Terry Allan Harvey
Terry Allan Harvey||p8.htm#i211|Fred Harvey|b. Aug 1943\nd. Aug 1989|p7.htm#i210|Jacqueline Marion Longhurst||p7.htm#i209|||||||John F. Longhurst|b. 13 Jan 1887\nd. 6 Sep 1963|p7.htm#i184|Alisha R. Carnahan|b. 6 Sep 1896\nd. 8 Jul 1991|p7.htm#i195|
Children of Terry Allan Harvey and Veronica Clark
Child of Terry Allan Harvey and Laurie (?)
Candice Clarke Harvey
Candice Clarke Harvey||p8.htm#i214|Terry Allan Harvey||p8.htm#i211|Veronica Clark||p8.htm#i213|Fred Harvey|b. Aug 1943\nd. Aug 1989|p7.htm#i210|Jacqueline M. Longhurst||p7.htm#i209|||||||
Nancy Lynn Harvey
Nancy Lynn Harvey||p8.htm#i215|Terry Allan Harvey||p8.htm#i211|Veronica Clark||p8.htm#i213|Fred Harvey|b. Aug 1943\nd. Aug 1989|p7.htm#i210|Jacqueline M. Longhurst||p7.htm#i209|||||||
Angela Kim Harvey
Angela Kim Harvey||p8.htm#i216|Fred Harvey|b. Aug 1943\nd. Aug 1989|p7.htm#i210|Jacqueline Marion Longhurst||p7.htm#i209|||||||John F. Longhurst|b. 13 Jan 1887\nd. 6 Sep 1963|p7.htm#i184|Alisha R. Carnahan|b. 6 Sep 1896\nd. 8 Jul 1991|p7.htm#i195|
Children of Angela Kim Harvey and Gary Lewis
Bobby-Jo Lewis
Bobby-Jo Lewis||p8.htm#i218|Gary Lewis|d. 1992|p8.htm#i217|Angela Kim Harvey||p8.htm#i216|||||||Fred Harvey|b. Aug 1943\nd. Aug 1989|p7.htm#i210|Jacqueline M. Longhurst||p7.htm#i209|
Ashley Anne Lewis
Ashley Anne Lewis||p8.htm#i219|Gary Lewis|d. 1992|p8.htm#i217|Angela Kim Harvey||p8.htm#i216|||||||Fred Harvey|b. Aug 1943\nd. Aug 1989|p7.htm#i210|Jacqueline M. Longhurst||p7.htm#i209|
Craig Stephan Longhurst
Craig Stephan Longhurst||p8.htm#i220|Lloyd Richard Longhurst||p131.htm#i3983|Adele Hannah Burling||p7.htm#i200|Cameron R. Longhurst|b. 29 Oct 1916\nd. 2 Nov 1979|p7.htm#i197|Janet F. Harmon|b. 29 Mar 1919\nd. 11 Sep 1993|p131.htm#i4004|George J. R. T. Burling|b. 6 Jul 1902\nd. 16 May 1982|p1024.htm#i30889|Vera E. Brown||p1024.htm#i30890|
Child of Craig Stephan Longhurst and Diana Elaine Reder
Stephanie Dawn Richarda Longhurst
Stephanie Dawn Richarda Longhurst||p8.htm#i221|Lloyd Richard Longhurst||p131.htm#i3983|Adele Hannah Burling||p7.htm#i200|Cameron R. Longhurst|b. 29 Oct 1916\nd. 2 Nov 1979|p7.htm#i197|Janet F. Harmon|b. 29 Mar 1919\nd. 11 Sep 1993|p131.htm#i4004|George J. R. T. Burling|b. 6 Jul 1902\nd. 16 May 1982|p1024.htm#i30889|Vera E. Brown||p1024.htm#i30890|
Stephanie Dawn Richarda Longhurst is the daughter of Lloyd Richard Longhurst and Adele Hannah Burling.
Children of Stephanie Dawn Richarda Longhurst and John Cundle
Allan John Langstaff
M, b. 24 November 1860, d. 30 September 1931
Allan John Langstaff|b. 24 Nov 1860\nd. 30 Sep 1931|p8.htm#i222|John Thomas Langstaff|b. 7 Mar 1826\nd. 10 May 1886|p20.htm#i576|Elizabeth "Eliza" Ackland|b. 8 Sep 1834\nd. 26 Jul 1914|p20.htm#i577|William Langstaff|b. 1796\nd. 26 Apr 1866|p26.htm#i766|Elizabeth Warren|b. bt 1795 - 1796\nd. 4 Feb 1843|p26.htm#i767|Hugh "Grenville" Ackland|b. c 1796\nd. 22 Aug 1880|p26.htm#i768|Mary Hunt|b. bt 1795 - 1806\nd. 20 Mar 1880|p26.htm#i769|
Allan John Langstaff was born on 24 November 1860, at, Grenville, . He was the son of John Thomas Langstaff and Elizabeth "Eliza" Ackland.
Allan John Langstaff married Mary Anne Johnston, daughter of James S. Johnston and Jane Baillie, on 16 December 1886, at Bank St. Presb. Church, , Carleton, . 1886, #002204 at LDS Church in Ottawa, Oct. 29, 1998.
Name: John Langstaff; Mary Johnston
Age, status,
Occupation: 25, Bach., Blacksmith; 22, Spinster;
Born, from reg.: Augusta, Genville Co. 1860 Gloucester, Ontario; 1864
Living: Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa, Ont.
Parents: John Langstaff, James Johnston
Eliza Ackland Jane Bailey.
Religion: Ch. of Eng. (Episcopalian) Presbyterian
Witnesses: William J. Torrance,
Mrs. Wm. J. Torrance, Ottawa, Ont.
Date, location, etc.: 16 Dec. 1886, Ottawa (probable family problems as married on Thursday and no parents of either listed in church records. Found records under Chalmers United, but Bank St Pres. was the same Church and Rev. Wm. Moore the same person who married William John Torrance and Sophie Johnston.
Allan John Langstaff lived between 1888 and 1891, at Ottawa City Directory, , Carleton, ; Working as a blacksmith for W. Ahearn.
The house was on the north side of the street between Cumberland and what was then King St. which I assume is now King Edward.
William Torrance and family was living with them as well.
They left for Kenora after 1891.
The Canadian Atlantic Railway completed its line to the Chaudiere in late1888 and a ticket office on Bridge Street (later Booth Street) was built at that time. The Ottawa Evening Journal talking about the Chaudiere Extension plans on 3 October 1887 said:
The station house, which will be the termination of the extension, will be constructed on the property now occupied by T. Ahearn's blacksmith shop. From this point, branch lines will be constructed into all the lumber yards, thus enabling the lumber men to load their cars with lumber right in their yards. It is also the intention of the company to do away with the small passenger station on Broad street, and use the new station house on Bridge street as a central passenger and freight depot for the Chaudiere and Hull.2
Allan John Langstaff In "The Weekly Record":
Mr. A. J. Langstaff has moved into his new blacksmith shop, just north of the old one on Matheson St.. The Building was bricked in between the studs. He is a wagon and sleigh builder. on 20 October 1893, at, Kenora Rainy River District, .3
Allan John Langstaff Mr. A. J. Langstaff has just completed a new delivery cart for A. Gilson, and waggons for the K. Furniture and D. McMurphy. All of which are worthy of inspection. on 20 April 1894, at The News, , Kemora Rainy River, .4
Allan John Langstaff Mr. A. J. Langstaff has just completed a new delivery wagon for Bishop and Co. This is the first of the kind ever made here, and is certainly a credit to the maker as well as the town. on 10 August 1894, at The News, , Kenora Rainy River, .4
Allan John Langstaff A. J. Langstaff: "The Ottawa Horse Shoer and Wagon and Sleigh Builder".
All kinds of repairs done. on 16 November 1894, at Advert in the Semi-Weekly Record, , District Kenora Rainy River, .4
Allan John Langstaff waslisted on the 1901 census for at, .
From census Roll # T-6458.
Place: Rat Portage: The family did not include Jack, as he was not yet born, but they were living on a village lot located on the Cameron Survey of Norman. It states the lot was 160 acres and contained 1 wooden house of 4 rooms and 1 outbuilding. A.J. was working as a blacksmith and had earned $400 in the last year. Albert, the son was working in a sawmill.
As it always seems the case the birthdates are different for:
Albert: 23 March 1888 and I had 24 March 1891;
Gertie: 12 August 1897 and I had 13 August 1897.
The family that year moved to Beaver Mills (Rainy River) (As told by Ruth Boissoneault in letter July 98), probably after the birth of Jack.
Province of record source: Ontario
County of record source: Kenora
Comments: Blacksmith. Own a livery stable, both in Kenora and Rainy River. The one in Rainy River burned down in 1910. (Also told by Ruth Boissoneault in letter July 98.)
An original of this printed broadsheet is in the Perth Museum, Perth, Ont.
We the undersigned Blacksmiths of the district have arranged a new schedule for horseshoeing to take affect (sic) on and after the 15th day of Nov. 1912.
New Shoes No. 0, 1, 2 at 25c per shoe; Resetting Shoes No. 0, 1, 2 at 15c per shoe;
New Shoes No. 3 & 4s at 30c per shoe; Resetting Shoes No. 3 & up 20c per shoe and 75c per set of 4;
New Shoes No. 5 & up at 35c per shoe;
Bar Shoe 50c per shoe; Resetting Bar Shoes 25c each
He is also listed as a blacksmith in:
Source: Lovell's Directory of Manitoba and Northwest Territories for 1900-1901. Including A Complete Classified Business Directory and Farmers Directory of Manitoba (northwestern Ontario section).
Publisher: John Lovell & Son
Publication place: Winnipeg
Publication year: 1900
Volume/Page(s): 773.5
Allan John Langstaff 7 July 1960
Evening with Jim Crackel brings out interesting facts on local History.
The presentation was in connection with the dedication of a set of Encyclopedia Britannica to the High School in the name of Mr. J. A Crackel, one of Rainy River’s oldest established citizens. Encyclopedia Britannica of Canada Ltd. donated the books. What was supposed to be an interview of Mr. Crackel’s life in rainy River turned out to be an interesting chapter in the town’s own history. It is printed here for the enjoyment of those unable to attend the Awards night
“On behalf of the students I wish to thank the Encyclopedia Britannica for their gift and add our thanks to Mr. J. A. Crackel for his many years of community activities.
Mr. Crackel was born in Shallow Lake and lived in Fort Frances before coming here by river boat in 1900 with his father to help build the C.N.R. bridge. Since then Mr. Crackel has kept in close contact with the affairs of the town and is well acquainted with its history. In interviewing Mr. Crackel, I realised how little the students and even some of the adults knew about the early days in rainy River.
Beaver Mills a, as the town was then called, was located near the present Customs offices at the bridge. This was the scene of the Hughes and Long Sawmill from Bemidji, brought overland from the Rapid River in 1896. This was later sold to the Cameron family of Kenora and became known as the Rat Portage Lumber Co. In 1903 the rainy River Lumber Co. Was managed by George Parker and J.A. Matieu and employed about 200 men and produced approximately 300,000 board feet of lumber a day. In 1903, Mr. Crackel and gene Karaim worked together at the sorting table. Other employees were Albert Bourgeois and George Gruchy, who was on the receiving end of the gang saw.
