust||p132.htm#i4022|Carolyn Alisha Longhurst||p134.htm#i4068|||||||Cameron R. Longhurst|b. 29 Oct 1916\nd. 2 Nov 1979|p7.htm#i197|Janet F. Harmon|b. 29 Mar 1919\nd. 11 Sep 1993|p131.htm#i4004|
Child of Crystal Ann Armbrust and Jim Miller
Jane Wright
Jane Wright||p129.htm#i3933|James Wright||p399.htm#i12083|Alice (?)||p399.htm#i12084|||||||||||||
George Warling
M, b. April 1851, d. October 1925
George Warling|b. Apr 1851\nd. Oct 1925|p129.htm#i3935|Robert Warling|b. 1822\nd. 28 Apr 1898|p8.htm#i236|Sarah Allen|b. 1822\nd. 1874|p8.htm#i237|George Warling|b. b 1796|p322.htm#i9774|Euphemia (?)||p415.htm#i12581|John Allen||p415.htm#i12583|Johanna (?)||p415.htm#i12582|

George Warling was born in April 1851, at, York, , 2. At From 1901 census; 1852 from the gravestone, have photo.1,2 He was the son of Robert Warling and Sarah Allen.
George Warling married Josephine "Josie" Gilbert, daughter of Thomas Gilbert and Rosanna (?), on 28 April 1887, at, Grey, . George Warling, Born King Township,
Age: 34,Year: abt 1853
Father Robert Warling; Mother Sarah Warling
Josephine Gilbert, Age: 22, Year: abt 1865 Artemesia
Father Thomas Gilbert: Rosanna Gilbert
Date: 28 Apr 1887, Grey County:
Grey Family History Library Microfilm: MS932_56.3 George Warling witnessed the death of Robert Warling on 28 April 1898 at #6120 on Lot 21 cons 12, , Grey, ; Robert was a Methodist and died of heart failure and influenza
Informant: George Warling
Dr. Carter
Buried in Vandeleur Cemetery, now just the stone exisits.
Supposedly died at 80 years old, found dead in bed, age is incorrect but close, may be true as heart failure can be sudden.4
George Warling died on 21 May 1898, at Meaford Cemetery, Meaford.
George Warling waslisted on the 1901 census for at, Grey, , on 31 March 1901.
2 48 19 Warling George M Head M Apr 1851 49
2 49 19 Warling Josephine F Wife M Feb 2 1869 32
2 50 19 Warling Sarah G. F Daughter S Jun 26 1893 7
3 1 19 Warling George E. M Son S Nov 26 1896 4
3 2 19 Warling James M Brother S Jan 20 1857 44
3 3 19 Thompson Mary F Domestic S Oct 4 1884 16
3 4 19 Gilbert Sydney M Nephew S Apr 24 1878 22
Artemesia, GREY South, ON
Dist: #66, Subdist: a-9, T-6469.2
George Warling waslisted on the 1901 census for at, Grey, , on 18 June 1911.
35 103 Warling George M Head M May 1857 54
36 103 Warling Josephine F Wife M Feb 1869 42
37 103 Warling Sadie F Daughter S Jan 1895 16
38 103 Warling Elmer M Son S Nov 1897 14
39 103 Warling James M Brother S Apr 1864 47
40 104 Thompson Minnie F ? S Oct 1887 24
Grey East / 3 Artemesia / page 10.5
George Warling died in October 1925, at About six weeks before Sarah (see her obituary), , Grey, . Buried in the Vandeleur Pioneer Cemetery.
Children of George Warling and Josephine "Josie" Gilbert
- Sarah Gertrude "Sadie" Warling b. 26 Jun 1893, d. 24 Oct 1916
- Elmer George Warling+ b. 26 Nov 1896, d. 1956
- Kathleen Wells Warling+ b. a 18 Jun 1911
Florestine Sabouirn
Child of Florestine Sabouirn and Omer Groleau
- Rosario H. Groleau1 b. 5 Feb 1920, d. 4 Mar 2008
- [S77] Unknown author, Obituaries: for the person.
Clara Landon
Clara Landon married Albert Edward "Ed" Warren, son of Thomas Edward "T.E." Warren and Margaret Kirkland.
Clara Landon died, at Brockville, ON.
Child of Clara Landon and Albert Edward "Ed" Warren
Ernest N. Longhurst
M, b. circa 1904
Ernest N. Longhurst|b. c 1904|p129.htm#i3938|William Whitley Longhurst|b. 1 Mar 1872\nd. a 1905|p264.htm#i7980|Mary Louise Grandchamp||p277.htm#i8381|John Longhurst|b. c 1841|p264.htm#i7977|Ann Whitley||p3.htm#i82|Colbert Grandchamp||p264.htm#i7982|Delima Dubois||p129.htm#i3926|
Ernest N. Longhurst was born circa 1904, at Nahma, MI. At He was the youngest of the family. He was the son of William Whitley Longhurst and Mary Louise Grandchamp.
Douglas Warling
Douglas Warling||p129.htm#i3939|Russell Warling|d. 1973|p17.htm#i499|Jessie Ure|d. 1969|p19.htm#i562|John Edgar "Ed" Warling|b. 22 Jun 1880\nd. 1952|p15.htm#i423|Janet A. J. Moffat|b. 1876\nd. 22 Nov 1952|p15.htm#i432|||||||
Douglas Warling was the son of Russell Warling and Jessie Ure.
Douglas Warling died, at died at 8 months.
Douglas Warling died, at died at 8 months.
Debrah Leona Longhurst
Debrah Leona Longhurst||p129.htm#i3940|Robert Elvin "Slim" Longhurst|b. 16 Aug 1918\nd. 6 Sep 2004|p20.htm#i587|Nellie Irene Green||p104.htm#i3175|Robert J. Longhurst|b. 18 Mar 1876\nd. 8 Jul 1950|p6.htm#i176|Martha E. Crawford|b. 9 Nov 1888\nd. 13 Dec 1980|p7.htm#i189|||||||
Sophie Johnston
F, b. 1 March 1854, d. 19 April 1933
Sophie Johnston|b. 1 Mar 1854\nd. 19 Apr 1933|p129.htm#i3941|James S. Johnston|b. 7 Apr 1819\nd. 3 Dec 1905|p60.htm#i1817|Jane Baillie|b. bt 1826 - 1828\nd. 1867|p131.htm#i3987|John A. Johnston|b. 25 Oct 1789\nd. 22 Jul 1855|p138.htm#i4214|Mary "Payne" Prime|b. c 1789\nd. 20 Feb 1874|p133.htm#i4042|Andrew Baillie|b. 31 Oct 1789|p1335.htm#i40312|C. Bosschaert|b. bt 1785 - 1795|p1335.htm#i40313|
Sophie Johnston was born on 1 March 1854, at, Carelton, . At From death record; The 1901 census has the year 1851, but 1854 good agreement with 1861 census.
Ran a hotel in Rat Portage in early 1900's, but later moved to Transcona, Man.
She had 4 children:
Robert, who had seven (7) children;
Vic, who had three (3) children, all dead in 1998;
Dr. Charles, who had no children;
Jean, who had two children who live in Winnipeg, Man. As of July 98 according to Ruth Boissoneault.
There is a lot of debate over her birthday:
1861 says she was 7, born 1854 or 1853;
1871 says she was 14, born 1857 or 1856
1901 gives her bithday as 1 March 1851.[Krienke one.FTW]
Ran a hotel in Rat Portage in early 1900's, but later moved to Transcona, Man.
She had 4 children:
Robert, who had seven (7) children;
Vic, who had three (3) children, all dead in 1998;
Dr. Charles, who had no children;
Jean, who had two children who live in Winnipeg, Man. As of July 98 according to Ruth Boissoneault.1 She was the daughter of James S. Johnston and Jane Baillie.
Sophie Johnston married William John Torrance, son of Robert Torrance and Margaret Sykes, on 15 February 1879, at # 001769, Bank St. Pres. Church, NW corner Bank and Slater, , Carleton, . Bank St. Pres. Church, Ottawa, Located N.W. cornerof Bank and Slater.
Reel #1, 9DCH, Dominion Chalmers, records, Ottawa Archives.
Sophia Johnston b: Gloucester, age: 21 b c1858
Father: James Johnston Mother: Jane Baillie
William John Torrance age: 23 b: Ashton
Father: Robert Torrance, Mother: Margaret Sykes
Date: 13 Feb 1879, Carleton, County:
Carleton Archives of Ontario Microfilm: MS932_29.2,3
As of 15 February 1879,her married name was Torrance.2
Sophie Johnston witnessed the marriage of Allan John Langstaff and Mary Anne Johnston on 16 December 1886 at Bank St. Presb. Church, , Carleton, ; 1886, #002204 at LDS Church in Ottawa, Oct. 29, 1998.