In the early stages of Rainy River’s development there were a number of hotels: Lynches, the Commercial Hotel (recognized only as the mad house), Connors Hotel, the King Edward (located north of Atkins lumber yard), and Harry Green’s Hotel (at the site of the present Legion building). Because of the increase in population during the summer months, these hotels were full, as well many private homes became boarding houses for the workers. During the winter it was almost a ghost town. At its peak, the population of Rainy River reached approximately 2800-3,000 people.
In Pinewood in 1898 there was an uprising of the Indians from Brule Island on Lake of the Woods. It was considered so serious that American troops were brought up from Duluth to quell the disturbance.
The homes at this time were houses built for the mill employees, almost entirely of wood. Meyer’s home, originally the Northern navigation Office, is one of the oldest houses in town, built with 8" drop siding instead of 6". Due to creosote and faulty stoves at least ten fires were common each season.
The first school was a log building built on the site of the present day Power Plant. It was not until 1905 that Alexander School was built and named for Queen Alexander the wife of Edward VII. The first teacher was Miss Hay from Lyons Head, Ont., who stayed with the Crackel family. She was followed by a red head ed Miss. Bell who married the son of the local postmaster. Still later came Mr. Gormanely. Mr. Crackel remembers one of his teachers , an elderly lady of 50, who burnt to death during a fire.
The Catholic Church was the first built in Rainy River on the river bank approximately opposite Martin’s (GUS) lumber yard. Its first priest was ST. Amant, who died only recently in St. Boniface at the age of 86 years. It was he who brought the French settlers from Quebec to populate Pinewood.
In 1896 Rev. Johnson founded the Anglican Sioux Mission between Barwick and Stratton. In 1903 the Methodist church was built, and is now used as the Rebekah Hall. The Presbyterian Church was built in 1905 at the site of the present United Church.
The first cemetery was located on the Baudette side of the river opposite the catholic Church. In 1904 land was bough for a cemetery here. This was considered a bad investment because it was too large. The town was expected to expand in that direction and no one wanted it in the centre of the town. Beside Rainy River was a healthy part of the country. The cemetery lay unused for six months. It was rumoured that the town council killed a stranger with an axe one night, to become its first occupant. It has been used regularly every since.
In 1902 the Rainy River Lumber Co. built a General Store were Percy Parker now lives (1st Street) and in 1904 the Robert Block was built containing a jewellery store, a bank, a dance hall, and Masonic Chambers. In 1905 McQuarrie and Grimshaw moved their store from the river bank to main street (This in now the liquor store (corner of 4th and ? Ave.)). In the same year the Binder Block was built on the opposite corner, then called the Busy Corner. In 1906, Calvert bought out the other drug store and began taking Doctors out on the lake in a sailboat (containing an emergency one cylinder gasoline engine). The town Hall was built in 1909. The first theatre was The Empire, run by the Blackmore Bros. Built in 1909 near the Legion it showed silent movies. Mr. Crackel recalls the first talking picture in 1915 that used record for the sound.
Other entertainment was Indian pow-wows, on the river bank, and medicine shows with from 500 to 600 people attending.
Rainy River progress steadily acquiring sidewalks, water works and a telephone exchange. Mr. Crackel mentioned that his brother Frank was one of the telephone operators at one time.
Rainy River was not without it’s share of crime. In 1940 three men held up the Bank of Nova Scotia and stole $10,000., which was never recovered although one of the posse was shot in the leg during the chase. The first jail was built where Frank’s tailour Shop ow stands (corner 5th street and ? Ave.). It was built of 2x6's laid flat , and boulders beneath the floor discouraged escape. The boulders are now at the ferry landing to prevent erosion.
In 1905, Mr. Crackel’s father worked as a car inspector and road repairman for the C.N.R. and Mr. Crackel himself was the “callboy” (used to notify running crew when to report for work)at the station. At this time there were 30-35 crews going west. H.G. Gorman was the first roundhouse foreman. There were 50 men employed in both the roundhouse and the rip tracks. Since then diesels have cut down the traffic from car cars per train to about 167.
Friday, Oct. 7th 1910 it hadn’t rained for weeks and a bush fire occurred. This quickly spread and burnt out the R.R. lumber Co., the saw mill and the entire area, going all the way to Rouseau, Minnesota. It is reported that 34 were buried in one grave. This perhaps marked the first decline of the town. The second was the closing of the C.N.R shops(early 1960's).
Rainy River has enjoyed many sports. The present curling rink is the fourth, the first being built in 1904 in the fair grounds. It was burnt and replaced by one near the creamery followed by a third built beside the Alexander School (this is the only one I remember).
Rainy River has also had a baseball team, and a lacrosse league. In 1913 there was an active football team made up of mainly Scotsmen wearing uniforms identical to the ones worn by the Sing-Sing prison team.
During the first World War, Mr. Crackel was a sapper with the Canadian Engineers. He also cooked for 2000 men and claims never to have lost a man.
The Depression had a great effect upon Rainy River. It was caused by the 25 Nov. 1929 crash of the New York stocks. But the real responsibility was placed on a local citizen who painted his own house instead of hiring a painter.
Work was scarce and wages were low. Tamarack wood was selling for $2.25 a cord (128 ft3), butter and tea were 40¢ per pound, and sugar was 22 pounds for 1$. Beef sold for 6¢ a pound and pork between 8 and 10¢ per pound. Dan Ewald (local dairyman) was selling milk for 20 quarts per 1$. In the summer kids went barefoot by necessity. Students bought their own books, a slate, reader and perhaps twp pencils per year.
Mr. Crackel remarks that, “These were not the good old days. The good old days are now.” in 1905, at town history, , Rainy River District, .6
Allan John Langstaff waslisted on the 1901 census for at LAC # T-20399, , Thunder Bay and Rainy River, , on 18 June 1911.
27 30 262 270 Langstaff Allan R River M Head M Nov ?2 4? ON Irish C. Ang. Blacksmith
27 31 262 270 Langstaff Mary R River F Wife M Feb 18?4 47 ON Eng C. Ang. none
27 32 262 270 Langstaff Albert R River M Son S March 1888 23 ON Irish C. Ang. Setter
27 33 262 270 Langstaff Ruth R River F Daughter S July 1897 14 ON Irish C. Ang. none
27 34 262 270 Langstaff Gertrude R River F Daughter S Aug 18?9 12 ON Irish C. Ang. none
LAC # T-20399
District: Thunder Bay and Rainy River
Dist: #123, Sub-Dist: #83, Rainy River
Enumerator: D.K. McGregor.7
Allan John Langstaff died on 30 September 1931, at #28120, at age 70y 10m 20d of angina pectoris, , Rainy River, . Claims birth 4 Nov. 1860, widowed and father John but no maiden name for his mother. Reported by son Bert and buried 3 Oct. 1931 in Rainy River. Had lived in Rainy River for the past 30 years. Dr. was a J.C. Fuduas(?) and had last seen Allan John alive on the 27 Sep.and that he had suffered from agina pectoris for the last 3 years.8
Allan John Langstaff was described as a tall thin man with a handlebar moustache, via Lorraine. He always called Lorraine "Bridget".
Lorraine was in town and saw him drop dead in front of Dr. McBain's office (the funeral home in the years 1960-1997) from across the street. She ran to where the hospital is to tell Aunt Ruth. He seems to have lost his breath and was pretty purple, probable his heart. At that same time Ruth Boiseneault saya that she was there and she helped him to the Calvert Dry Goods Store and had him wait on the steps (between the dry goods and the pharmacy) to catch his breath. He was not that bad since he was able to wave to Albert accross the strret before continuing on. He was apparently heading for Ruth's home. But he assured her that all was well and he continued, but died of the heart attack on the way.
As told by Ruth Boissoneault in letter July 98. There was five brothers and one sister. One brother was Shanly and the sister was Gerturde. The family I am tracing had 9 children, one a Shanley and one Allen of the correct age, and some of the rest could have died. The girls are not listed however as Gertrude.
Gertrude married a Warren, and had a son supposedly called Langstaff Warren and a daughter Ruth Warren. This is from Aunt Ruth Moon who knew them when they lived in Belleville, Ont.
Apparently there was a Langstaff reunion in Kemptville not too long ago. Langstaff's have had a store there some time ago. (Ruth Langstaff (Boissoneault).
Ruth also states that John Allen was a bit of a dandy with fancy bowties and bowler hats.
According to Ruth Boiseneault, the family home of Allen John was a reasonably big house with a nice piano (Albert loved to play this) and that all this was lost in the big fire of 1910. After that the family home was more of a small shack in the area between Sixth street and th bridge as I knew it as a kid (E. Jack). They never did seem to recover from the fire. The new residence can be seen a bit in the pictures that I have of Gramma (Mary) taken at this time.
Ruth also states that John built a boat and named it after Gertie (the Gertie L). Her family had a picture of it but it was lost to water damage. I now have found a copy of the photo.
Children of Allan John Langstaff and Mary Anne Johnston
- Albert James Langstaff+ b. 14 Sep 1888, d. 26 Mar 1946
- Jane Langstaff b. 21 Feb 1890, d. b Apr 1891
- Edward Langstaff b. 20 Nov 1892, d. 16 Mar 1895
- Ruth Agatha Langstaff+ b. 13 Jul 1896, d. 23 May 1971
- Gerturde Langstaff+ b. 13 Aug 1897, d. Jul 1979
- Jack Langstaff+ b. 27 Apr 1901, d. 14 Sep 1960
- Reginald Langstaff b. Mar 1904, d. 25 Aug 1904
- [S166] Unknown author, Mar. Registration.
- [S209] Unknown author, N.A.C, City directories on line.
- [S287] Unknown author, Weekly Record, Semi Weekly Record and The News, Given when I visited 2004.
- [S287] Unknown author, Weekly Record, Semi Weekly Record and The News.
- [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.
- [S301] Rainy River Library, Rainy River Record.
- [S526] Census 1911, 1911 Census.
- [S210] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations from FHL and Actual Death Certificates.
Albert James Langstaff
M, b. 14 September 1888, d. 26 March 1946
Albert James Langstaff|b. 14 Sep 1888\nd. 26 Mar 1946|p8.htm#i223|Allan John Langstaff|b. 24 Nov 1860\nd. 30 Sep 1931|p8.htm#i222|Mary Anne Johnston|b. 22 Feb 1863\nd. 18 Aug 1929|p10.htm#i282|John T. Langstaff|b. 7 Mar 1826\nd. 10 May 1886|p20.htm#i576|Elizabeth "Eliza" Ackland|b. 8 Sep 1834\nd. 26 Jul 1914|p20.htm#i577|James S. Johnston|b. 7 Apr 1819\nd. 3 Dec 1905|p60.htm#i1817|Jane Baillie|b. bt 1826 - 1828\nd. 1867|p131.htm#i3987|

Albert James Langstaff Moved to Emmett, Idaho (1917, year Ruth was one year old) for a short time, but moved back to Rainy River to be close to his mother. His eldest daughter (Ruth) told me this in a letter in July of 98. It was very hard to return to a not so good home and the difficulty of finding a new job. At the time he was involved with the lumber industry.
Apparently lived in Emmett, Idaho. Also spent time in Boise Idaho with appendistis.
Albert died on Monday Mar 26, two days after his birthday (Sat. Mar. 24, 1892) at 1 pm. Ruth and Reggie had both just arrived from Winnipeg.