Name: John Langstaff; Mary Johnston
Age, status,
Occupation: 25, Bach., Blacksmith; 22, Spinster;
Born, from reg.: Augusta, Genville Co. 1860 Gloucester, Ontario; 1864
Living: Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa, Ont.
Parents: John Langstaff, James Johnston
Eliza Ackland Jane Bailey.
Religion: Ch. of Eng. (Episcopalian) Presbyterian
Witnesses: William J. Torrance,
Mrs. Wm. J. Torrance, Ottawa, Ont.
Date, location, etc.: 16 Dec. 1886, Ottawa (probable family problems as married on Thursday and no parents of either listed in church records. Found records under Chalmers United, but Bank St Pres. was the same Church and Rev. Wm. Moore the same person who married William John Torrance and Sophie Johnston.
Sophie Johnston died on 19 April 1933, at #1933-016264, AGE 79 YEARS, , . Gives birth date as 1 March 1854.1
Children of Sophie Johnston and William John Torrance
- Mary Torrance b. 1880, d. b 1901
- Robert J. Torrance+
- Victor Torrance+
- Charles Torrance
- Jenny Torrance b. 15 Dec 1895
John Stewart
M, b. 4 September 1880, d. 1969
John Stewart|b. 4 Sep 1880\nd. 1969|p129.htm#i3942|Peter Stewart|b. 28 Sep 1846\nd. 15 Jan 1920|p139.htm#i4224|Margaret Lillico|b. 4 Jul 1859\nd. 1929|p139.htm#i4226|John Stewart|b. 20 Feb 1802\nd. 9 Apr 1879|p138.htm#i4215|Isabella McNevin|b. 1805\nd. 22 Aug 1882|p139.htm#i4216|Robert Lillico|b. 1819\nd. 12 Aug 1875|p202.htm#i6124|Christina Kinmond|b. 1827\nd. 7 Dec 1904|p202.htm#i6123|
John Stewart was buried, at Ramsayville Cem. Lot 9, C0ns 6, Gloucester.
John Stewart married Emma Hueston, daughter of John Hueston and Mary Darling.
John Stewart was born on 4 September 1880, at Taylorville, Gloucester Twp.. He was the son of Peter Stewart and Margaret Lillico. John Stewart was Baptised on 8 December 1880; By Rev. H. J. McDiarmid.
John Stewart died in 1969.
Children of John Stewart and Emma Hueston
- Robert Bertram Stewart b. 7 Aug 1910, d. 1978
- Margurite Fern Stewart
David Johnston
M, b. 28 August 1851, d. 23 May 1930
David Johnston|b. 28 Aug 1851\nd. 23 May 1930|p129.htm#i3943|James S. Johnston|b. 7 Apr 1819\nd. 3 Dec 1905|p60.htm#i1817|Jane Baillie|b. bt 1826 - 1828\nd. 1867|p131.htm#i3987|John A. Johnston|b. 25 Oct 1789\nd. 22 Jul 1855|p138.htm#i4214|Mary "Payne" Prime|b. c 1789\nd. 20 Feb 1874|p133.htm#i4042|Andrew Baillie|b. 31 Oct 1789|p1335.htm#i40312|C. Bosschaert|b. bt 1785 - 1795|p1335.htm#i40313|
David Johnston was born on 28 August 1851, at, Russell, . At Bap. 9 September; Weslyan Baptimal Registers, http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/.
Vol Pg# Dist./Co. Area Gven-name Surname Father Mother Residence Birthplace Birthdate
1 767 Dalhousie Gloucester David Johnston James Jane Gloucester Gloucester 1851-08-28
Bapt-date Bapt-place Minister
1851-09-09 Gloucester English, Rev.N.F.1 He was the son of James S. Johnston and Jane Baillie.
David Johnston married Mary Wilson, daughter of John Wilson and Mary (?), on 9 June 1880, at, Carleton, .
David Johnston waslisted on the 1901 census for at Lliving on 1/4 of lot 22, cons 6 of Rideau Front., , Russell, , on 31 March 1901.
45 10 Johnston David ? M Head M Aug 28 1851 49
46 10 Johnston Mary F Wife M Dec 23 1856 44
47 10 Johnston Mal?a F Daughter S Mar 20 1882 19
48 10 Johnston Jan? F Daughter S Aug 15 1884 16
49 10 Johnston Mi?uie F Daughter S ? 23 1887 14
50 10 Johnston Lottie F Daughter S Nov 15 1890 10
1 10 Johnston Mary F Daughter S Dec 14 1894 6
2 10 Johnston Ja? M Father M Apr 7 1818 82
3 10 Johnston Ann F Wife M May 10 1827 73
4 10 Muyeson Oliver M Domestic S Jan 25 1883 17
Gloucester, RUSSELL, ON
Dist: 112, Subdist:e-7, T-6495
1901 living on 1/4 of lot 22, cons 6 of Rideau Front in Gloucester. Agrees with my old map from 1861.2
David Johnston waslisted on the 1901 census for at Wellington Ward, , Carleton, , on 18 June 1911.
16 88 Johnstone David M Head M Aug 1850 60 Method., Civil Service, P20, Dept. D. E(n)., $660
17 88 Johnstone Mary F Wife M Dec 1856 54 Method.,
18 88 Johnstone Maud F Daughter S Mar 1885 26 Method., Dress maker, $468
19 88 Johnstone Jessie F Daughter S Aug 1886 24 Method., Sales Lady, $312
20 88 Johnstone Lottie F Daughter S Nov 1890 20Method., Works for Bank Note Co., $182
21 88 Johnstone Mayne F Daughter S Dec 1892 18 Method.,
Ottawa / 50 Wellington ward / page 9.3
David Johnston lived in 1930, at 77 Arlington Ave., , Carelton, .4
David Johnston died on 23 May 1930, at From his gravestone and obituary, , Carleton, . Buried Ramsayville Cem., Lot 9, Cons. 6, Gloucester Twp.
From the Evening Citizen, Ottawa, Canada Monday 26 May 1930
Attended by many friends and relatives the funeral was held yesterday after-noon of David Johnston, well known resident of the Capital, who passed away on Friday (23 May) following a long illness. The cortege proceeded from the family residence, 77 Arlington Avenue, where a service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Blanchard and assisted by Rev. Mr. Price and Rev. Mr Christie, all of the Holiness Movement Church. Interment was in the Ramsayville Cemetery.
The many floral tributes received by the bereaved family bore evidence of the wide popularity and high esteem enjoyed by Mr. Johnston during his lifetime. For many years Mr. Johnston was a prominent farmer of Ramsayville and his passing is mourned by all who knew him.
Beside his widow, formerly Mary Wilson the chief mourners were four daughters. Mrs. C Addle, Vancouver, B. C., Mrs. P. A. Newman, of Ottawa, Miss Jean Johnston at home, and Mrs. Maud Johnston of New York City, two sisters, Mrs. a. Woods, Potsdam, N. Y, and Mrs. S. Torrance, Kenora Ont.5,4
David Johnston Married, but apparentll had no children.
Moved to Boston, had money, but none was ever seen by the Langstaff relatives.
Burned all Sophie's wedding clothes as she was going to marry a catholic.
According to Ruth Boisoneault Aug. 4, 98, on the phone. on 4 August 1998, at According to Ruth Boisoneault Aug. 4, 98, on the phone)., , Carleton, .6
Children of David Johnston and Mary Wilson
- Maud Johnston b. 20 Mar 1882, d. 1964
- Jane "Jennie" Johnston b. 15 Aug 1884, d. 1954
- Minnie Johnston b. 23 Feb 1887, d. 1905
- Lottie Johnston
- Joanna Johnston b. Feb 1891, d. 1895
- Mary Johnston b. 14 Dec 1894, d. 29 Nov 1982
Phyllis (?)
Robert C. Tackaberry
M, b. 29 July 1900
Robert C. Tackaberry|b. 29 Jul 1900|p129.htm#i3945|Samuel Tackaberry||p101.htm#i3063|Margaret A. (?)||p131.htm#i3999|Samuel Tackaberry||p101.htm#i3058|Anna Langstaff|b. 1833\nd. 1868|p100.htm#i3057|||||||
Robert C. Tackaberry was born on 29 July 1900, at, Grenville, . At From 1901 census.1 He was the son of Samuel Tackaberry and Margaret A. (?).
- [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.