There seems to be a dispute over Alberts birth date, I had 1892, but Ruth says 1891, I looked at the photo I have of his tombstone, and it says 1891. The inscription also gives Florences birth year as 1892. This dispute goes on as I found his birth certificate and it lists his birth as 14 Sep. 1888. This is the date I will use, The certificate states:
Albert James Langstaff born 14 Sep. 1888 to parents John Langstaff and Mary Johnston;
registered by Rev. W. J. Crothers on 20 June 1890. (Why the long wait? was Allen John a bit thick?) The 1891 census supports the 1888 birth day.
Albert James Langstaff was born on 14 September 1888, at, Carleton, . He was the son of Allan John Langstaff and Mary Anne Johnston.
Albert James Langstaff married Bessie Florence Franks, daughter of John Franks and Amelia Perry, on 11 September 1915, at #13054, , . Husband: Albert James Langstaff,
Age, status: 24, bachelor
Occupation, residence: Mill Sawyer, Rainy River, ON (since 15 April 1914 Rainy River, Ont.)
Place of birth: Ottawa, Ont.
Religious denomination: Church of England
Parents: Allan John Langstaff and Mary Johnston
Wife: Bessie Florence Franks
Age, status: 23, single
Residence, place of birth: Edmonton, Alta. Moncton, NB
Parents: John Franks and Amelia Perr
Religious denomination: Church of England
Date: 11 September 1915
Witnesses: Mrs. William Forsyth of Rainy River
L. Claude Secrett of Atikokan
Location: Town of Fort Frances, no church mentioned
Service performed by: Ven. H. V. Malltry, Church of England.
Banns or licence: Licence.1
Albert James Langstaff died on 26 March 1946, at at home on a Tuesday, , . Bert Langstaff Dies After Short Illness
Mr. Albert James Langstaff, 55, a well-known resident of Rainy River, died at his home on Tuesday, March 26th after an illness of little more than a week.
Mr. Langstaff was born in Ottawa in 1891 and came to Rainy River ten years later where he worked at the Rat Portage Lumber Company and in 1914 at the Ingler Mill. He married Florence Franks of Edmonton the following year and went to Emmett, Idaho in .1917 to work in the sawmills. Returning to Rainy River in 1920 he worked at the Spooner Mill but left for International Falls to be employed in the sawmills for two years. On his return to Rainy River this time he accepted a position in the C.N.R. shops where he worked till the time of his death.
Left to mourn Mr. Langstaff*s loss are his wife, two sons, Allan Jack and Albert Reginald at home, six daughters; Mrs. R.W. Boissoneaut of Seebe, Alta., A.N. Gunderson, Maxine, Fern, Jean, and Gweneth as well as an adopted Son Stanley and daughter Susan, all of Rainy River; a brother Jack of Rainy River and two sisters, Mrs. Geo. Moon of Belleville, Ont. and Mrs. H. E. Bjorklund of North Branch, Minn., and two grandchildren.
The funeral will be held from the Notre Dame Church Friday morning at 10 a.m. with burial in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Fawcett*s Funeral Home have charge of the arrangements.2
Children of Albert James Langstaff and Bessie Florence Franks
- Mary Ruth Langstaff+
- Gertrude Florence Langstaff+ b. 25 Oct 1917, d. 12 Jul 2008
- Allen Jack Langstaff+ b. 27 Oct 1919, d. 5 Mar 2006
- Ida Edna Maxine Langstaff+ b. 26 Jun 1921, d. 2 Aug 2006
- Albert Reginald Langstaff+ b. 17 Apr 1923, d. 15 Jul 1982
- Allen Langstaff b. 7 Feb 1925, d. 2 Sep 1925
- Arthur Langstaff b. 8 Feb 1925, d. 25 Aug 1925
- Rebecca Jean Lois Langstaff+ b. 11 Feb 1928, d. 31 May 2010
- Agnes Viola Fern Langstaff+ b. 13 Nov 1928, d. 11 Jun 2011
- Stanley Basil Langstaff
- Mary Gwenyth Lucille Langstaff+ b. 1 Mar 1932, d. 16 Nov 2010
- Susan "Bunny" Langstaff
Ruth Agatha Langstaff
F, b. 13 July 1896, d. 23 May 1971
Ruth Agatha Langstaff|b. 13 Jul 1896\nd. 23 May 1971|p8.htm#i224|Allan John Langstaff|b. 24 Nov 1860\nd. 30 Sep 1931|p8.htm#i222|Mary Anne Johnston|b. 22 Feb 1863\nd. 18 Aug 1929|p10.htm#i282|John T. Langstaff|b. 7 Mar 1826\nd. 10 May 1886|p20.htm#i576|Elizabeth "Eliza" Ackland|b. 8 Sep 1834\nd. 26 Jul 1914|p20.htm#i577|James S. Johnston|b. 7 Apr 1819\nd. 3 Dec 1905|p60.htm#i1817|Jane Baillie|b. bt 1826 - 1828\nd. 1867|p131.htm#i3987|

Ruth Agatha Langstaff was born on 13 July 1896, at, Rainy River Kenora, .1 She was the daughter of Allan John Langstaff and Mary Anne Johnston.
As of 8 January 1914,her married name was Moon.1
Ruth Agatha Langstaff married George Arthur Moon, son of Albert E. Moon and Mary Johnson, on 8 January 1914, at #19222, St. Jame's Church, , . George was 21 years old a brakeman born Madoc, ON and Methodist and Ruth was 17 years old born Kenora, an Anglican. Ruth was not yet 18 so mother had to give her consent.
Wit: Ruth's Grandparents, A. j. Langstaff and his wife just listed as Mrs. A. J. Langstaff.
Minister J. Lofthouse (later Bishop).1 Ruth Agatha Langstaff was Fact 1 in 1935; Moved to Belleville, accorrding to Ruth Boisseneault.
Ruth Agatha Langstaff died on 23 May 1971, at Bellville General Hospital, , Hastings, . Buried: Lakeview Cemetery Madoc, but living Marmora at the time of death.
Ruths obituary reads:
Mrs. Ruth Agatha Moon of 346 Sidney St., Belleville, passed away on Sunday May 23, 1971 at Belleville General Hospital. Ruth Agatha Langstaff in her 75 year, beloved wife of the late George Arthur Moon, dear mother of Albert (Ab) Moon and Miss Mary Ruth Moon, both of Belleville, dear sister of Mrs. H. (Gertrude ) Bjorklund of Pasedena, Calf., also surviving are three grandchildren.
Mrs. Moon is resting at the MacKenzie Funeral Home, Madoc, where funeral services will be held on Wed. May 26, at 2 pm. Canon R. B. D. Wright officiating.
Interment in Lakeview Cemetery.2
Children of Ruth Agatha Langstaff and George Arthur Moon
- Albert Allan Moon+ b. 19 Jun 1920, d. 15 Jun 1976
- Mary Ruth "Tootsie" Moon b. 15 Jul 1928, d. 3 Aug 2011
Gerturde Langstaff
F, b. 13 August 1897, d. July 1979
Gerturde Langstaff|b. 13 Aug 1897\nd. Jul 1979|p8.htm#i225|Allan John Langstaff|b. 24 Nov 1860\nd. 30 Sep 1931|p8.htm#i222|Mary Anne Johnston|b. 22 Feb 1863\nd. 18 Aug 1929|p10.htm#i282|John T. Langstaff|b. 7 Mar 1826\nd. 10 May 1886|p20.htm#i576|Elizabeth "Eliza" Ackland|b. 8 Sep 1834\nd. 26 Jul 1914|p20.htm#i577|James S. Johnston|b. 7 Apr 1819\nd. 3 Dec 1905|p60.htm#i1817|Jane Baillie|b. bt 1826 - 1828\nd. 1867|p131.htm#i3987|

Gerturde Langstaff was born on 13 August 1897, at, Rainy River District, . At Father ran his blacksmith shop here. She was the daughter of Allan John Langstaff and Mary Anne Johnston.
Gerturde Langstaff married Harry Emanuel Bjorklund, son of Olaf "Olsson" Bjorklund and Johanna Anderson, on 15 January 1919.
Gerturde Langstaff died in July 1979, at S.S. # 554-21-5956, Long Beach, California 90815. Individual: Bjorklund, Gertrude
Birth date: Aug 13, 1897
Death date: Jul 1979
Social Security #: 554-21-5956
Last residence: CA 90815
State of issue: CA.1
Gerturde Langstaff She was a small woman with beautiful auburn hair and brown eyes. Supposedly Aunt Florence Langstaff had a picture of her, but most of her pictures were lost to water damage (as told by Ruth Langstaff (Boissoneault) in a letter July 98.
[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from A through L, Date of Import: Aug 18, 1998, Internal Ref. #]
Individual: Bjorklund, Gertrude
Birth date: Aug 13, 1897
Death date: Jul 1979
Social Security #: 554-21-5956
Last residence: CA 90815
State of issue: CA
Gertie married Harry Byorklund, who was born in Minn. of Norwegian parents who still spoke the language. This made Gertie upset since she could not understand the language(according to Ruth Boisaneault Sep. 13 1998). in July 1998.2
Children of Gerturde Langstaff and Harry Emanuel Bjorklund
- Reginal Harry Bjorklund+
- Lowell Buford Bjorklund+ b. 18 Sep 1932, d. Apr 1986
- [S190] Unknown author, http://ssdi.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/ssdi.cgi.
- [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff.
Kathern Lucile "Flinn" Flynn
F, b. December 1901, d. 28 June 1937
Kathern Lucile "Flinn" Flynn|b. Dec 1901\nd. 28 Jun 1937|p8.htm#i226|Patrick Henry "Flinn" Flynn|b. 1 Mar 1860\nd. 1938|p854.htm#i25760|Mary C. Kelly|b. 16 Jul 1864\nd. 20 Aug 1907|p268.htm#i8124|Patrick Flynn|b. 1828\nd. 1895|p25.htm#i730|Katherine Lehane|b. 1835\nd. 1864|p25.htm#i726|James Kelly|b. bt 1835 - 1838|p593.htm#i17944|Anne (?)||p593.htm#i17945|

Kathern Lucile "Flinn" Flynn was born in December 1901, at Eden Twp. or Conway, Walsh County, N. Dakota, U.S.A..1 She was the daughter of Patrick Henry "Flinn" Flynn and Mary C. Kelly.
Kathern Lucile "Flinn" Flynn married Jack Langstaff, son of Allan John Langstaff and Mary Anne Johnston, on 20 July 1920, at # 15473, St. James Anglican Church, , . Both Jack, age 19, and Kathern, age 18 are listed as "Mill Hand", she was Catholic and he Anglican. Rest as id shown under each.
Dad's mother was listed as Marie Johnson, not Mary Johnston.
Priest in charge was F.C. Swiet, and the witnesses were Albert J. Langstaff (brother) and his wife Florence (Aunt Flo) both of Baudette, MN..
The original of the marriage certificate is in the possession of Lorraine Dryden (as of 1999).2
As of 20 July 1920,her married name was Langstaff.2
Kathern Lucile "Flinn" Flynn died on 28 June 1937, at Rainy River, Ontario. Complications due to severe pneumonia & plueresy. She was Burial Location on 1 July 1937 at Forest Lawn Cemetery, , ; Died probably of pneumonia and plueresy. Funeral was on July 1, as remembered by Lorraine.
Relatives now in Oregon.
1900 census: Population schedules: Towner Co. (ED 181-end) Traill, and Walsh Co. (FHL US/CAN Census Area,
film # 1241233 ).
1910 census: Population schedules: Nelson, Pembina, Oliver, and Walsh Co (FHL US/CAN Census Area,
film #1375158 ).
1910 census: Population schedules: Isanti, Kanabec, Koochiching, Itasca, and Lake Co. (FHL US/CAN Census Area
Film #1374720).
Koochiching : pioneering along the Rainy River frontier (a book by Drache, Hiram M, call number FHL 977.679 H2d )
History of Koochiching County : where trees make the difference History Book Committee (International Falls, Minnesota).3
Children of Kathern Lucile "Flinn" Flynn and Jack Langstaff
- Mary Lorraine Langstaff+ b. 14 Sep 1923, d. 6 May 2006
- Kenneth James Langstaff+ b. 17 Jul 1926, d. 15 Sep 2011
- Patrick Gerald Langstaff+ b. 21 May 1933, d. 26 Feb 2003
- Colleen Lucille Langstaff+
- [S522] Unknown author, 1900 Census United States, Eden Twp. Walsh County, ND.
- [S166] Unknown author, Mar. Registration, Jack and Kathern were married in St. James Anglican Church, Rainy River, Ont. on July 20, 1920.
Priest in charge was F.C. Swiet, and the witnesses were Albert J. Langstaff (brother) and his wife Florence (Aunt Flo).
The original of the marriage certificate is in the possession of Lorraine Dryden (as of 1999).
Photo under Jack 1901 - 1936. - [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff.
Mary Lorraine Langstaff
F, b. 14 September 1923, d. 6 May 2006
Mary Lorraine Langstaff|b. 14 Sep 1923\nd. 6 May 2006|p8.htm#i227|Jack Langstaff|b. 27 Apr 1901\nd. 14 Sep 1960|p6.htm#i151|Kathern Lucile "Flinn" Flynn|b. Dec 1901\nd. 28 Jun 1937|p8.htm#i226|Allan J. Langstaff|b. 24 Nov 1860\nd. 30 Sep 1931|p8.htm#i222|Mary A. Johnston|b. 22 Feb 1863\nd. 18 Aug 1929|p10.htm#i282|Patrick Henry "Flinn" Flynn|b. 1 Mar 1860\nd. 1938|p854.htm#i25760|Mary C. Kelly|b. 16 Jul 1864\nd. 20 Aug 1907|p268.htm#i8124|

Mary Lorraine Langstaff was born on 14 September 1923, at Rainy River, Ont.. She was the daughter of Jack Langstaff and Kathern Lucile "Flinn" Flynn.
Mary Lorraine Langstaff Lorraine attended Normal School in North Bay, Ont. I think this was about 1947 as I remember her coming home when I (Jack) was sick with the measles or the chicken pox (I was in bed in the dark).
Ruth Boiseneault tells of Lorraines tom-boyish nature. Her mother (Catherine) apparently tried to dress her in dresses, but Lorraine was much more at home playing ball with the boys. One time she became angry over some ball gam wand she threw the bat at Ken and hit hime on the nose. Ruth still thinks this is why Ken has the pug nose. I (E. Jack) think the pug nose came from the car accident Ken was in, but I have never had the nerve to ask him about it.
in 1947, at, .1
As of 5 August 1947,her married name was Dryden.2
Mary Lorraine Langstaff married John Gorden Dryden, son of Gordon Albert Dryden and Annie Marie Nolan, on 5 August 1947, at Notre Dame R.C. Church, Father G. Couture, , . AUGUST 7th 1947
The Notre Dame Church in Rainy River was the scene of a quite wedding on Tuesday, August 5 th at 3 p.m., when Lorraine
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Langstaff of Rainy River, became the bride of Gordon, son of Mrs. Anna Dryden, also of Rainy River.
Father G. Couture officiated.
The couple were attended by Miss Marie Dryden and Kenneth Langstaff.
The bride wore as her wedding apparel a white floor length jersey gown and carried a bouquet of Sweet Pea and Baby Breaths.
The bridesmaid wore a pink crepe gown and carried a corresponding bouquet.
A reception was held at the home of the bride*s parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Dryden will leave on a wedding trip on the weekend, visiting Winnipeg, Man., and Melville, Sask.2
Mary Lorraine Langstaff When the chemical toilet blew, and caused a fire, Lorraine etc escapped out asn upstairs window via the TV mast. It was cold and rainy and all were soaked. Lauren was the worst and she may have gotten pneumonia from the experience. circa 1977, at Fire, , .
Mary Lorraine Langstaff died on 6 May 2006, at at 7:30 am in the hospital, , Rainy River District, . Lorraine had under gone two operations for cancer of the bowel and the lung. She never recovered all her faculties after the second lung surgery. She spent time eith Patti in Kenora and ina home in Kenora and finally in the home in Rainy river where she died.1
Children of Mary Lorraine Langstaff and John Gorden Dryden
- Kathy Dryden b. 11 Mar 1954, d. 1980
- Patti Dryden+
- Donna Dryden
- John Dryden
- Terry Dryden
- Lauren Jean "Lori" Dryden b. 1 Sep 1964, d. 20 May 1997
Kenneth James Langstaff
M, b. 17 July 1926, d. 15 September 2011
Kenneth James Langstaff|b. 17 Jul 1926\nd. 15 Sep 2011|p8.htm#i228|Jack Langstaff|b. 27 Apr 1901\nd. 14 Sep 1960|p6.htm#i151|Kathern Lucile "Flinn" Flynn|b. Dec 1901\nd. 28 Jun 1937|p8.htm#i226|Allan J. Langstaff|b. 24 Nov 1860\nd. 30 Sep 1931|p8.htm#i222|Mary A. Johnston|b. 22 Feb 1863\nd. 18 Aug 1929|p10.htm#i282|Patrick Henry "Flinn" Flynn|b. 1 Mar 1860\nd. 1938|p854.htm#i25760|Mary C. Kelly|b. 16 Jul 1864\nd. 20 Aug 1907|p268.htm#i8124|

Kenneth James Langstaff When we lived in Montreal in 1941, Ken tells that the age to go to a movie was 18 in Montreal proper so he and Lorraine had to go to Verdun if they wanted to see a movie.
Ken talks of the fights he had with the two Horley kids, Ruth and Robert. The one big indicdent happened on the street outside the town hall. The horleys had him on the ground and Ruth hit him with a hockey stick and seemly dented his head (he to this day has a cavity where he says they hit him). He would have been in bigger trouble if Mrs. Theviards (sp) had not come out and stopped him.
Another incident involves his new 1949 Studebaker and the garage he had over the road from our house. He apparently tried to back into the garage with the trunk of the car open. You know what happened. I guess it was not too bad as I (Jack) remember him driving the car for quite a few years after.
I (Jack) remember teasing Ken because of his nose (injured in a car accident) was flattened. Called him pugnose and then he would chase me and try to beat me up. He also disowned me as a brother. He was visiting from Transcona and he and some buddies were having drinks in the Victory cafe and I came in. I had been in the dump playing and probable only had on a pair of ripped pants, no shoes etc. and was a bit dirty. The others made fun of the dirty wretch but Ken never let on that the urchin was his brother.
Kenneth James Langstaff was born on 17 July 1926, at Rainy River, Ont.. He was the son of Jack Langstaff and Kathern Lucile "Flinn" Flynn. Kenneth James Langstaff was Fact 4 in 1941 at, ; Had to go from Montreal to Verdun to see movies because of age restrictions. He was Fact 1 in 1943; Entered backshop at Transcona as Steam Machinist. He was Fact 3 in 1946 at Bad car accident with vernon Russell, , .1 He was Fact 2 in 1953; Moved to Fort William, first diesel through Rainy River.
Kenneth James Langstaff married Arleen Ada Nesbitt, daughter of Robert Ivan Nesbitt and Kathleen Mathilda Martyn, on 14 November 1959, at Thunder Bay, Ont.. Kenneth James Langstaff was retired in 1987 at, , from the CNR with 45 years experience..
Kenneth James Langstaff died on 15 September 2011, at Regional Health Centre, , Thunder Bay, . He died as a result of a car accident where he sustained broken leg and knee cap, 10 broken ribs, both collar bones broken, on neck vertabrae damaged.
Kenneth James Langstaff, age 85 years, passed away peacefully on September 15th, 2011. As per his wishes, a private service will be held. Full obituary to follow.
Langstaff, Ken
Published: Saturday, September 17, 2011, The Chronicle Journal, Thunder Bay.
A great man has taken his last breath. Our father, Mr. Ken Langstaff, age 85 years, passed away peacefully Thursday, September 15th, 2011.
Born in Rainy River, Ontario, he was retired as a machinist with the Canadian National Railway.
Dad had many interests over the years and recently enjoyed fishing, boating, lake life at Shebandowan, wintering in both Arizona and Florida, playing cards, dancing and family time. He enjoyed working with stained glass and his creations have been left with many of us to cherish.
He is survived by his children: Cynthia, Douglas (Diana), Keith (Darla), grandchildren: Michelle and Brandon, Brother: Jack Langstaff (Fran), Sisters: Panetta (James) Jackson & Colleen Eady; Brothers/ Sisters-in-Law: Hugh Nesbitt (Linda), Willie Nesbitt (Jacklyn) Linda (Albert) Vescio & Sheila Crocker; numerous nieces, nephews and special friends.
He was predeceased by his parents, wife Arleen, sister Lorraine and brother Patrick.
Special thanks to the Doctors & Nurses in ICU & 3C and to the many friends & family who have reached out to us over the past two weeks.
A private memorial service will be held at a later date, as per our father's wishes.
One of Dad's many favourites; "Don't Be Sour Little Flower, Turn That Frown Upside Down".2
Children of Kenneth James Langstaff and Arleen Ada Nesbitt
Patrick Gerald Langstaff
M, b. 21 May 1933, d. 26 February 2003
Patrick Gerald Langstaff|b. 21 May 1933\nd. 26 Feb 2003|p8.htm#i229|Jack Langstaff|b. 27 Apr 1901\nd. 14 Sep 1960|p6.htm#i151|Kathern Lucile "Flinn" Flynn|b. Dec 1901\nd. 28 Jun 1937|p8.htm#i226|Allan J. Langstaff|b. 24 Nov 1860\nd. 30 Sep 1931|p8.htm#i222|Mary A. Johnston|b. 22 Feb 1863\nd. 18 Aug 1929|p10.htm#i282|Patrick Henry "Flinn" Flynn|b. 1 Mar 1860\nd. 1938|p854.htm#i25760|Mary C. Kelly|b. 16 Jul 1864\nd. 20 Aug 1907|p268.htm#i8124|
Patrick Gerald Langstaff Pat did not do well in school. After he failed grade 9 the first time Father arranged for him to work on an EXTRA GANG (CNR types laying track, very hard work). I guess the foreman knew Dad and he really worked Pat hard. He came back brown as a berry and all muscle, even the brain I guess as he went back to school and failed worst the second time around. That was when he started with the CNR as a firemen.
Luck was with Pat in his job however. When the CNR decided to drop the firemen from the trains they cut off all who did not have 5 years seniority. By chance Pat had about one month over the five years. A real break.
Pat too had a mind of his own. When it came time to buy his first car Dad did not want him to buy an expensive big car but that did not stop Pat from buying a big Crysler New Yorker. Dad was not too happy.
Patrick Gerald Langstaff was born on 21 May 1933, at Rainy River, ON. He was the son of Jack Langstaff and Kathern Lucile "Flinn" Flynn.
Patrick Gerald Langstaff married Shirley June Rich, daughter of Reginald Thomas Rich and Grace Elizabeth Bourne, on 7 May 1954, at Knox United Church, Rainy River, Ont..
Patrick Gerald Langstaff died on 26 February 2003, at, in his sleep, , MB. PATRICK GERALD LANGSTAFF May 21, 1933 - February 26, 2003
Patrick Gerald Langstaff, at the age of 69, passed away on February 26, 2003 suddenly in his sleep.
He is lovingly survived by his five children, Laura Lee, Barbara, Kenneth, Cara and Carla; as well as his grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Dads memory to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, 301 - 352 Donald St., Winnipeg, MB R3B 2H8.
A funeral service will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, March 3 at Glen Lawn Funeral Home, 455 Lagimodiere Blvd. (south of the Royal Canadian Mint), with a viewing one hour prior to the service.
A gathering of family and friends will follow in the reception centre.
Interment will take place at a later date in Glen Lawn Memorial Gardens. Arrangements entrusted to: GLEN LAWN FUNERAL HOME 455 LAGIMODIERE BLVD. 982-7550.1
Patrick Gerald Langstaff was buried in April 2003, at Glen Lawn Memorial Gardens. He was Funeral on 3 April 2003; Glen Lawn Mem. Gardens, 455 Lagamodiere Blvd., Wpg.
Children of Patrick Gerald Langstaff and Shirley June Rich
- [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff.
Colleen Lucille Langstaff
Colleen Lucille Langstaff||p8.htm#i230|Jack Langstaff|b. 27 Apr 1901\nd. 14 Sep 1960|p6.htm#i151|Kathern Lucile "Flinn" Flynn|b. Dec 1901\nd. 28 Jun 1937|p8.htm#i226|Allan J. Langstaff|b. 24 Nov 1860\nd. 30 Sep 1931|p8.htm#i222|Mary A. Johnston|b. 22 Feb 1863\nd. 18 Aug 1929|p10.htm#i282|Patrick Henry "Flinn" Flynn|b. 1 Mar 1860\nd. 1938|p854.htm#i25760|Mary C. Kelly|b. 16 Jul 1864\nd. 20 Aug 1907|p268.htm#i8124|
Children of Colleen Lucille Langstaff and Romeo Dupasquier
- Lawerence "Laurie" Alexander Dupasquier b. 9 Jul 1956, d. 12 Aug 1990
- Diane Lucille Dupasquier
- Susan Dupasquier b. 28 Mar 1959, d. 14 Sep 1959
- Sandra Lynn Dupasquier+
- Lillian Estelle Dupasquier+
- Paul Kenneth Dupasquier+
James Henry Jackson
James Henry Jackson||p8.htm#i231|Ellsworth Herbert Jackson|b. 28 Jan 1924|p8.htm#i239|Jean Dorleen Wood|b. 16 Aug 1926\nd. 22 Jul 1999|p8.htm#i240|Herbert B. Jackson|b. 1895|p9.htm#i241|Gladys B. Cronkhite|b. 1904|p9.htm#i242|John Wood|b. 1891\nd. 1973|p102.htm#i3108|Annie Smith|b. 1905\nd. 1966|p102.htm#i3109|
Child of James Henry Jackson and Panetta Dorothea Ruth Langstaff
Jacob Neely
M, b. 10 September 1877, d. 1953
Jacob Neely|b. 10 Sep 1877\nd. 1953|p8.htm#i232|Robert Neely|b. c 1837\nd. Dec 1895|p71.htm#i2159|Martha Jane McAfee|b. 1843\nd. 9 Jan 1930|p144.htm#i4391|John Neely|b. 1803\nd. b 1861|p104.htm#i3176|Margaret Arbuckle||p104.htm#i3177|Thomas McAfee|b. 1819\nd. 7 Feb 1907|p99.htm#i3012|Nancy A. Stewart|b. c 1816\nd. 1 Nov 1893|p105.htm#i3201|

Jacob Neely From the LDS Church search Feb. 4, 1999.
Jacob NEELY (M)....................... B: 10 Sep 1877 Ba: 5028312 16
Father: Robert NEELY, Artemesia Twp, Grey, Ontario So: 1553876
Mother: Martha MACAFEE
Jacob NEELY (M)....................... M: Jul 1906 F#: 1760788 *
Spouse: Josephine Letitia WARLING South River, Perry, Ontario
The 1901 census (T-6468, page 6, line 18) has Jacob living with his Mother, Martha J. (age 55, born 1826) and his siblings:
1) Robert, born May 8, 1871, age 30, and was listed as head of the household;
2) Margaret, born Sep. 9, 1879, age 21.
They were all born in Ontario and were supposed Methodists. He was a farmer workin on his own. Their farm was Conc. 8, lot 10 of Euphrasia Twp., Grey Co. They had 100 acres of land with two houses. The brother Thomas was still on the the same lot and conc. It would seem they were living in a wood house with only 2 rooms.
Jacob's first wife Letisha died of a stroke while attending the wedding reception of R.J. and Stella Dunn. While driving into town to the Dunn's home, Letisha complained to Clifford who was driving and Jacob that she was feeling very hot. A short time later at the reception, she just passed out and people did not realise at first that she had died.
She had previously been operated on for something to do with her eye. When Ed, Fran's father had his cataracts operated on he was not allowed to do anything physical for almost a year. Maybe Letisha's early death had something to do with the eye operation.
It was while Letisha was in the hospital that Jacob met Martha Woodford, whom he would marry after Letisha's death.
Fran's mother Muriel thought that she was nine when Letisha died. The dates I have substantiate this fact.
Jacob Neely was born on 10 September 1877, at, Artemesia Twp, , Ontario. ; Jacob NEELY (M)....................... B: 10 Sep 1877 Ba: 5028312 16
Father: Robert NEELY, Artemesia Twp, Grey, Ontario So: 1553876
Mother: Martha MACAFEE
They were all born in Ontario and were supposed Methodists. He was a farmer workin on his own. Their farm was Conc. 8, lot 10 of Euphrasia Twp., Grey Co. They had 100 acres of land with two houses. The brother Thomas was still on the the same lot and conc. It would seem they were living in a wood house with only 2 rooms.
Jacob's first wife Letisha died of a stroke while attending the wedding reception of R.J. and Stella Dunn. While driving into town to the Dunn's home, Letisha complained to Clifford who was driving and Jacob that she was feeling very hot. A short time later at the reception, she just passed out and people did not realise at first that she had died.
She had previously been operated on for something to do with her eye. When Ed, Fran's father had his cataracts operated on he was not allowed to do anything physical for almost a year. Maybe Letisha's early death had something to do with the eye operation.1 He was the son of Robert Neely and Martha Jane McAfee.
Jacob Neely waslisted on the 1901 census for at, Grey, , on 31 March 1901.
18 52 Neely Robert J. M Head S Mar 8 1870 age 30
19 52 Neely Jacob M Brother S Sep 10 1877 age 23
20 52 Neely Margret F Sister S Sep 9 1879 age 21
21 52 Neely Marthy J. F Mother W Blank 1846 age 5?
They were all born in Ontario and were supposed Methodists.
He was a farmer workin on his own.
Their farm was Conc. 8, lot 10 of Euphrasia Twp., Grey Co.
They had 100 acres of land with two houses.
The brother Thomas was still on the the same lot and conc.
It would seem they were living in a wood house with only 2 rooms.
ON GREY, East #64, Subdist. Euphrasia C-9, Page # 6, T-6468.2
Jacob Neely married Letitia "Tish" Josephine Warling, daughter of John Warling and Margaret Jane Hemphill, on 10 July 1906, at #8975, , Grey, . Jacob Neely, age 27 years born Euphrasia Twp., living in Atremesia twp., Grey Co., bach. farmer, Method., son of Robert Neely and Margaret McAfee.
MarriesJosephine Warling, age 20 years, born and living Artemesia Twp., Grey Co., Methodiat spinster, daughter of John Warling and Margaret Hemphill.
Wit: Mr. and Mrs. James McCloccklin of Flesherton.
Rev. J.T. CaldweellBB.
Date/location: 10 July 1906, Flesherton, Grey Co.3
Jacob Neely married Martha J. Woodford after 1935.
Jacob Neely died in 1953, at, , Ont..
Children of Jacob Neely and Martha J. Woodford
Children of Jacob Neely and Letitia "Tish" Josephine Warling
- Clifford Ernest Neely+ b. 12 Jul 1907, d. 24 Oct 1987
- Vera Lettisha Neely b. 12 Oct 1908, d. 1929
- Jacob Garfield Neely+ b. 21 Sep 1910, d. 8 Mar 1972
- Robert John Aka RJ Neely+ b. 23 May 1912, d. 1 Oct 1982
- James Arthur Neely+ b. 26 Feb 1914, d. 5 Jan 1988
- Martha Margaret "Viola" Neely+ b. 25 Mar 1916, d. 8 Feb 1986
- Stanley David Neely+ b. 30 Mar 1918, d. 3 Jan 1994
- Walter Ivan Neely+ b. 2 Aug 1919, d. 14 Nov 1999
- Wilbert Calvin Neely+
- Muriel Irene Neely+ b. 8 May 1925, d. 18 Jun 2005
Letitia "Tish" Josephine Warling
F, b. 29 March 1886, d. 2 September 1934
Letitia "Tish" Josephine Warling|b. 29 Mar 1886\nd. 2 Sep 1934|p8.htm#i233|John Warling|b. 28 Oct 1844\nd. 1 Dec 1931|p8.htm#i234|Margaret Jane Hemphill|b. 19 Dec 1852\nd. 4 Jan 1933|p8.htm#i235|Robert Warling|b. 1822\nd. 28 Apr 1898|p8.htm#i236|Sarah Allen|b. 1822\nd. 1874|p8.htm#i237|William J. Hemphill|b. 1823|p77.htm#i2351|Margaret Watson|b. Mar 1821\nd. 2 Jun 1910|p77.htm#i2352|

Letitia "Tish" Josephine Warling Had 11 children, 10 listed and a boy who died between Wilber and Murial (1920's).
The name on her wedding record does not say Letisha, but Josephine. Muriel had never heard her called this.
Leila lived near Letitia when Letitia was first married and having her first children. Apparently she helped Letitia a lot especially since Letitia suffer from exema on her hands (makes diong laundry by hand very difficult).
Blanche, Leila's daughter, told me this and said even later on Walter Neely had a very soft spot for Leila.[Langstaff Jul 26 01.FTW]
Had 11 children, 10 listed and a boy who died between Wilber and Murial (1920's).
The name on her wedding record does not say Letisha, but Josephine. Muriel had never heard her called this.
Leila lived near Letitia when Letitia was first married and having her first children. Apparently she helped Letitia a lot especially since Letitia suffer from exema on her hands (makes diong laundry by hand very difficult).
Blanche, Leila's daughter, told me this and said even later on Walter Neely had a very soft spot for Leila.
Letitia "Tish" Josephine Warling was born on 29 March 1886, at, Grey, . At #10143; Born 29 March 1886, Letitia Josephine Warling, daughter of John Warling, farmer, and Margaret Hemphill, (also the informant).
Accocheur: Dr. Carter.1 She was the daughter of John Warling and Margaret Jane Hemphill.
Letitia "Tish" Josephine Warling married Jacob Neely, son of Robert Neely and Martha Jane McAfee, on 10 July 1906, at #8975, , Grey, . Jacob Neely, age 27 years born Euphrasia Twp., living in Atremesia twp., Grey Co., bach. farmer, Method., son of Robert Neely and Margaret McAfee.
MarriesJosephine Warling, age 20 years, born and living Artemesia Twp., Grey Co., Methodiat spinster, daughter of John Warling and Margaret Hemphill.
Wit: Mr. and Mrs. James McCloccklin of Flesherton.
Rev. J.T. CaldweellBB.
Date/location: 10 July 1906, Flesherton, Grey Co.2
As of 10 July 1906,her married name was Neely.
Letitia "Tish" Josephine Warling died on 2 September 1934, at, Parry Sound, , Ont.. Josephine Letitia Neely, resident Laurier Twp., married, Irish female, b: Grey Co., b: 30 Mar. 1886, aged 48y5m 83 d, died 1 or 2 Sep. 1934.
She was the daughter of John Warling and Margaret Hampell, both born Ont.
Informant: Jacob Neely of South River, her husband.
She died of apoplectic stroke brought on by chronic myocarditis.
Dr. J.E. Dawson of South River.
Buried in South River Cemetery.3
Children of Letitia "Tish" Josephine Warling and Jacob Neely
- Clifford Ernest Neely+ b. 12 Jul 1907, d. 24 Oct 1987
- Vera Lettisha Neely b. 12 Oct 1908, d. 1929
- Jacob Garfield Neely+ b. 21 Sep 1910, d. 8 Mar 1972
- Robert John Aka RJ Neely+ b. 23 May 1912, d. 1 Oct 1982
- James Arthur Neely+ b. 26 Feb 1914, d. 5 Jan 1988
- Martha Margaret "Viola" Neely+ b. 25 Mar 1916, d. 8 Feb 1986
- Stanley David Neely+ b. 30 Mar 1918, d. 3 Jan 1994
- Walter Ivan Neely+ b. 2 Aug 1919, d. 14 Nov 1999
- Wilbert Calvin Neely+
- Muriel Irene Neely+ b. 8 May 1925, d. 18 Jun 2005
John Warling
M, b. 28 October 1844, d. 1 December 1931
John Warling|b. 28 Oct 1844\nd. 1 Dec 1931|p8.htm#i234|Robert Warling|b. 1822\nd. 28 Apr 1898|p8.htm#i236|Sarah Allen|b. 1822\nd. 1874|p8.htm#i237|George Warling|b. b 1796|p322.htm#i9774|Euphemia (?)||p415.htm#i12581|John Allen||p415.htm#i12583|Johanna (?)||p415.htm#i12582|
John Warling was born on 28 October 1844, at, York, .1 He was the son of Robert Warling and Sarah Allen. John Warling witnessed the New Tag of Robert Warling on 12 January 1852 at, York, ; he 1851 census for York Co., King Twp. part 3, page 216, line 13 shows the family. They were living in a log house and the name was miss-spelled as Werling. See below for ages of children from this census. This must have been just before they moved to Vaneleur.
13 Werling, Robt Ire. Presb. age 30 M Farmer
14 Werling, Sarah Ire. Presb. age 30 F House Keeper
15 Werling, Elisabeth C.W. Presb. age 9 F Spinster
16 Werling, John C.W. Presb. age 8 M
17 Werling, Ann C.W. Presb. age 5 F Spinster
18 Werling, Robt C.W. Presb. age 4 M
19 Werling, Geor C.W. Presb. age 1 M
Living in a 1 story 1 family log house.
York, 403 King Twp, part 3, p. 3a, (216).2 John Warling witnessed the New Tag of Robert Warling on 14 January 1861 at, Grey, ; The 1861 census (Roll # C-1026, page 22, line 48) gives very different dates for many of the families births. It says they lived in a 1 story log house in district #2 of Artemesia Twp., Grey county. John had not yet married and was living at home.
Robert, age 43;
Sarah, age 40;
Eliza, Elizabeth, age 17;
John, age 16;
Annie, age 14;
Robert, age 12;
George, age 10;
Sarah, age 7;
James, age 5;
Samuel, age 2.
After moving to Vandeleur, Robert used his house for the Methodist services. A minister came from the south once a month.3
John Warling married Margaret Jane Hemphill, daughter of William James Hemphill and Margaret Watson, between 22 March 1870 and 23 March 1870, at No number, , Grey, . John Warling, age 24, some type(can not read) Methodist bach., farmer, living in Atremesia Twp., born in C.W., a farmer
Parents Robert E. Warling and Sarah Allen
Margaret Jane Hemphill, Wes/ method. spinster, age 18, b: C.W., living in Artemesia Twp.
Parents: James Hemphill and Margaret Watson.
Wit: Thomas Henderson and Srah Warling of Atremisia Twp.
Rev. Rev. James Green
Date/location: 22 or 23 March 1870 (can not make out second number).4
The census on 2 April 1871 has for at Roll C-9952 at NAC, , Grey, ,:
The 1871 census (Roll # C-9952, page 14, line 1) shows John and Margaret married and living in Artemesia Twp. and having no children at this time. Their ages are given as 26 (born 1845 or 1844) and 19 (born 1852). Their religion is listed now as Wesleyan Methodist. They are said to be of Irish descent, but born in Ontario.
During the previous year they had:
1) 55 acres located on Conc. 12, lot 21 of Artemesia Twp;
2) 0.25 acres of potatoes, harvested 10 bushels;
3) 12 acres of hay and harvested 15 tons;
4) 2 horses over 3 years and one other;
5) 1 cow from which they produced 100# of butter;
6) 3 sheep from which they received 12# of wool and made 16 yards of cloth;
7) raised 7 swine of which 5 were slaughtered;
8) cut 20 cords of firewood.5
From the 1881 Census, at, Grey East, ,:
John WARLING M Male Irish 37 O
Margret WARLING M Female Irish 30 O
Robert George WARLING Male Irish 9 O
James Albert WARLING Male Irish 8 O
Sarah Jane WARLING Female Irish 5 O
Margret Lavena WARLING Female Irish 3 O
John Edgar WARLING Male Irish <1 Born: Jun; 9/12 O
Census Place Artemesia, Grey East, Ontario
NA Film Number C-13261
Dist 155, Sub-dist A, Div 3, Page #3, Household #11.6 John Warling was New Tag The family is listed here living in a wooden 1 story house with only 2 rooms.
Roll # T-6639 S Grey Co., A4, Artemesia Twp., page 11, line 14 photocopy. on 6 April 1891 at Roll T-6639 at NAC, , Grey South, .7
John Warling waslisted on the 1901 census for at, Grey, , on 31 March 1901.
3 5 20 Warling John M Head M Oct 28 1844 56
3 6 20 Warling Margaret J. F Wife M Dec 19 1851 49
3 7 20 Warling Sarah J. F Daughter S Mar 28 1876 25
3 8 20 Warling John Edgar M Son S Jun 22 1880 20
3 9 20 Warling Eliza May F Daughter S Apr 1 1883 18
3 10 20 Warling Letitia J. F Daughter S Mar 29 1886 15
3 11 20 Warling Frances E. F Daughter S Jan 4 1889 12
3 12 20 Warling Minnie E. C. F Daughter S Aug 30 1893 7
Artemesia, GREY South, ON.1
John Warling waslisted on the 1901 census for at, Grey, , on 18 June 1911.
41 104 Warling John M Head M Oct 1844 67
42 104 Warling Margaret F Wife M Dec 1854 57
43 104 Warling Elvira F Daughter S Aug 1893 17
44 104 Warling Lela F Daughter S Aug 1900 10
Grey East / 3 Artemesia / page 10.8
John Warling died on 1 December 1931, at #16016, Home of Will and Viney Timmins, , Grey, . John Warling of lot 1, cons 6, of Glenelg Twp., Grey Co., widowed Irish farmer, born 28 oct 1841, died age 90 years, between 1 and 2 Dec. 1931. Buried Markdale Cem. 3 Dec. 1931.
Parents Robert Warl;ing and Sarah Allen, both born in Ireland.
Informant: M.L. Timmins of RR#1 Markdale, daughter.
Cause: Apoplexy.
Dr. B.J. Jamieson of Luchau.
Buried in Markdale Cemetery.
Pioneer of Vandeleur District; Funeral Thursday Afternoon
DURHAM, Dec. 3: On Tuesday, Dec. 2, Mr. John Warling passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Timmins, at Zion. On Nov. 28 he had reached his 90th birthday. Up to the past week he had enjoyed good health and was interested in happenings in home and community and world events. Sixty-two years ago he married Margaret Hemphill and they began home-making on the farm besides the old homestead at Vandeleur. They raised a family of ten: Robert George in Moose Jaw; (Jennie) Mrs. Webster, Port Heney, B.C; James A, Toronto; (Vina) Mrs. Win. Timmins, Zion; Edgar, Toronto; (May) Mrs. James McClocklin, who passed away at Trout Creek eight years ago; (Letitia) Mrs. Neeley, South River; (Ethel) Mrs. Gilbert, Wiarton; (Isabella) Mrs. Albert McNally, Traverston: (Leila) Mrs. Walker, Eugenia. There are S9 grandchildren and 11 greatgrandchildren.
Mr. Warling was born in King Township, York county, and came with his parents to Vandeleur when a small boy. This past few years Mr. and Mrs. Warling have enjoyed freedom from their responsibilities, residing with their daughters at Zion, Mr. and Mrs. William Timmins and Mr. and Mrs. Albert McNally. Mrs. Warling, who is 85 years of age, will sorely miss her husband and companion. They have seen many changes as they have traveled along life's journey this past 62 years.
The funeral services will be held on Thursday afternoon from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Timmins, and will be conducted by Rev. Walter C. Almack, pastor of Zion.
MARKDALE, Dec. 8: The funeral of the late John Warling who passed away on Tuesday, Dec. 1, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm Timmins of the 6th concession of Glenelg was held on Thursday afternoon to Markdale public cemetery. Rev. W. C. Almack, pastor of Zion church, conducted service at the home and grave side.
Mr. Warling, who was 90 years of age, was the last surviving member of the well known Warling family of Vandeleur community.
The floral offerings included a pillow from the family, a spray from Vandeleur Women's Institute, and a wreath from Willowdale Presbyterian church, Toronto. The pall bearers were Messrs. Will Hutchinson, Ed. Baker, Geo. Summers, Fred Boland, Jas. Harbottle and Elmer Warling, old neighbors and friends of the deceased.
Friends and relatives were present at the funeral from Dundalk, Feversham, Flesherton, Kimberley, Eugenia, Ceylon and Vandeleur.
Pioneer of Vandeleur District Passed Away Tuesday 1931
MARXDALE, Dec. 2.: Mr. John Warling, one of the pioneers of Vandeleur district passed away on Tuesday afternoon at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Timmins of the 6th concession of Glenelg, with whom for the past few years Mr. and Mrs. Warling have made their home.
Mr. Warling was about 90 years of age.
Funeral arrangements are not yet completed.
Among relatives from outside points who were present for the funeral were: Mrs. Charles Gilbert. Sr. and sons Charlie and Norman of Wiarton; Mr. Tom Gilbert, Colpoy's Bay; Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert and sons Jack and Alex of Toronto; also three nephews, Mr. Ed. Warllng of Toronto; Mr. Alex Carson, Priceville; and Mr. A. V. Gilbert, Markdale, and two nieces, Mrs. Will Timmlns and Mrs. Albert McNally, Traverston.
The pallbearers were: Messrs E. Baker, Charlie and Fred Boland. J. J. Graham. Joseph Buchan and Will Hutchinson.9
Children of John Warling and Margaret Jane Hemphill
- Robert George Warling+ b. 15 Jun 1871, d. 7 Feb 1954
- Mary Ann Warling b. 15 Jan 1873, d. 15 Mar 1873
- James Albert "Jim" Warling+ b. 7 Feb 1874, d. 14 Mar 1959
- Sarah Jane Aka Jennie Warling+ b. 28 Mar 1876, d. 1 Feb 1952
- Margaret Lavina "Viney" Warling b. 3 May 1878, d. 1944
- Margaret Lavina "Viney" Warling b. 13 May 1878, d. 9 Jul 1944
- John Edgar "Ed" Warling+ b. 22 Jun 1880, d. 1952
- Rebecca Eliza May Warling+ b. 1 Apr 1883, d. 28 Jun 1923
- Letitia "Tish" Josephine Warling+ b. 29 Mar 1886, d. 2 Sep 1934
- Frances Ethyl Warling+ b. 4 Jan 1889, d. 9 Apr 1960
- Minnie Elvira Pearl Aka Ella Warling+ b. 3 Aug 1893, d. Nov 1972
- Leila May Warling+ b. 19 Aug 1900, d. 5 Feb 1987
- [S523] Unknown author, 1901 census.
- [S507] Unknown author, 1851 census.
- [S511] Unknown author, 1861 census.
- [S166] Unknown author, Mar. Registration.
- [S513] Unknown author, 1871 census.
- [S515] Unknown author, 1881 census Canada.
- [S520] Unknown author, 1891 Census.
- [S526] Census 1911, 1911 Census.
- [S50] Unknown author, Bruce Grey Branch OGS, Death notices.
Margaret Jane Hemphill
F, b. 19 December 1852, d. 4 January 1933
Margaret Jane Hemphill|b. 19 Dec 1852\nd. 4 Jan 1933|p8.htm#i235|William James Hemphill|b. 1823|p77.htm#i2351|Margaret Watson|b. Mar 1821\nd. 2 Jun 1910|p77.htm#i2352|Joseph Hemphill|b. 1795|p1307.htm#i39469|Mary Adams|b. 1801\nd. 16 Sep 1877|p1308.htm#i39470|John Watson||p1308.htm#i39471|Margaret Hood||p1309.htm#i39510|
Margaret Jane Hemphill was buried, at, , Buried in Markdale Cemetery..
Margaret Jane Hemphill was born on 19 December 1852, at Ontario. She was the daughter of William James Hemphill and Margaret Watson.
As of 2 March 1870,her married name was Warling.
Margaret Jane Hemphill married John Warling, son of Robert Warling and Sarah Allen, between 22 March 1870 and 23 March 1870, at No number, , Grey, . John Warling, age 24, some type(can not read) Methodist bach., farmer, living in Atremesia Twp., born in C.W., a farmer
Parents Robert E. Warling and Sarah Allen
Margaret Jane Hemphill, Wes/ method. spinster, age 18, b: C.W., living in Artemesia Twp.
Parents: James Hemphill and Margaret Watson.
Wit: Thomas Henderson and Srah Warling of Atremisia Twp.
Rev. Rev. James Green
Date/location: 22 or 23 March 1870 (can not make out second number).1
Margaret Jane Hemphill died on 4 January 1933, at #16226, , Grey, .
Informant: Mrs. Ethyl Gilbert of Wiarton, daughter.
Buried Markdale Cem. on Thurs. 5 Jan. 1933.
Cause: after 10 years with apoplexy and artio-schlerosis.2
Children of Margaret Jane Hemphill and John Warling
- Robert George Warling+ b. 15 Jun 1871, d. 7 Feb 1954
- Mary Ann Warling b. 15 Jan 1873, d. 15 Mar 1873
- James Albert "Jim" Warling+ b. 7 Feb 1874, d. 14 Mar 1959
- Sarah Jane Aka Jennie Warling+ b. 28 Mar 1876, d. 1 Feb 1952
- Margaret Lavina "Viney" Warling b. 3 May 1878, d. 1944
- Margaret Lavina "Viney" Warling b. 13 May 1878, d. 9 Jul 1944
- John Edgar "Ed" Warling+ b. 22 Jun 1880, d. 1952
- Rebecca Eliza May Warling+ b. 1 Apr 1883, d. 28 Jun 1923
- Letitia "Tish" Josephine Warling+ b. 29 Mar 1886, d. 2 Sep 1934
- Frances Ethyl Warling+ b. 4 Jan 1889, d. 9 Apr 1960
- Minnie Elvira Pearl Aka Ella Warling+ b. 3 Aug 1893, d. Nov 1972
- Leila May Warling+ b. 19 Aug 1900, d. 5 Feb 1987
Robert Warling
M, b. 1822, d. 28 April 1898
Robert Warling|b. 1822\nd. 28 Apr 1898|p8.htm#i236|George Warling|b. b 1796|p322.htm#i9774|Euphemia (?)||p415.htm#i12581|||||||||||||

Robert Warling was born in 1822, at County Tyrone, Ire. (age 22, 1851 census, Presb.)). At Ebenezer. He was the son of George Warling and Euphemia (?).
Robert Warling emigrated between 1825 and 1830 from From Co. Tyrone to at to Canada
; Sailed from Ireland(6 weeks) met Sarah.
Robert Warling was His father also was a weaver. circa 1830, at A weaver by trade., , .
Robert Warling married Sarah Allen, daughter of John Allen and Johanna (?), before 1843, at From birth of first child, .1
Robert Warling was in at, York, , on the 1851 census in on 12 January 1852
he 1851 census for York Co., King Twp. part 3, page 216, line 13 shows the family. They were living in a log house and the name was miss-spelled as Werling. See below for ages of children from this census. This must have been just before they moved to Vaneleur.
13 Werling, Robt Ire. Presb. age 30 M Farmer
14 Werling, Sarah Ire. Presb. age 30 F House Keeper
15 Werling, Elisabeth C.W. Presb. age 9 F Spinster
16 Werling, John C.W. Presb. age 8 M
17 Werling, Ann C.W. Presb. age 5 F Spinster
18 Werling, Robt C.W. Presb. age 4 M
19 Werling, Geor C.W. Presb. age 1 M
Living in a 1 story 1 family log house.
York, 403 King Twp, part 3, p. 3a, (216).2
Robert Warling lived on 17 March 1856; Moved to Vandeleur, Atemisia Twp, Grey County prob. om Lot 21, Cons 12.3
Robert Warling was in at, Grey, , on the 1861 census
The 1861 census (Roll # C-1026, page 22, line 48) gives very different dates for many of the families births. It says they lived in a 1 story log house in district #2 of Artemesia Twp., Grey county. John had not yet married and was living at home.
Robert, age 43;
Sarah, age 40;
Eliza, Elizabeth, age 17;
John, age 16;
Annie, age 14;
Robert, age 12;
George, age 10;
Sarah, age 7;
James, age 5;
Samuel, age 2.
After moving to Vandeleur, Robert used his house for the Methodist services. A minister came from the south once a month.4
The census on 2 April 1871 has for at, Grey, ,:
Roll # C-9952, Grey County, 036 G1 35 59 Artemesia Township.
The 1871 census states that there was a Robert Warling and family as follows:
Robert, age 52, farmer, born in Ireland;
Sarah, age 53, born in Ireland;
George, age 19, born in Ontario;
Sarah, age 17, born in Ontario;
James, age 14, born in Ontario;
Samuel, age 11, born in Ontario.5
He was a witness Roll # C-9952, Grey County, 036 G1 35 59 Artemesia Township.
The 1871 census states that there was a Robert Warling and family as follows:
Robert, age 52, farmer, born in Ireland;
Sarah, age 53, born inIreland;
George, age 19, born in Ontario;
Sarah, age 17, born in Ontario;
James, age 14, born in Ontario;
Samuel, age 11, born in Ontario. with Sarah Warling on 2 April 1871 at, Grey, .5
From the 1881 Census, at, Grey, ,:
Robert WARLING W Male Irish 61 Ire. Farmer Weslyan Methodist
George WARLING Male Irish 29 C.W. Farmer Weslyan Methodist
Sarah WARLING Female Irish 26 C.W. Farmer Weslyan Methodist
James WARLING Male Irish 23 C.W. Farmer Weslyan Methodist
Samuel WARLING Male Irish 21 C.W. Farmer Weslyan Methodist
Elarch OLIVER Female Irish 24 C.W. Servant Weslyan Methodist
Emma OLIVER Female Irish 1 Ont Weslyan Methodist
Sarah Ann OLIVER Female Irish 11 Ont. In School Weslyan Methodist
Artemesia Twp., Grey East, ON
Dist, 155, Sub-dist A, Div 3, Page #3, Household #10.6 Robert Warling was New Tag 1891 census, Roll # T-6639 S Grey Co., A1, Artemesia Twp., page 38, line 14 photocopy, Hannah is still alive and no mention of Clinton, just the first three children. They live in a 2 story, 5 room wooden house. on 6 April 1891 at, Grey, .7
Robert Warling died on 28 April 1898, at #6120 on Lot 21 cons 12, , Grey, . Robert was a Methodist and died of heart failure and influenza
Informant: George Warling
Dr. Carter
Buried in Vandeleur Cemetery, now just the stone exisits.
Supposedly died at 80 years old, found dead in bed, age is incorrect but close, may be true as heart failure can be sudden.8
Robert Warling According to a Frank Warling (1956-1970) the Warlings originally spelt Worling moved from Ayreshire Scotland or Worlington, England to Ireland sometime after the time of Cromwell. This would be in the mid 1600's, after the English civil war.
According to Peter Worling of Edinburough Robert was born in 1818, this would make him 52 in 1870 and that would agree with the 1871 census if his birthday was after the date of the census.
Arrived in Canada probably in the year 1840, from Ebenezer, County Tyrone, Ireland. He came with his two brothers, George and Frank.
Robert and George settled in Nobleton, Ontario and Frank settled in New York, USA.
The 1851 census for York Co., King Twp. part 3, page 216, line 13 shows the family. They were living in a log house and the name was miss-spelled as Werling. See below for ages of children from this census. This must have been just before they moved to Vaneleur.
After moving to Vandeleur, Robert used his house for the Methodist services. A minister came from the south once a month.
The 1861 census (Roll # C-1026, page 22, line 48) gives very different dates for many of the families births. It says they lived in a 1 story log house in district #2 of Artemesia Twp., Grey county. John had not yet married and was living at home.
Roll # C-9952, Grey County, 036 G1 35 59 Artemisia Township.
The 1871 census states that there was a Robert Warling and family as follows:
Robert, age 52, farmer, born in Ireland; age 43 in 1861 census; 1851 has age 30;
Sarah, age 53, born inIreland; age 40 in 1861 census; 1851 has age 30;
Eliza, Elizabeth, age 17 in 1861 census; 1851 has age 9; born 1841-44
John, age 16 in 1861 census; 1851 has age 8; born 1842-46
Annie, age 14 in 1861 census; 1851 has age 5; born 1847-47
Robert, age 12 in 1861 census; 1851 has age 4. born 1848-49
George, age 19, born in Ontario; age 10 in 1861 census; 1851 has age 1; born 1851-51
Sarah, age 17, born in Ontario; age 7 in 1861 census; born 1854-54
James, age 14, born in Ontario; age 5 in 1861 census; born 1856-57
Samuel, age 11, born in Ontario; age 2 in 1861 census; born 1859-60
The older children from the 1861 census were obviously not living at home for the 1871 census.
During the last year the census states they accomplished the following:
The religion listed was Weslian Episcopalian, not Methodist as was stated by Frank Warling.
Many of the results of Frank Warling's work were changed to aggree with the work of Blanche Walker. Deaths and marriages and births from Blanche came from the family bible which she copied on Feb. 3, 1954. She did not tell me who has the bible now.
CANADIAN WORLINGS. There are two groups. The first are descended from Henry's sons John Worling a master plumber in Aberdeen and his brother James. The second from the Worling families in Tyrone, Ireland. Robert Worling, born in Ebenezer, Tyrone, Ireland in1817, with his wife Sarah Allen born 1820 and his brother George emigrated to Canada in 1841 and settled in Vandeleur, Ontario. They now spell their name WARLING. There are also members of the family born in IRELAND recorded in Scotland and England in the 1851 and 1881 census.
GLASGOW WORLINGS. There were a number of families in Glasgow around 1800. One of the earliest records are of Arthur Worling a tanner, and Caldwell Worling a weaver born around 1796 in Tyrone, Ireland and his wife Sarah Edgar born 1795 also in Tyrone. They moved to Scotland around the end of the 18th. or early nineteenth century. Caldwell's daughter Agnes Worling born in Tybo, Tyrone married Arthur's son, her cousin, also called Arthur a tanner, in 1846.The descendents of this family are in Edinburgh today. One Irish family changed their name to WORLIN and they emigrated to Paisley mid 18th. century where there descendants are today and there may be a link..
AUSTRALIAN WORLINGS. Descended from a family recorded in England from the 17th. century. John Worling born in Cambridgeshire in 1832 emigrated to the gold fields in Australia and all the present members of the Australian and New Zealand branch are his descendents. Also descendants of Ann Bruce (my g. g. grandmother) who married Charles Ruther and then James Dyker
Henry WORLING was born about 1819 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. His father was John Worling a cotton weaver. There are no Worlings in Scotland before 1790 but we have traced families born in Tyrone at Sion Mills, and they have been traced to Glasgow and Canada. I assume John came from Tyrone and would dearly love to make the connection. Henry worked as a comb maker in Liverpool, West Derby ( a Liverpool district ) and Sheffield, England, before settling in Aberdeen, Scotland. He died in 1897.
Spinning Wheel List for Donagheady, COUNTY of TYRONE
A List of Persons to whom Premiums for Sowing Flax-Seed in the Year 1796 have been adjudged by the Trustees of the Linen Manufacture.
Pursuant to the scheme offered by them for encouraging the Growth of Flax throughout the Kingdom, viz "To the Person who should sow between the 10th Day of March and the 1st day of June 1796, with a sufficient Quantity of good sound Flax-Seed, any quantity of Land, well prepared and fit for the purpose, not less than 1 acre- 4 spinning Wheels, 3 Roods 3 Ditto,- 2 Roods 2 Ditto,- 1 Rood 1 Ditto. And to the person who should sow in like manner any quantity of like Land at not less than 5 acres, a Loom, or Wheels, Reels, or Hatchells to the Value of 50 shillings, and for every 5 acres over and above the first five, a like Premium.
* The claimants for one Rood, who are entitled to one Wheel each, are requested toapply to the County Inspector Mr. Sampson Ingram, for their Wheels, there being a sufficient number ready to distribute among them: The other Premiums will be discharged in Rotation as the Wheels can be made, of which due notice shall be given.
Every Person preferring Reels may have two of them in lieu of a Spinning Wheel.
The scheme of Premiums offered by the Board for the year 1796, has had so extensive an Effect, that it will require 37,135 Wheels to discharge the One Rood claimants, and not less than 88,719 Wheels, together with 227 Looms, to discharge the whole, which necessarily produces much delay in delivering.
As the highest Price is paid for the Wheels, in order to have them of the best Fabric, of Seasoned Timber, and of Full Size; no claimant is to receive any Wheel deficient in any respect: They all to be stamped with the Board Seal before delivery and with the Maker's name.
And in order to render the National benefit proposed by the Trustees as efficacious as possible, they request that any neglect or delay of the inspector in delivering Wheels of the best quality and equal excellance to the Pattern deposited with him, be instantly made known to them by information to any Trustee, or to the Inspector General, or by Letter to their Secretary, at the Linen-Office, Dublin.
N.B Any Inspector, Deputy Inspector or Surveyor, or other person acting under him or them, who shall directly or indirectly receive any fee, gratuity, or reward for the performance of his duty, becomes by such an offense disqualified by Act of Parliament to hold any employment under the Linen Board
Parish of Donagheady, 1 wheel, George Wirling, and James Allen, as well:
2 Wheels James ARBUCKLE, Joseph ARBUCKLE, John ARBUCKLE, 1 wheel Joseph ARBUCKLE, Daniel ARBUCKLE, James ARBUCKLE
Muster Roll Strabane Barony 1745, Manor of Donelong
Arms Muster Roll 1745 Parish of Donagheady
The Manor of Donelong. Extracted from LDS film # 1736518
Townland Bellybeny, Mr Wirling, Guns and Pistols: 1 flintlock good, 1 flintlock bad
in 2000.1
Children of Robert Warling and Sarah Allen
- Elizabeth "Eliza" Warling+ b. 16 Feb 1843
- John Warling+ b. 28 Oct 1844, d. 1 Dec 1931
- Annie Warling+
- Robert Warling b. 1847
- George Warling+ b. Apr 1851, d. Oct 1925
- Sarah Warling+ b. Jan 1854, d. 11 Nov 1925
- James Warling b. 11 Jul 1856, d. 1921
- Samuel Warling+ b. 1858, d. 1921
- [S2] Unknown author, Jack Langstaff.
- [S507] Unknown author, 1851 census.
- [S878] Owen Sound W W Smith, Gazetteer and directory of the County of Grey for 1865-6.
- [S511] Unknown author, 1861 census.
- [S513] Unknown author, 1871 census.
- [S515] Unknown author, 1881 census Canada.
- [S520] Unknown author, 1891 Census.
- [S210] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations from FHL and Actual Death Certificates.
Sarah Allen
F, b. 1822, d. 1874
Sarah Allen|b. 1822\nd. 1874|p8.htm#i237|John Allen||p415.htm#i12583|Johanna (?)||p415.htm#i12582|||||||||||||
Sarah Allen FHC Film #100862 at FHC: has marriage in 1721 Clogher, Co. Tyrone of Robert Allen and Agnes Fleming. Could be a grandfather of Sarah.
Sarah came to Canada on the same boat as the Warlings probably in the year 1832-33. She married Robert Warling and after 16 years moved to Vandeleur (Grey County) arriving on March 17, 1856. Their home was on crown land and became known as "The Warling Homestead". The name was originally spelled with an "o", i.e. Worling, but the deed returned with the name mispelled and it has stuck. When they arrived they had six children and the seventh was born the following July. Their original house was north of the present day red brick house across from the Vandeleur school (now used as a community hall).
Buried in a cemetery east of #10 highway suth of the present day Markdale.
Roll # C-9952, Grey County, 036 G1 35 59 Artemisia Township.
The 1871 census states that there was a Robert Warling and family as follows:
Robert, age 52, farmer, born in Ireland;
Sarah, age 53, born inIreland;
George, age 19, born in Ontario;
Sarah, age 17, born in Ontario;
James, age 14, born in Ontario;
Samuel, age 11, born in Ontario.
See Roll C-1084 for Wellington Co, page ?, Peel for a second Allen family not far from a William Worling. She was Fact 2; died at 54 years old of pneumonia.
Sarah Allen was buried, at cemetery east of #10 Hwy, south of Markdale..
Sarah Allen was born in 1822, at Ebenezer, County Tyrone, Irelend (age, 1851 census). She was the daughter of John Allen and Johanna (?). Sarah Allen was Fact 1 between 1825 and 1830; Sailed from Ireland(6 weeks) met Robert.
Sarah Allen married Robert Warling, son of George Warling and Euphemia (?), before 1843, at From birth of first child, .1
As of before 1843,her married name was Warling.1
Sarah Allen was a witness Roll # C-9952, Grey County, 036 G1 35 59 Artemesia Township.
The 1871 census states that there was a Robert Warling and family as follows:
Robert, age 52, farmer, born in Ireland;
Sarah, age 53, born inIreland;
George, age 19, born in Ontario;
Sarah, age 17, born in Ontario;
James, age 14, born in Ontario;
Samuel, age 11, born in Ontario. with Sarah Warling on 2 April 1871 at, Grey, .2
Sarah Allen died in 1874, at Vandeleur, Grey County, Ontario.
Children of Sarah Allen and Robert Warling
- Elizabeth "Eliza" Warling+ b. 16 Feb 1843
- John Warling+ b. 28 Oct 1844, d. 1 Dec 1931
- Annie Warling+
- Robert Warling b. 1847
- George Warling+ b. Apr 1851, d. Oct 1925
- Sarah Warling+ b. Jan 1854, d. 11 Nov 1925
- James Warling b. 11 Jul 1856, d. 1921
- Samuel Warling+ b. 1858, d. 1921
James Christopher "Chris" Jackson
James Christopher "Chris" Jackson||p8.htm#i238|James Henry Jackson||p8.htm#i231|Panetta Dorothea Ruth Langstaff||p6.htm#i162|Ellsworth H. Jackson|b. 28 Jan 1924|p8.htm#i239|Jean D. Wood|b. 16 Aug 1926\nd. 22 Jul 1999|p8.htm#i240|Jack Langstaff|b. 27 Apr 1901\nd. 14 Sep 1960|p6.htm#i151|Vivian D. Krienke|b. 20 Nov 1912\nd. 23 Sep 1962|p6.htm#i161|
James Christopher "Chris" Jackson is the son of James Henry Jackson and Panetta Dorothea Ruth Langstaff.
Child of James Christopher "Chris" Jackson and Hilda Davis
- [S582] Interview, unknown informant.
Ellsworth Herbert Jackson
M, b. 28 January 1924
Ellsworth Herbert Jackson|b. 28 Jan 1924|p8.htm#i239|Herbert B. Jackson|b. 1895|p9.htm#i241|Gladys B. Cronkhite|b. 1904|p9.htm#i242|||||||Fred Cronkhite|b. c 1869|p352.htm#i10679||||
Ellsworth Herbert Jackson married Jean Dorleen Wood, daughter of John Wood and Annie Smith.
Ellsworth Herbert Jackson was born on 28 January 1924, at International Falls, Koochiching, MN. He was the son of Herbert B. Jackson and Gladys B. Cronkhite.
Children of Ellsworth Herbert Jackson and Jean Dorleen Wood
Jean Dorleen Wood
F, b. 16 August 1926, d. 22 July 1999
Jean Dorleen Wood|b. 16 Aug 1926\nd. 22 Jul 1999|p8.htm#i240|John Wood|b. 1891\nd. 1973|p102.htm#i3108|Annie Smith|b. 1905\nd. 1966|p102.htm#i3109|||||||||||||
Jean Dorleen Wood married Ellsworth Herbert Jackson, son of Herbert B. Jackson and Gladys B. Cronkhite.
Jean Dorleen Wood married Stanley Johnson.
Jean Dorleen Wood was born on 16 August 1926, at Fort Frances, Ont.. She was the daughter of John Wood and Annie Smith.
Jean Dorleen Wood died on 22 July 1999, at International Falls, Min., USA..
Children of Jean Dorleen Wood and Ellsworth Herbert Jackson